Pedagogical Skills Development Mekha
Pedagogical Skills Development Mekha
Pedagogical Skills Development Mekha
Pedagogical skills
Pedagogical skills can
what doesnt.
Acknowledging methods that do not work is key to classroom management.
Knowing your students not just academically, we need to know what makes
our students tick; what their interests are, their personality and their learning
Being transparent students should be well aware of your expectations. In a
constructivist learning environment, students should be active participant in
building and adhering to the culture go the classroom.
Teachers need to be consistent and equitable in their negotiation of
expectations and consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Being able to provide stability and structure in both the academic and cultural
aspects of your classroom.
Being able to create a learning environment that it challenging, open, engaging
and rich which enables students to meet their targeted learning outcomes as
well as being interested and motivated.
Every student paper presents the teacher with important opportunities for
in personalized detail on
exam paper is not feasible for most
teachers. But it is quite possible to make
up a master sheet that explains what
knowledge and skills the exam was testing,
identifies specific content that was sought ,
and gives instructive examples of various
ways in which successful exam-takers
approached specific questions.
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