Deconstructivism 09

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Deconstructivism dalam senibina turut dikenali Deconstruction, kemajuan Senibina pasca
moden bermula dalam awal tahun 1980an. Bercirikan daripada pecahan idea, tarikan dalam
memanipulasi idea struktur permukaan atau kulit, tiada lagi permukaan bersegi empat
digunakan bagi memesongkan dan ditempatkan sebahagian unsur senibina. Kemasan dilihat
dihargai pada bangunan yang dipamerkan pada “gaya” deconstructivism yang disifatkan oleh

rangsangan yang tidak disangka dan kelam-kabut yang terkawal.


Deconstructivism in architecture, also called deconstruction, is a development of postmodern architecture that began in the late
1980s. It is characterized by ideas of fragmentation, an interest in manipulating ideas of a structure's surface or skin, non-
rectilinear shapes which serve to distort and dislocate some of the elements of architecture, such as structure and envelope. The
finished visual appearance of buildings that exhibit the many deconstructivist "styles" is characterised by a stimulating
unpredictability and a controlled chaos.
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam sejarah deconstructivism bermula pada awal tahun 1982. Parc
de la Villette merupakan satu pertandingan rekaan senibina (terutama kemasukan daripada
Jacques Derrida dan Peter Eisenman dan kemunculan juara Bernard Tschumi), Museum Seni
Moden 1988 dengan pameran Deconstructivistm Architecture di New York, dirancang oleh Philip
Johnson dan Mark Wigley, dan tahun 1989 perasmian Wexner Center of Arts di Columbus direka
oleh Peter Eisenman, di New York satu pameran diketengahkan hasil kerja oleh Frank Gehry,
Daniel Libeskind, Rem Koolhaas, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Coop Himmelb(l) dan Bernard

Important events in the history of the deconstructivist

movement include the 1982 Parc de la Villette architectural
design competition (especially the entry from Jacques
Derrida and Peter Eisenman[1] and Bernard Tschumi's
winning entry), the Museum of Modern Art’s 1988
Deconstructivist Architecture exhibition in New York,
organized by Philip Johnson and Mark Wigley, and the 1989
opening of the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus,
designed by Peter Eisenman. The New York exhibition
featured works by Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, Rem
Koolhaas, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Coop Himmelb(l)au,
and Bernard Tschumi.
Dibawa oleh idea-idea ahli falsafah Perancis Jacques Derrida. Eisenman telah memejukan satu
hubungan peribadi dengan Derrida, tetapi walaubagaimanapun pendekatannya untuk reka
bentuk senibina terdapat kemajukan yang panjang ke hadapan bagi menjadi satu
Deconstructivist. Untuk Deconstructivism dia perlu difikirkan satu perluasan minatnya dalam
formalisme radikal. Beberapa pengamal deconstructivism adalah juga dipengaruhi oleh
percubaan rasmi dan ketidakseimbangan geometri orang Rusia constructivism. Sebutan-sebutan
yang dapat tambahan dalam deconstructivism untuk abad ke-20 pergerakan: modenisme / saling
mempengaruhi postmodernism, ekspresionisme, kubisme, minimalism dan seni kontemporari.

influenced by the ideas of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Eisenman

developed a personal relationship with Derrida, but even so his approach to
architectural design was developed long before he became a Deconstructivist. For him
Deconstructivism should be considered an extension of his interest in radical
formalism. Some practitioners of deconstructivism were also influenced by the formal
experimentation and geometric imbalances of Russian constructivism. There are
additional references in deconstructivism to 20th-century movements: the
modernism/postmodernism interplay, expressionism, cubism, minimalism and
contemporary art.
Saluran utama daripada falsafah Deconstructivist dalam teori senibina telah dikesan oleh falsafah
Jacques Derrida mempengaruhi Peter Eisenman, Eisenmen telah mengerakkaan asas falsafah
daripada penggerakan kesasteraan Deconstruction, dan kerjasama secara terus dengan Derrida
dalam projek termasuklah peryertaan dalam pertandingan Parc de la Villette, Documented di
Chora I works. Kedua-duanya termasuklah Daniel Libeskind berasa bimbang dengan
"metaphysics of presence," dan merupakan perkara utama pada falsaha Deconstivist dalam teori

