Business Proposal
Business Proposal
Business Proposal
2. Proposed Solution
Heres an example:
The solution that is recommended for Puffin Media Inc. is to deploy their
company on all of the major social media channels; however, there is a major
difference in creating social media platforms versus creating a brand you can
promote on those platforms.
A marketing campaign must be created utilizing these media channels and
creating immediate engagement with your audience. In order for this to be
successful, you know how to make sales. Initially, acquire some fans, followers,
subscribers, and connections and invite them to join you in particular
discussion or attend a specific event.
The purpose of this is not only to promote Puffin Media Inc, but also to solicit
feedback from the target audience.
3. Pricing Information
For many clients, the pricing information is what
will make them decide whether they would offer
you the contract or not.
How to write this part greatly depends on the
solution or solutions you included in the previous
segment. If the solution proposed will only entail
a short period of time, aFee Summarywill
suffice. For longer projects, segment these
payments to specific milestones in aFee
Why You?
If you determined that a company or client has
certain needs, chances are others would have done
the same. That means that there will be others
that have submitted their respective proposals to
the company or client.
Step 2
Provide any background information in the first paragraph.
For example, if you're following up on a meeting, briefly
discuss the topic of the meeting. If you're submitting a
proposal, give a brief summation of the proposal in the first
paragraph. This can help your audience understand complex
Step 4
State clearly and succinctly the goal of your letter and your
requested next action. When writing a proposal, provide
clear details that do not add extraneous information. A
proposal for a business arrangement, for example, should
give the basic terms of the proposal. Request a follow-up
from the recipient.
Step 6
Include any supporting documentation in your
letter. Denote these enclosures by typing
"enclosures:" on the left side beneath your
signature. List the enclosures included after this
Prepared by:
Debbie Coleen L. Cusi
Mori Constantino
Camille Joy Faller