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Chapter 17 - Chemical Thermodynamics

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Chemical Thermodynamics

The chemistry that deals with energy

exchange, entropy, and the spontaneity of a
chemical process.

Thermodynamics vs. Kinetics

Kinetics Domain
Rate of a reaction
depends on the
pathway from
reactants to products.

Thermodynamics tells
us whether a reaction is
spontaneous based only
on the properties of
reactants and products.

First Law of Thermodynamics

The change in the internal energy (E) of a
thermodynamic system is equal to the amount
of heat energy (q) added to or lost by the
system plus work done (w) on or by the
E = q + w
For work that only involves gas expansion or
compression, w = -pV;

Values of Thermodynamic Functions

FLoT: E = q + w;
q is assigned a positive value if heat is absorbed,
but a negative value if heat is lost by the system;
w is assigned a positive value if work is done on,
but a negative value if work is done by the system.
For processes that do not involve phase changes,
positive E results in temperature increase.

Spontaneous Processes and Entropy

Thermodynamics lets us predict whether a
process will occur but gives no information
about the amount of time required for the
A spontaneous process is one that occurs
without outside intervention.

Concept Check
Consider 2.4 moles of a gas contained in a 4.0
L bulb at a constant temperature of 32C. This
bulb is connected by a valve to an evacuated
20.0 L bulb. Assume the temperature is
a)What should happen to the gas when you
open the valve?

Concept Check
Consider 2.4 moles of a gas contained in a 4.0
L bulb at a constant temperature of 32C. This
bulb is connected by a valve to an evacuated
20.0 L bulb. Assume the temperature is
b) Calculate H, E, q, and w for the process
you described above.
All are equal to zero.

Concept Check
Consider 2.4 moles of a gas contained in a 4.0 L bulb
at a constant temperature of 32C. This bulb is
connected by a valve to an evacuated 20.0 L bulb.
Assume the temperature is constant.
c) Given your answer to part b, what is the
driving force for the process?

The Expansion of An Ideal Gas Into

an Evacuated Bulb

Thermodynamic function that describes the
number of arrangements that are available to a
system existing in a given state.

What is Entropy?
A thermodynamic (energy) function that
describes the degree of randomness or
probability of existence.
As a state function entropy change depends
only on the initial and final states, but not on
how the change occurs.

The driving force for a spontaneous process
is an increase in the entropy of the universe.

What is the significance of entropy?

Nature spontaneously proceeds toward the
state that has the highest probability of
(energy) existence highest entropy
Entropy is used to predict whether a given
process/reaction is thermodynamically

The Microstates That Give a Particular

Arrangement (State)

The Microstates That Give a Particular

Arrangement (State)

Positional Entropy
A gas expands into a vacuum because the
expanded state has the highest positional
probability of states available to the system.
Therefore: Ssolid < Sliquid << Sgas

Entropy: which are most probable?

Where do molecules have the higher entropy

Concept Check
Predict the sign of S for each of the
following, and explain:
a) The evaporation of alcohol
b) The freezing of water
c) Compressing an ideal gas at constant
d) Heating an ideal gas at constant pressure
e) Dissolving NaCl in water

Relative Entropy of Substances

increases from solid to liquid to vapor/gas;
increases as temperature increases;
of gas increases as its volume increases at constant
increases when gases are mixed.
of elements increases down the group in the
periodic table;
of compound increases as its structure becomes
more complex.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

In any spontaneous process there is always an
increase in the entropy of the universe.
The entropy of the universe is increasing.
The total energy of the universe is constant,
but the entropy is increasing.
Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Energy tends to flow from a high energy
concentration to a dispersed energy state;
Energy dispersion or diffusion is a
spontaneous process.
Dispersed or diffused energy is called entropy
According to SLoT, a process/reaction is
spontaneous if the entropy of the universe
(system + surrounding) increases.

Concept Check
Effect of Temperature on Spontaneity
For the process A(l)
A(s), which direction
involves an increase in energy randomness?
Positional randomness? Explain your answer.
As temperature increases/decreases (answer for
both), which takes precedence? Why?
At what temperature is there a balance between
energy randomness and positional randomness?

Concept Check
Describe the following as spontaneous/non-spontaneous/cannot
tell, and explain.
A reaction that is:
(a) Exothermic and becomes more positionally random

(b) Exothermic and becomes less positionally random

Cannot tell
(c) Endothermic and becomes more positionally random
Cannot tell
(d) Endothermic and becomes less positionally random
Not spontaneous
Explain how temperature affects your answers.

The sign of Ssurr depends on the direction of
the heat flow.
The magnitude of Ssurr depends on the



Heat flow (constant P) = change in enthalpy
= H


Interplay of Ssys and Ssurr in

Determining the Sign of Suniv

Effect of Temperature on G and Spontaneity



- + high spontaneous at
2H2O2(l) 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

or low
all temperature

+ + high
spontaneous at
CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)

high temperature

- low
spontaneous at
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

low temperature

+ high
nonspontaneous at 2H2O(l) + O2(g) 2H2O2(l)

or low
all temperature

Free Energy (G)


(at constant T and P )

A process (at constant T and P) is

spontaneous in the direction in which the
free energy decreases.
Negative G means positive Suniv.

