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Presented by
3 Year

Startup india is a revolution scheme that has been
started to help the people,who start their own business.
These people have ideas and capability so govt will
give them support to make sure they can implement
their idea & grow.
The campaign was first announced by Prime Minister
Modi in his 15 August 2015 address from the Red Fort.
Success of this scheme will eventually make india, a
better economy and a strong nation.

Start-up India in an action plan to develop

an ecosystem to promote and nurture
entrepreneurship across the country.
Start-ups and entrepreneurship are critical
to Indias efforts to restart private
investment into the economy.
The Government of India to build a strong
eco-system for nurturing innovation and
empowering Start-ups in the country.

Meaning of startup india

Meaning of startup india from job
seeker to job creator
The economy of a country depends
on countrymen.
Large no. of employee & woring
people better be the economy.
The india govt. realized that india
people have the potential to work
hardly ,all they need is promising

Mission of startup india

Launch social ventures in a way that
they can scale.
Scale social ventures in a way that they
generate impact.
Seed first-generation social entrepreneurs
in last-mile communities.
Catalyse the influence and resources of
business, government and media towards
fostering many more social ventures.

Action plan of startup


1. Self certification:
The start-ups will adopt self-certification to
reduce the regulatory liabilities. The self-certification
will apply to laws including payment of gratuity,
labour contract.
2. Start-up India hub
An all-India hub will be created as a single
contact point for start-up foundations in India, which
will help the entrepreneurs to exchange knowledge .

3. Register through app

An online portal, in the shape of a mobile
application, will be launched to help start-up
founders to easily register. The app is scheduled to
be launched on April 1.
4. Rs 10,000 crore fund
The government will develop a fund with an
initial corpus of Rs 2,500 crore and a total corpus
of Rs 10,000 crore over four years, to support
upcoming start-up enterprises.

5. No Income Tax for three years

Start-ups would not pay Income Tax for three
years. This policy would revolutionise the pace
with which start-ups would grow in the future
6. Building entrepreneurs
Innovation-related study plans for students in
over 5 lakh schools. Besides, there will also be
an annual incubator grand challenge to develop
world class incubators.

7. Atal Innovation Mission

The Atal Innovation Mission will be launched
to boost innovation and encourage talented
8.Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
The government will further establish five new
biotech clusters, 50 new bio incubators, 150
technology transfer offices and 20 bio-connect
offices in the country.

A rebate amount of 80 percent of the
total value will be provided to the
entrepreneurs on filing patent applications.
10.Faster exit
If a start-up fails, the government will
also assist the entrepreneurs to find
suitable solutions for their problems. If
they fail again, the government will
provide an easy way out.

11.Credit Guarantee Fund for

To catalyse entrepreneurship by
providing credit to innovators across
all sections of society.

12.Tax Exemption on Capital Gains

To promote investments into Startups by mobilizing the capital gains
arising from sale of capital asset.

13. Research Parks

7 new research parks are proposed
to be set up with an initial
investment of Rs.100 crore each.
These parks shall enable companies
with a research focus to set up base
and leverage the expertise of
academic/ research institutions.
14. Start-up fests
Introduction of Start-up fests to
bolster the Start-ups ecosystem and
provide a platform to showcase ideas
and work with a larger audience.

15. Innovation centres

These 31 centres will include 13
Start-up centres and 18 technology
business incubators to be set up/
scaled up at IIMs/ NITs/ IITs.
16. Patent protection
The government is also working on a
legal support for fast-tracking patent
examination at lower costs.

This is a most effective campaign which
will create more job opportunities to the
Indian youths.
This scheme will directly help people in
opening their own successful
It will help our country to show the talent
of youths through their innovative
businesses all across the world.
This initiative is the necessity to lead
India in right direction.



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