SFRA FRAX Application&Product MK 021609

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Sweep Frequency
Response Analysis

Transformer Diagnostics
Diagnostics is about collecting reliable information to make
the correct decision
Making the correct decisions saves money
Oil analysis



SFRA Basics

SFRA history (1)

1960: Low Voltage Impulse Method. First proposed by
W. Lech & L. Tyminski in Poland for detecting
transformer winding deformation.
1966: Results Published; Detecting Transformer
Winding Damage - The Low Voltage Impulse Method,
Lech & Tyminsk, The Electric Review, ERA, UK
1976: Frequency Domain Analysis of Responses From
L.V.I. Testing of Power Transformers, A.G.
Richenbacher, 43rd Doble Conference
1978: Transformer Diagnostic Testing by Frequency
Response Analysis, E.P. Dick & C.C. Erven, Ontario
Hydro, IEEE Transactions of Power Delivery.

SFRA history (2)

1978: FRA test developed at Ontario Hydro, Canada
1980s: Further research carried out by Central Electricity
Generating Board in UK
1988 - 1990s : Proving trials by European utilities, the
technology cascades internationally via CIGRE, EuroDoble
and many other conferences and technical meetings
2004: First SFRA standard, Frequency Response Analysis on
Winding Deformation of Power Transformers, DL/T 911-2004,
is published by The Electric Power Industry Standard of
Peoples Republic of China
2008: CIGRE report 342, Mechanical-Condition Assessment
of Transformer Windings Using Frequency Response Analysis
(FRA) is published

Transformer mechanics basics

A transformer is rated to withstand certain
mechanical forces.
However, these forces can easily be exceeded
during transportation
short circuits close to the transformer

Transformers mechanical strength weakens as the

transformer ages
Less capability to withstand mechanical
Greater risk for mechanical problems
Greater risk for insulation problems

Detecting Faults with SFRA

Core movements
Faulty core grounds
Winding deformations
Winding displacements
Partial winding collapse
Hoop buckling
Broken clamping structures
Shorted turns and open windings

SFRA = Fingerprinting

SFRA testing basics

Off-line test
Transformer is a complex RLC filter circuit
Changes in this circuit can be detected and
plotted as a response curve when test
signals at different frequencies are applied
over a winding
Changes can be compared over time,
between test objects or within test objects
The method is unique in its ability to detect
core problems, mechanical winding
problems and other electrical faults in one

Test results always comparisons

Different problems can be seen
in different parts of the curve
Software analysis makes it
easy to detect deviations
Low frequencies
Core problems and
shorted/open windings

Medium frequencies

Taps and

Winding deformations


High frequencies
Tap connections and other
winding connection problems

Core + windings

Comparative tests
Transformer A

Design based

Time based
Transformer A

Transformer B

Type based

Time Based (Tests performed on the same transformer over time)
The most reliable test
Deviations between curves are easy to detect

Type Based (Tests performed on transformer of same design)

Requires knowledge about test object/versions
Small deviations are not necessarily indicating a


Design based (Tests performed on winding legs and bushings of

identical design)

Requires knowledge about test object/versions

Small deviations are not necessarily indicating a problem

Measurement philosophy
New measurement = Reference measurement

Back in Service
New measurement Reference

Further Diagnostics Required

Reference measurements
When transformer is new
Capture reference data at commissioning of
new transformers

When transformer is in known good

Capture reference data at a scheduled routine
test (no issues found)

Save for future reference

Start Your Reference Measurements ASAP!

SFRA measurements When?

Manufacturing test
Commissioning test
Transport test
Incident test - after incidents where you
suspect electromechanical changes
After transport
Short-circuit faults

Catastrophic events
Earth quakes
Hurricanes, tornadoes

Trigger based test transformer alarms

High temperature

FRA Methods

Impulse FRA vs. SweepFRA

Impulse FRA
Injects a pulse signal and
measure response
Convert Time Domain to
Frequency Domain using Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithm
Low resolution in lower frequencies

Injects a single frequency signal
Measures response at the same
No conversion
High resoultion at all frequencies

Impulse FRA

Comparing Impulse & SweepFRA

SFRA (Sweep frequency response analysis)
provides good detail data in all frequencies
Black = Imported Impulse measurement
(Time domain converted to Frequency Domain)
Red = SFRA Measurement

Deviations Low Frequency = Method

Deviation High Frequency = Cable practice

Zoom View of impulse vs. SFRA

Impulse instrument sample rate limts
frequency resolution to 2kHz.

