Lasallian Core Values

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Your zeal towards

the children you

teach would not go
very far and would
not have much
result or success if
it is limited itself
only to words.





The Spirit of Faith

The spirit of faith flows from a relationship of communion with the Triune
God who wills to save all people by drawing them into a life-giving
communion with him and with one another in the Lasallian tradition, the
spirit of faith is a spirit that allows one to:
discoverGods active presence in his Word, in men and women, in the
poor, in nature, in history, and in ourselves;
judgeandevaluatethings in the light of the gospel,
searchforGodswillin order to carry out his saving plan,
uniteones actions to the ongoing saving action of God in the world and
trustin Gods loving presence and providence when acting or discerning
Gods will.

1. Christian Gentlemen
and Ladies
Courteous in relating with the faculty,
staff and fellow students, shows proper
behavior during prayers, and
participates meaningfully in recollection
and outreach programs. Manifests clean
fun and does not use foul language.
Respect the dignity of peers and others.

2. Confident
Believe in ones goodness;
accepts limitations honestly
and works to improve
oneself; has positive outlook
and attitude in life. Speaks for
what one believes in though it
may not be popular to others.

Zeal for the Integral Salvation of All/

Zeal for Service
Zeal is the active expression of faith in gospel witness
and service. It is oriented towards the integral salvation
of persons, particularly the poor and the excluded.
Zeal is the enthusiastic and total gift of self for the sake
of the mission expressed in such qualities as gratuity
and generosity, creativity and fortitude, compassion
and commitment. It involves a preferential concern for
the poor and the vulnerable. The desire to be of
greater service to others conditions the quest for
excellence and continuous self-improvement.

3. Competent
Demonstrates skillfulness in his area of
giftedness. He gives his best in
whatever task that he undertakes. He
stands out in any activity that is
assigned to him.

4. Committed to Excellence
Comes to class well-prepared; submits
exemplary work and other
requirements; does more than what is
expected. Manifests other qualities that
show commitments to Excellence.

5. Concerned for the Marginalized

Relates well with the needy sectors of
society; is active in service-oriented
organizations and gives generously
during mission collection or any relief
operations. Manifests other qualities
that show care for the Marginalized.

6. Contributes to

Participates actively in group and class

activities; follows rules and regulations,
shows personal responsibility for his
actions and for whatever tasks assigned
to him, engages in worthwhile and
productive activities,, observes
environment friendly practices, avoids
activities that will endanger oneself , the
name of the school and ones family.

Communion in Mission, Mission as Communion

Communion recalls the dynamic of association by which
the first Brothers bonded together for the sake of the
particular mission entrusted to them by God.
Communion has four dimensions. As a relationship with
God, it is the source of all mission and ministry; as a way
of accomplishing mission, it suggests the solidarity and
collaboration that comes from sharing in one vision, one
spirit and one mission; as a way of relating to others, it
suggests openness to all persons and the desire to be
brother or sister to all especially those in need; as a goal
of mission, it suggests the unity that comes through
reconciliation between God, human beings and creation.

7. Compassionate
Understands the needs and feelings of
others, helps without being asked, gives
time to listen and gives encouragement
to peers/others, considerate and
forgiving of others shortcomings.

8. Cares for the Earth

Disposes the garbage properly.
Observes CLAYGO, uses school
materials wisely, helps in the general
upkeep of school facilities. Manifests
other qualities that show care for the

9. Future Leader
He takes the initiative in group works and
Shows respect of peers, teachers and
Encourages participation in doing group
Sets good example in the conduct of ones
daily activities.

10. Proud Filipino

Participates respectfully during the flag
ceremony, shows interest and keeps
abreast of Philippine local and national
affairs, patronizes Filipino products,
proud to be pinoy, observes Filipino
practices, culture and traditions.

In silence, evaluate yourself based on the following specific

values under the Core Values. Rate yourself from 1 to 10 with 10
as the highest and 1 as the lowest. Use any of your notebooks
for this evaluation.
1.Christian gentleman/lady
4.Committed to excellence
5.Concerned for the marginalized
6.Contributes to society
8.Cares for the earth
9.Future leader
10.Proud Filipino
Arrange the values from the most practiced or lived out value to
the least.


Answer the following questions sincerely and silently:

1.What values have I already internalized and
2.What/who helped me develop these values?
3.Have I helped others develop good values especially
as a Lasallian? If not, what hindered me?
4.How am I doing generally as a Lasallian? Am I a
good Lasallian living out the Core Values, or am I just a
passive student who does not care about my Lasallian
5.What Lasallian values do I need to focus on
developing and nurturing? Who can help me in this


Gather in small groups (3 to 5 members per group) and

share to your group the reasons why you gave such
ratings to yourself. Honesty to oneself is encouraged
and seriousness in doing the activity is highly asked.
After everyone has shared, choose one value that you
want to focus on developing and brainstorm on ways to
develop the value. Other members may give also
suggestions to help their classmates develop the value
Challenge yourself to develop values together as a
group and make fraternal corrections and give advices
to your friends in order to really live out the values.

After going back to your seats, spend a moment of

silence and reflect on everything that has transpired
in all sessions. Silently pray and ask God for
guidance especially in your struggle to become better
Christians, better Catholics, and better Lasallians.

Saint John Baptist de La Salle,

pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

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