The main channel from deconstructivist philosophy to

architectural theory was through the philosopher Jacques
Derrida's influence with Peter Eisenman. Eisenman drew some
philosophical bases from the literary movement
Deconstruction, and collaborated directly with Derrida on
projects including an entry for the Parc de la Villette
competition, documented in Chora l Works. Both Derrida and
Eisenman, as well as Daniel Libeskind[4] were concerned with
the "metaphysics of presence," and this is the main subject of
deconstructivist philosophy in architecture theory
Senibina adalah dianggapkan bahasa yang berupaya menerangkan maksud dan menerima
rawatan daripada kaedah falsafah linguistik (kajian bahasa). Kehadiran dialek dan ketidakhadiran,
atau solid dan void terdapat dalam banyak pada projek Eisenman, kedua-dua bina dan tidak
dibina . Mereka percaya dimana lokus, atau kehadiran tempat, adalah senibina, dan kesamaan
kehadiran dialek dan ketidakhadiran telah dijumpai dalam construction (pembianaan) dan

The presupposition is that architecture is a language capable

of communicating meaning and of receiving treatments by
methods of linguistic philosophy. The dialectic of presence and
absence, or solid and void occurs in much of Eisenman's
projects, both built and unbuilt. Both Derrida and Eisenman
believe that the locus, or place of presence, is architecture,
and the same dialectic of presence and absence is found in
construction and deconstruction.
Berdasarkan daripada Derrida, membaca text adalah pekara terbaik untuk membawa keluar
apabila kerja klasik pada stuktur narrative. Mana-mana arkitek deconstruction mewujudkan
syarat-syarat bagi khusus pembinaan Archetypal. Kekuatan –mendirikan satu anggapan yang
biasaan dengan bermainkan lenturan yang bertentangan. Lebih dikenali dengan Foam follow

According to Derrida, readings of texts are best carried out

when working with classical narrative structures. Any
architectural deconstruction requires the existence of a
particular archetypal construction, a strongly-established
conventional expectation to play flexibly against.

Nama /Name: Jacques Derrida
Lahir /Birth: 15 July 1930
Meninggal/Death : October 8, 2004 (usia 74)
Tarikan utama/Main interests: Philosophy of language 
: Literary theory
: Ethics 
: Ontology
Idea penting/Notable ideas : Deconstruction 
: Différance 
: Phallogocentrism
In a fragment from a long sentence that embodies what it describes, Derrida says of his writing:
I remember having gone to bed very late after a moment of anger or irony against a sentence of
Proust's . . . which says: "A work in which there are theories is like an object on which one has
left he price tag," and I find nothing more vulgar than this Franco-Britannic decorum . . . I admit
that I write with the price on, I display, not so that the price be legible to the first-comer, for I
am for an aristocracy without distinction, therefore without vulgarity, for a democracy of the
compulsion to the highest price, you have to pay the price to read the price displayed
(Circumfusion 62-3)