What is Free Energy?

Free Energy?

Free Energy (G)

In Thermodynamic System:
G = H TS (at constant T and P)

Gibbs Free Energy

For spontaneous reactions,
Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr > 0
Ssurr = -Hsys/T
Suniv = Ssys - Hsys/T
-TSuniv = Gsys = Hsys - TSsys < 0
Gsys is called Gibbs free energy
Another criteria for spontaneous process is Gsys < 0

Concept Check
A liquid is vaporized at its boiling point. Predict
the signs of:


Explain your answers.

The value of Hvaporization of substance X is 45.7
kJ/mol, and its normal boiling point is 72.5C.
Calculate S, Ssurr, and G for the vaporization of
one mole of this substance at 72.5C and 1 atm.
S = 132 J/Kmol
Ssurr = -132 J/Kmol
G = 0 kJ/mol

Spontaneous Reactions

Effect of H and S on Spontaneity

Concept Check
Gas A2 reacts with gas B2 to form gas AB at
constant temperature and pressure. The bond
energy of AB is much greater than that of either
Predict the signs of:





Third Law of Thermodynamics

The entropy of a perfect crystal at 0 K is
The entropy of a substance increases with

Standard Entropy Values (S)

Represent the increase in entropy that occurs
when a substance is heated from 0 K to 298 K
at 1 atm pressure.

Sreaction = npSproducts nrSreactants

Calculate S for the following reaction:
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
Given the following information:
S (J/Kmol)
S= 11 J/K

Standard Free Energy Change (G)

The change in free energy that will occur if the
reactants in their standard states are converted to the
products in their standard states.
G = H TS
Greaction = npGproducts nrGreactants

Concept Check
Consider the following system at
equilibrium at 25C.
PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
G = 92.50 kJ
What will happen to the ratio of partial pressure of
PCl5 to partial pressure of PCl3 if the temperature
is raised? Explain.
The ratio will decrease.

Free Energy and Pressure

G = G + RT ln(P)
G = G + RT ln(Q)

The Meaning of G for a Chemical Reaction

A system can achieve the lowest possible free energy
by going to equilibrium, not by going to completion.

Free Energy and Equilibrium

The equilibrium point occurs at the lowest
value of free energy available to the reaction
G = 0 = G + RT ln(K)
G = RT ln(K)

Change in Free Energy to Reach Equilibrium

Qualitative Relationship Between the

Change in Standard Free Energy and the
Equilibrium Constant for a Given Reaction

Free Energy and Work

Maximum possible useful work obtainable
from a process at constant temperature and
pressure is equal to the change in free energy.
wmax = G

Free Energy and Work

Achieving the maximum work available from a
spontaneous process can occur only via a
hypothetical pathway. Any real pathway wastes
All real processes are irreversible.
First law: You cant win, you can only break even.
Second law: You cant break even.

Third Law of Thermodynamics

The entropy of a perfect crystalline substance
is zero at absolute zero temperature (0.0 K)
Is absolute zero temperature achievable?

Standard Entropy, S

The entropy of a substance in its most stable

state at 1 atm and 25oC.
The entropy of an ionic species in 1 M solution
at 25oC.

Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics states that
all spontaneous processes are accompanied by
increase in the entropy of the universe.
Universe = System + Surrounding;
System: the process/reaction whose
thermodynamic change is being studied;
Surrounding: the part of the universe that interacts
with the system.

Conditions for Spontaneous Process

Entropy change for a process:
Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr > 0, process is spontaneous
Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr = 0, process is at equilibrium
If Ssys < 0, Ssurr > 0, and |Ssurr| > |Ssys|
If Ssurr < 0, Ssys > 0, and |Ssys| > |Ssurr|

Thermodynamic Free Energy

It is the maximum amount of chemical energy
derived from a spontaneous reaction that can
be utilized to do work or to drive a
nonspontaneous process.
It is the minimum amount of energy that must
be supplied to make a nonspontaneous reaction

Entropy Change in Chemical Reactions

At constant temperature and pressure,

Sorxn = npSoproducts nrSoreactants

In general, Sorxn > 0 if np > nr
C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g),
(np > nr)
Sorxn = {(3 x SoCO ) + (4 x SoH O)} {(SoC H ) + (5 x SoO )}

= {(3 x 214) + (4 x 189)}J/K {270 + (5 x 205)}J/K

= (642 + 756) J/K (270 + 1025) J/K

= 103 J/K

Entropy Change in Chemical Reactions

Sorxn < 0 if np < nr

CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH3OH(g),

(np < nr)

Sorxn = (SoCH OH) {(SoCO) + (2 x SoH )}

= 240 J/K {198 J/K + (2 x 131 J/K)