SFRA Measurements

SFRA test setup

FRAX measurement circuitry

Considerations when performing SFRA Tests

How do I maximize my investment in time and money when
performing SFRA measurements?

Test results always comparisons

Core NOT grounded

Core grounded

Reproducibility is of utmost importance!

Example of reproducible results

105 MVA, Single phase Generator Step-up (GSU)
SFRA measurements with FRAX 101 before and
after a severe short-circuit in the generator
Two different test units
Tests performed by two different persons
Test performed at different dates

Before (2007-05-23) and after fault (2007-08-29)

LV winding

HV winding

105 MVA, Single phase GSU

Measurements before and after were virtually
Very good correlation between reference and after
No indication of mechanical changes in the transformer
Transformer can safely be put back in service

Potential compromising factors

Connection quality
Shield grounding practice
Instrument dynamic range/internal noise
Understanding core property influence in
lower frequencies in open - circuit SFRA

Bad connection
Bad connection can affect the curve at higher frequencies

Good connection
After proper connections were made

FRAX C-Clamp
C-Clamp ensures good
contact quality
Penetrates non conductive
Solid connection to round or
flat busbars
Provides strain relief for cable
Separate connector for single
or multible ground braids

Proper ground connection ensures

repeatability at high frequencies

Good grounding practice;

use shortest braid from cable
shield to bushing flange.

Poor grounding practice

Shield grounding influence

C. Homagk et al, Circuit design for reproducible on-site measurements of

transfer function on large power transformers using the SFRA method, ISH2007

FRAX cable set and grounding

Always the same ground-loop

inductance on a given bushing

Instrument performance
Small transformers have higher attenuation at first
Inherent instrument noise is often the main limiting
source, not necessarily substation static
Test your instruments noise floor by running a
sweep with open cables (Clamps not connected to

Internal noise level Noise floor

Open/noise floor measurements

Red = Other brand
Green = FRAX 101

Example of noise floor problem

H1 H2 (open & short) measurements

Black = Other brand
Red = FRAX 101

Influence of core
Try to minimize the effect, however, some
differences are still to be expected and must be
perform SFRA measurements prior to winding
resistance measurements (or demagnetize the
core prior to SFRA measurements)
Use same measurement voltage in all SFRA

Run winding resistance test after SFRA!

After winding resistance test


Effect of applied measurement voltage

2.8 V

10 V
FRAX, Doble and others


FRAX has adjustable output voltage!

Omicron (2.8 V)

FRAX, 2.8 V


Field Verification Unit

Field verification unit with known

frequency response is
recommended in CIGRE and
other standards to verify
instrument and cables before
starting the test

ABB Transformer Diagnostics

The basis of SFRA measurements is comparison and
reproducibility is of utmost importance
To ensure high repeatability the following is important
Use of a high quality, high accuracy instrument with inputs and
output impedance matched to the coaxial cables (e.g. 50 Ohm)
Use same applied voltage in all SFRA measurements
Make sure to get good connection and connect the shields of
coaxial cables to flange of bushing using shortest braid technique.
Make good documentation, e.g. make photographs of

The Features And Benefits


FRAX 101 Frequency Response Analyzer

FRAX 101 Frequency Response Analyzer

Power Input
USB Port
On all models

Not only the smallest, but also the

most feature rich and accurate SFRA
unit in the world!

On FRAX101

Rugged Extruded
Aluminum Case
Active Probe
Connector on FRAX101

All Connectors
Panel Mounted

SFRA test setup

Optional Internal Battery
Over 8h effective run time

Industrial grade class 1

Bluetooth (100m)
USB for redundancy

Easy to connect
shortest braid cables

Search Database Feature

Data files stored in XML format
Index function stores all relevant data in a small database
Search function can list and sort files in different locations

Import formats

Fast testing
Less points where it takes
time to test and where high
frequency resolution is not needed

More points where

higher frequency
resolution is useful
Traditional test
about 2 min
FRAX fast test
< 40 seconds

Decision support

Unlimited analysis
Unlimited graph control
Lots of available graphs
Ability to create custom
calculation models using any
mathematic formula and the
measured data from all
Turn on and off as needed
Compare real data with
calculated model data

