Bermuda Presentation

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Bermuda Triangle

Fact or Fiction?

Cameron Kauder

What is the
Bermuda Triangle?

Paranormal region in
western part of North
Atlantic Ocean.

Numerous aircraft and

sea vessels disappeared
and reported missing in
this area.

Extraterrestrial activity,
ghosts, sea monsters
have all been blamed.


Earliest allegations of disappearances:

September 16, 1950. AP article by Edward Van

Winkle Jones.

1952. Short article in Fate Magazine by George X.

First to lay out the triangle idea of the Bermuda


Countless other works followed, introducing

numerous theories and ideas.

Famous Incidents:
Ellen Austin

The Ellen Austin, in 1881, came

across a derelict, drifting ship.

Prize crew was placed aboard in

an attempt to sail it back to
New York.

Accounts say that the ship

disappeared, and then
reappeared with the crew

Further accounts claim, the ship

then disappeared a second
time with a second crew

Famous Incidents:
USS Cyclops

March 4, 1918- USS

Cyclops goes missing
after leaving Barbados.

Crew of 309, all

unaccounted for.

Single largest loss of life

in history of US Navy.

Two sister ships, Proteus

and Nereus, later vanish
during WWII.

Famous Incidents:
Flight 19

Originally a training flight of

5 torpedo bombers.

All 5 vanished December 5,


Scheduled to fly East for 141

miles, North for 73, and then
return 140 miles to base.

A rescue aircraft sent to look

for Flight 19 also
disappeared with a 13 man
crew onboard.

Crazy Theories


The odd phenomenon in the

Bermuda Triangle are due to
leftover technology from the
lost city of Atlantis.

Explains interference with


Evidenced by Bimini Road.


Flying saucers and other

extraterrestrial activities.

Missing ships, planes, and

crews abducted.

More Insanity!
Space-Time Warp!!

From time to time a rift in

space-time opens up in
the Bermuda Triangle.

Ships and planes become

lost in this rift and vanish!

This is why, it is said,

there is often no trace of
the craft- not even

Believable Explanations

Violent Weather

Hurricanes VERY common

in this area.

Can form very quickly.

Crew of the sinking Pride of

Baltimore noted that the
wind shifted and increased
in velocity from 20 mph to
almost 90 mph in minutes.

Rogue Waves

Giant random waves that

can wipe out anything in
their paths.

Known to topple oil rigs.

Believable Explanations

Methane Hydrates

Large fields of methane hydrates

located under the ocean in the
Bermuda Triangle.

Possible for large bubble of this

natural gas to rise to the surface
and capsize ships. (Methane

This can produce regions of

frothy water that cannot
provide adequate buoyancy for

Human error!!

Human error can NEVER be ruled

out. It is always a possibility!

Famous Incidents:
Ellen Austin

The Ellen Austin, in 1881, came

across a derelict, drifting ship.

Prize crew was placed aboard in

an attempt to sail it back to
New York.

Accounts say that the ship

disappeared, and then
reappeared with the crew

Further accounts claim, the ship

then disappeared a second
time with a second crew

Famous Incidents:
Ellen Austin

The Ellen Austin, in 1881, came

across a derelict, drifting ship.

Prize crew was placed aboard in
Rumors There are
an no
to sail it back to
New York.
or casualty listings to
suggest a
Accounts say that the ship
large number of men
disappeared, and then
reappeared with
the crew
missing on a disappearing

Further accounts claim, the ship

then disappeared a second
time with a second crew

Famous Incidents:
USS Cyclops

March 4, 1918- USS

Cyclops goes missing
after leaving Barbados.

Crew of 309, all

unaccounted for.

Single largest loss of life

in history of US Navy.

Two sister ships, Proteus

and Nereus, later vanish
during WWII.

Famous Incidents:
USS Cyclops

March 4, 1918- USS

Cyclops goes missing
after leaving
all three cases structural

Crew of
309, all is
unaccounted for.

likely, as the ships were

overloaded with much denser
Single largest
of lifethey were designed
in history of US Navy.
for. Most likely cause of sinking.
Two sister ships, Proteus
and Nereus, later vanish
during WWII.

Famous Incidents:
Flight 19

Originally a training flight of

5 torpedo bombers.

All 5 vanished December 5,


Scheduled to fly East for 141

miles, North for 73, and then
return 140 miles to base.

A rescue aircraft sent to look

for Flight 19 also
disappeared with a 13 man
crew onboard.

Famous Incidents:
Flight 19
a training flight of
-Navy investigation
5 torpedo bombers.
navigational error lead to the
All 5 vanished December 5,
planes running out1945.
of fuel and
Scheduled to fly East for 141
miles, North for 73, and then
return 140 miles to base.

-A tanker witnessed an explosion

A rescue aircraft sent to look
and large oil slick near
for Flight
also of
disappeared with a 13 man
the disappearance. The
crew onboard.
had a history of explosions due
to vapor leaks.

There are perfectly reasonable


Edwards, Ron. "Lost In The Bermuda Triangle."Aviation History9.6

(1999): 50.Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.
Mayell, Hillary. Bermuda Triangle: Behind the Intrigue. National
Geographic 15 Dec. 2003. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.
Author(s) Unknown. Could Methane Bubbles Sink Ships?. NBC 21 Oct. 2003. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.
Dowling, Jason. Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved? Its a Load of
Gas. The Age. 23 Oct. 2003. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.
Berlitz, Charles Frambach.The Bermuda Triangle [By] Charles Berlitz.
n.p.: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1974., 1974.Trinity University
Library Catalog. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.

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