Mass V Weight
Mass V Weight
Mass V Weight
Mass & Weight
Thats heavy man.
What is Weight?
Definition: Weight is a measurement of how
strongly gravity pulls on a mass.
Weight is completely dependent on the amount
of gravity there is.
It the result of the force of gravity!!!
Without gravity there is NO WEIGHT (the
ultimate diet plan!!!)
like me!
Dude! I
Mass Weight
Mass and Weight are NOT the same thing!
Mass: Amount of matter an object contains
Has inertia (resistance to a push/pull)
Weight (Force):
Dependant upon Gravity (mass is not)
Attraction between two objects
Can change if the objects change distance or
Source of Gravity
Source of Gravity
Person on Earth
is 150 lbs!
Test of Gravity
Which one fell faster the heavier
one or the lighter one?
Galileo found that no matter how
large or small, the objects fell at
the same Velocity.
So at what rate do objects
accelerate due to Earths gravity?
Wait a second!
We already talked about how leaves and feathers
fall very slowly and even changes directions
So what makes the leaf and feather fall
differently than a cannon ball?
Q: So what if we
got rid of all the
[kg m]
[s ]
Class Activity
Gravity and Weight Lab