Mathematical modeling

FRAX 101 transport case

Rugged case
14kg/31lbs incl. Cables
Padded product bay

Cable compartment


As FRAX-101 except:
Internal PC/stand-alone
No internal battery option
No Bluetooth


As FRAX 101 except:

No internal battery option

No Bluetooth
Dynamic range > 115 dB
Fixed output voltage
9 m cable set
No active probes

Active Probes, extending the application

Active Impedance Probe
Measures Transfer functions between
two grounded connections
E.g. between winding and tank or
bushing flange

Active Voltage Probe

Measures objects with higher input
impedance than 50
Allows for longer cables

FRAX product summary

Light weight
Battery operated
Wireless communication
Accuracy & Dynamic Range/Noise floor
Cable Practice
Easy-to-use software
Export & Import of Data
Complies with all SFRA standards and recommend
Only unit that is compatible with all other SFRA

Sweep Frequency Response Analysis

Application Examples

Time Based Comparison - Example

1-phase generator transformer, 400 kV

SFRA measurements before and after
scheduled maintenance
Transformer supposed to be in good condition
and ready to be put in service

Time Based Comparison - Example

Obvious distorsion as by DL/T911-2004 standard (missing core ground)

Time Based Comparison After repair

Normal as by DL/T911-2004 standard (core grounding fixed)

Type Based Comparisons (twin-units)

Some parameters for identifying twin-units:

Factory of production
Original customer/technical specifications
No refurbishments or repair
Same year of production or +/-1 year for large units
Re-order not later than 5 years after reference order
Unit is part of a series order (follow-up of ID numbers)
For multi-unit projects with new design: reference transformer should
preferably not be one of the first units produced

Type Based Comparison - Example

Two 33/11 kV, 10 MVA, manufactured 1977

Put out of service for maintenance/repair or scrapping
Identical except for slightly different tap-settings
(could not be fixed at site due to missing tool)
SFRA testing and comparing the two transformers
came out OK indicating that there are no
electromechanical problems in the transformers
(identical problems highly unlikely)

Type Based Comparison LV windings










10 k

[X1-X0 (open)]

Frequency (Hz)
[X3-X0 (open)]

[X1-X0 (open)]

100 k

[X3-X0 (2)]

33 kV, 3-phase Ynyn transformer (30 years old)

Normal as by DL/T911-2004 standard


Type Based Comparison IW tests










10 k

[H1-X1 (IW)]

Frequency (Hz)
[H3-X3 (IW)]

[H1-X1 (IW)]

100 k

[H3-X3 (IW)]

33 kV, 3-phase Ynyn transformer (30 years old)

Normal as by DL/T911-2004 standard


Design Based Comparisons

Power transformers are frequently designed in multi-limb
assembly. This kind of design can lead to symmetric
electrical circuits
Mechanical defects in transformer windings usually
generate non-symmetric displacements
Comparing FRA results of separately tested limbs can be
an appropriate method for mechanical condition
Pending transformer type and size, the frequency range
for design-based comparisons is typically limited to about
1 MHz

Design Based Comparison - Example

132 kV, 60 MVA transformer, manufactured

New transformer never in service
No reference FRA measurements from factory
SFRA testing, comparing symmetrical phases
came out OK
The results can be used as fingerprints for
future diagnostic tests

Designed Based Comparison HV windings











10 k

Frequency (Hz)
[H1-H0 (open)]

132 kV, 3-phase YNd1 transformer (new)

Normal as by DL/T911-2004 standard
H1-H0 vs H3-H0

[H3-H0 (open)]

100 k


Designed Based Comparison LV windings







10 k

[X2-X1 (open)]

Frequency (Hz)
[X1-X3 (new test) (open)]

132 kV, 3-phase YNd1 transformer (new)

Normal as by DL/T911-2004 standard
X2-X1 vs X1-X3

100 k


Designed Based Comparison IW test











10 k

Frequency (Hz)
[H1-X1 (IW)]

132 kV, 3-phase YNd1 transformer (new)

Normal as by DL/T911-2004 standard
H1-X1 vs H3-X3

[H3-X3 (IW)]

100 k


Design Based Comparison

After Suspected Fault
Power transformer, 25MVA, 55/23kV,
manufactured 1985
By mistake, the transformer was energized
with grounded low voltage side
After this the transformer was energized again
resulting in tripped CB (Transformer protection
Decision was taken to do diagnostic test

Design Based Comparison

After Suspected Fault






Response (dBs)

Frequency (Hz)

HV-0, LV open
A and C phase OK, large deviation on B-phase (shorted turn?)


