Cartoon Analysis
Cartoon Analysis
Cartoon Analysis
From July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, there were 31 school-associated violent deaths in
elementary and secondary schools in the United States. Of the 31 student, staff, and nonstudent
school-associated violent deaths occurring between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011, there were 25
homicides and 6 suicides.
In 2012, students ages 1218 were victims of about 1,364,900 nonfatal victimizations at school,
including 615,600 thefts and 749,200 violent victimizations, 89,000 of which were serious violent
In 2011, a higher percentage of students ages 1218 reported that they were afraid of attack or
harm at school (4 percent) than away from school (2 percent) during the school year.
After an Oregon high school freshman armed with an assault rifle injured a teacher, killed a
student and killed himself Tuesday, a striking statistic began circulating on the internet. It said that
at least 74 school shootings had occurred since December 2012, when an assault on Sandy Hook
Elementary School by Adam Lanza left 28 dead, including Lanza and his mother.