= 240 J/K 460 J/K = -220 J/K


Effect of Temperature on G

Go = Ho - TSo
For the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g),
Ho = -92 kJ and So = -199 J/K = -0.199 kJ/K

At 25oC, TSo = 298 K x (-0.199 J/K) = -59.3 kJ

Go = Ho - TSo = -92 kJ (-59.3 kJ) = -33 kJ;

reaction is spontaneous at 25oC
At 250oC, TSo = 523 K x (-0.199 J/K) = -104 kJ;

Go = Ho - TSo = -92 kJ (-104 kJ) = 12 kJ;

reaction is nonspontaneous at 250oC

Effect of Temperature on G

Go = Ho TSo
For the reaction: CH4(g) + H2O(g) CO(g) + 3H2(g),
Ho = 206 kJ and So = 216 J/K = 0.216 kJ/K
At 25oC, TSo = 298 K x (0.216 J/K) = 64.4 kJ

Go = Ho - TSo = 206 kJ 64.4 kJ = 142 kJ;

reaction is nonspontaneous at 25oC.
At 1200 K, TSo = 1200 K x (0.216 J/K) = 259 kJ;

Go = Ho - TSo = 206 kJ 259 kJ) = -53 kJ;

reaction is spontaneous at 1200 K

G under Nonstandard Conditions

Free energy change also depends on concentrations
and partial pressures;
Under nonstandard conditions (Pi not 1 atm),
G = Go + RTlnQp,
Consider the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g),
(PNH3 ) 2
Qp =
(PN2 )(PH2 ) 3

Under standard condition, PN = PH = PNH = 1 atm, Qp = 1;


lnQp = 0, and G = Go

G of reaction under nonstandard condition

Consider the following reaction at 250oC:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g),

where, PN = 5.0 atm, PH = 15 atm, and PNH = 5.0 atm

Qp = 52/(5 x 153) = 1.5 x 10-3

lnQp = ln(1.5 x 10-3 ) = -6.5
Under this condition, G = Go + RTlnQp;
(For this reaction at 250oC, calculated Go = 12 kJ)

G = 12 kJ + (0.008314 kJ/T x 523 K x (-6.5))

= 12 kJ 28 kJ = -16 kJ spontaneous reaction

Transition Temperature
This is a temperature at which a reaction changes from being
spontaneous to being nonspontaneous, and vice versa, when
Qp or Qc equals 1 (standard condition)

At transition temperature, Tr,

Go = Ho TrSo = 0; Tr = Ho/So
For reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g),
Tr = -92 kJ/(-0.199 kJ/K) = 460 K = 190oC
Under standard pressure (1 atm), this reaction is
spontaneous below 190oC, but becomes nonspontaneous
above this temperqature.

Transition Temperature
For reaction: CH4(g) + H2O(g) CO(g) + 3H2(g),
Ho = 206 kJ and So = 216 J/K = 0.216 kJ/K
Go = Ho + TrSo = 0,
Tr = 206 kJ/(0.216 kJ/K) = 954 K = 681oC
Under standard pressure (1 atm), this reaction is not
spontaneous below 681oC, but becomes spontaneous above
this temperature.
Reactions with both Ho and So < 0 favor low temperature;
Those with both Ho and So > 0 favor high temperature.

Free Energy and Equilibrium Constant

For spontaneous reactions, G decreases (becomes
less negative) as the reaction proceeds towards
At equilibrium, G = 0;

G = Go + RTlnK = 0

Go = -RTlnK

lnK = -Go/RT (Go calculated at temperature T)

Equilibrium constant, K = e-(Go/RT)
Go < 0, K > 1; reaction favors products formation
Go > 0, K < 1; reaction favors reactants formation
Go = 0, K = 1; reaction favors neither reactants nor products

Calculating K from G

Consider the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g),

At 25oC, Go = -33 kJ
lnK = -(-33 x 103 J/(298 K x 8.314 J/K.mol)) = 13

K = e13 = 4.4 x 105 (reaction goes to completion)

At 250oC, Go = 12 kJ;
lnK = -(12 x 103 J/(523 K x 8.314 J/K.mol)) = -2.8
K = e-2.8 = 0.061 (very little product is formed)

Coupling Reactions
A nonspontaneous reaction can be coupled to a
spontaneous one to make it happen.
Fe2O3(s) 2Fe(s) + 3/2 O2(g); Go = 740 kJ (eq-1)
CO(g) + O2(g) CO2(g); Go = -283 kJ
3CO(g) + 3/2 O2(g) 3CO2(g); Go = -849 kJ (eq-2)
Combining eq-1 and eq-2,
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g); Go = -109 kJ

Coupling Reactions in Biological System

The formation of ATP from ADP and H2PO4- is
nonspontaneous, but it can be coupled to the hydrolysis of
creatine-phosphate that has a negative Go.

ADP + H2PO4- ATP + H2O;

Go = +30 kJ

Creatine-phosphate creatine + phosphate; Go = -43 kJ

Combining the two equations yields a spontaneous overall
Creatine-phosphate + ADP Creatine + ATP; Go = -13 kJ

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