Design Based Comparison

After Suspected Fault




Response (dBs)


Frequency (Hz)

HV-0 (LV shorted)

A and C phase OK, deviation on B-phase



And how did the mid-leg look like?

Core limb
Insulation cylinder

LV winding

Sweep Frequency Response Analysis


SFRA Standards and Recommendations

Frequency Response Analysis on Winding Deformation of
Power Transformers, DL/T 911-2004, The Electric Power
Industry Standard of Peoples Republic of China
Mechanical-Condition Assessment of Transformer Windings
Using Frequency Response Analysis (FRA), CIGRE report
342, 2008
IEEE PC57.149/D4 Draft Trial-Use Guide for the
Application and Interpretation of Frequency Response
Analysis for Oil Immersed Transformers, 2007 (Draft)
Internal standards by transformer manufacturers, e.g. ABB
FRA Standard v.5

SFRA Standards - Summary

Frequency range All major brands are OK
Dynamic range
First transformer circuit resonance gives typically a -90 dB
response. Smaller transformers may have a first response at -100
dB or lower
Note that CIGRE recommends measurement range down to -100
dB. This implies a dynamic range/noise floor at about -120 dB.

1 dB at -100 dB fulfills all standards.

All FRAX instruments fulfills all standards for dynamic range

and accuracy!

Cable grounding practice

The shortest wire/braid-practice is now generally accepted
All European equipment manufacturers have adapted to
this practice

Recommended grounding practice (CIGRE)

Bad grounding practice (CIGRE)

Instrumentation verification
Verification of instrument including cables
Measurement with open cables (at clamp) should give a response
close to the noise floor of the instrument (at lower frequencies,
pending cable length)
Measurement with shorted cables (at clamp) should give close to
0 dB response (pending cable length)
External test device with known response (FTB-101 included in
FRAX standard kit)

Calibration at recommended interval

FRAX; Minimum every 3 years, calibration set and SW available

FRAX Field Verification Unit, FTB-101

FRAX - Benchmarking

Measurement voltage and internal noise

Measurement voltage and internal noise/dynamic range for common SFRA test sets

Highest dynamic range, -130 dB

Internal noise (dynamic range)

Internal noise (open) measurements
Green FRAX-101
Red Other SFRA 1
Blue Other SFRA 2

Measurement range

-100 dB measurement
(CIGRE standard)
Black FRAX-101
Red Other SFRA 1

Internal noise (open) measurements

Green FRAX-101
Blue Other SFRA 1

Dynamic Range Comparison (1)

End-to-end open
Green FRAX-101
Blue Other SFRA 1

Neutral to capacitive tap

Red FRAX-101
Black Other SFRA 1

Dynamic Range Comparison (2)

H1 H2 (open) measurements
Red FRAX-101
Grey Other SFRA

Dynamic Range
Measurements at first resonance

Purple Other SFRA 3
Red Other SFRA 1

Jiri Velek, CEPS SFRA Market Research, October 2006

FRAX - Compatibility

FRAX vs Doble (1)

5 MVA, Dyn, H2-H3 measurement

Blue Doble
Orange Frax


FRAX vs Doble (2)

YNd, H1-H0 measurement

Blue Doble
Orange Frax


FRAX vs Tettex and Doble

H1-H0 (short) measurement

Purple Tettex
Red Doble
(Doble high frequency
deviation due to different
grounding practice)

Jiri Velek, CEPS SFRA Market Research, October 2006


Frax-101, 2.8 vs 10 V meas voltage

2.8 V

10 V


Frax (2.8V) vs FRAnalyzer

Omicron (2.8 V)

PAX, 2.8 V


Summary - conclusions
SFRA is an established methodology for detecting
electromechanical changes in power transformers
Collecting reference curves on all mission critical
transformers is an investment!
Ensure repeatability by selecting good instruments and
using standardized measurement practices
Select FRAX from Pax Diagnostics, the ultimate
Frequency Response Analyzer!

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