Circuit Breakers 1
Circuit Breakers 1
Circuit Breakers 1
Fault clearing Time of a breaker: Time from (start) occurrence of fault to final arc
extinction, expressed in cycles.
1 cycle = 1/50 secs.
Fault clearing time = relay time + circuit breaker time.
For better power system stability the fault should be
cleared as fast as required.
On EHV Transmission system the circuit breaker time
for clearing the fault is of the order 2 to 2.5 cycles.
The relay operating time is of the order1to 2 cycles,.
Distribution systems do not need such fast clearing
system. It is of the order 5 to 8 cycles.
Distance protection of the order 1 to 10 Cycles.
To calculate the total fault clearing time {Tf} for auto re closing circuit
breakers:Tf -fault clearing time duration between fault occurrence and final arc
Tr- Relay time. between occurrence of fault and closing of trip contact or
activating shunt trip release.
To-Opening time of circuit breaker.
Ta-Arcing time of circuit breaker time between separation of circuit breaker
contacts and current to zero.
Dead time-Time between total current zero and auto re closing
De ionising time:Time required for de ionising arc space
Difference between rapid auto re closing and delayed auto re closing:Rapid auto re closing:- The circuit breaker is re closed within 0.3 sec,,15
Delayed auto re closing:- re closing time is more than 1 sec..This is
adopted where net work is inter connected and the line can be delayed for
several seconds.
Module 4 on Circuit breaker High resistance interruption:The resistance of the arc is increased
by lengthening and cooling the arc so that
the system voltage is not able to sustain
the arc .
Used in ACB and DC CB.
Low resistance /zero point interruption:The interruption is done at zero crossing
to prevent the re striking .
Most of the circuit breakers use this
Rated voltage
Rated normal current
Rated insulation level.
Rated frequency
Short circuit current
Breaking current
Making current. {as per IEC 56}
Normal KV:- 6.6, 11, 22, 33, 66, 132
Rated KV:- 7.2, 12, 24, 36, 72.5,145......
Rated current:- 400,630,800,1254,1600...... 4000A.
Module 5 on circuit breakers: Operating sequence for circuit breaker (Duty cycle)
The operating mechanism experiences severe
mechanical stress during auto re closure,
a. O -t -CO- T - CO
O - Opening
C - Closing
T-- 3 minutes.
b. CO - t! - CO where t! = 15 secs for circuit breaker not
to be used for rapid auto re close.
Routine test:
Module-6 on circuit breakers: Temperature rise test at normal current in circuit breaker :--- Apart from circuit breakers similar tests are done in other parts of
switchgear like isolators, contactors, bus bar etc.
AC current of normal value and frequency is passed through closed
contacts continuously till stead temperature is reached.
Temperature readings at various parts are taken every half hour.
The steady state temperature should be less than the permissible
This is a type test.
Contact resistance of the closed contacts should be less than 20
micro ohms.
Measurement is done using micro ohm meter or milli volt drop test.
If there are n joints then the total contact resistance should be less
than nx 20 micro ohm.
For milli volt drop test DC current of more than 100 A and less than
rated current is used.
This is also a routine test.
Answer yes or no
1.During closing electro magnetic forced between
contacts assist closing. (No. oppose closing)
2.Manual closing is suitable for breakers up to 7500
MVA. (No. Up to 150 MVA only)
3.Operating time for opening the circuit breaker is 2
seconds. (No. 60 milli seconds only)
4.Auto re closure improves power system stability. (Yes)
5.Isolators open before circuit breaker (No. Circuit
breaker opens first)
6.Earthing switches are mounted on circuit breaker
frame (No .It is mounted on isolator frame)
Module 8 on circuit breakers: To fill SF6 gas {which is electro negative, non explosive
and has a high di electric strength),SF6 is transported in
liquid form in cylinders with valve.. When the valve is
opened the gas fills the breaker.
Heat is absorbed from the atmosphere to form the gas.
In cold countries the cylinder is wrapped in hot water .
Normal pressure of SF6 gas is 5.5 Kg/cm^
Alarm rings when the pressure falls to a low value of 4.5
Automatic tripping takes place when the pressure falls
below 4 Kg'/cm^