Dalam sekeping serpihan daripada satu ayat panjang yang mewujudkan apa ia menggambarkan, Derrida kata tulisannya:
Saya ingatkan waktu masuk tidur sebenar telah lewat selepas seketika kemarahan atau ironi pada satu ayat Proust . . .
yang mengatakan: "Satu menyisipkan yang terdapat dari teori-teori adalah seperti sebuah objek yang mana satu telah
meninggalkan tanda harga dia," dan saya mencari tidak ada apa-apa lebih kasar daripada kesopanan Franco-Britannic
ini . . . Saya mengakui yang saya menulis dengan harga dia, saya mempamerkan, bukan supaya harga menjadi jelas untuk
pertama peserta, untuk saya merupakan untuk bangsawan tanpa perbezaan, oleh itu tanpa kekasaran, untuk sebuah
demokrasi paksaan untuk harga tertinggi, anda perlu membayar harga untuk membaca harga dipamerkan
(Circumfession 62 3)
Nama /Name: Philip Cortelyou Johnson
Lahir /Birth: 8 July 1906 (Cleveland, Ohio)
Meninggal/Death : 25 January 2005
Isteri /wife : David Whitney
Pendidikan/Education : Hackley School di Tarrytown, New York.
: siswazah di Harvard (sejarah dan falsafah)
: Graduate School Design.
Pengasasa /Main interests: Department Architecture and
Design di MoMA
Anugerah /award : Amerika Institute Architects Gold Medal.
: First Pritzker Architecture Prize pada1979.
Idea penting/Notable ideas : Deconstruction·
: Différance 
: Phallogocentrism
1928 - Bertemuan arkitek Bauhaus Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
1930- 1978 - Pengasas Department Architecture dan Design di MoMA.
1932 - Mempekenalkan ‘gaya antarabangsa’
1979 - Amerika Institute Architects Gold Medal dan pertama
- Pritzker Architecture Prize.
Ciri-ciri itu empat belas buah struktur, satu koleksi yang utama seni
kontemporari, dan sebuah lanskap Amerika yang moden. Rumah Kaca
berkhidmat sebagai satu kajian yang seni bina separuh kedua abad kedua
puluh mempamerkan pembaharuan dalam bidang seni bina moden
daripada setiap dekad kerjaya Johnson yang menjadi sejarah. Johnson

didermakan Rumah Kaca untuk Keyakinan Negara untuk Historic
Preservation dalam 1986, mengekalkan satu harta pusaka.

Garden Grove Church
"Arkitek-arkitek menjelang mereka pengalaman yang banyak
dengan habluran bentuk-bentuk dan kaca diliputi galeri, serta
dengan auditoriums. Gagasan adalah untuk mendapatkan
rapat orang kepada prestasi sebagai mungkin, tersangat,
sebagai John Burgee meletakkan ia, 'kita squished ruang ibu
dan mengeluarkan trancept.' Diterjemahkan ke dalam rendah
geometri-geometri, ia menjadi satu empat tajam bintang,

Garden Grove Church

dengan balkoni-balkoni arca bebas dalam tiga mata dan timur
gereja pada suku
Garden Grove Church
a r
r o
D v
Garden Grove Church n
Lain-lain Rekaan

Arts Institute (1919)
The Seagram Building (1957) Philip Johnson
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig; Johnson, Philip
Coop Himmelb(l)au (1968) adalah firma yang
berkerjasama dalam rekaan senibina terutaman
di Vienna, Austria dan sekarang juga terdapat
sehingga kini perjabat di Los Angales, united
States dan Guadalajara, Mexico. Nama firma

Himmeldlau dalam bahasa Jerman kepada
bahasa English adalah ‘langit biru’. Himmelblau
yang adalah bermaksud ‘surga pembinaan’.
Manakala Coop dalam tajuk disebut pada

HIMMELBLAU kebiasaan perniaga sebut adalah Cooperative, co-

op. Coop Himmelblau telah dibawa oleh Wolf
Prix, Helmut Swiczinsky dan Michael Holzer .

Coop Himmelb(l)au (1968-) is a cooperative architectural

design firm primarily located in Vienna, Austria and which now
also maintains offices in Los Angeles, United States and
Guadalajara, Mexico. The firm's name Himmelblau translates
from German into English as 'sky blue', Himmelbau translates
to 'heaven construction'. The term Coop in the title is
pronounced as is the business abbreviation for cooperative,
co-op. Coop Himmelblau was founded by Wolf Prix, Helmut
Swiczinsky and Michael Holzer .
Nama /Name: Helmut Swiczinsky
Lahir /Birth: 1944
Pendidikan/Education : Technical University di Vienna.
: Architectural Association di London.
1968 - membuka Coop Himmelblau
1973 - Helmut Swiczinsky adalah satu profesor pelawat di
Architectural Association
1983 - mereka Struktur Bumbung baru ‘Schuppich legal
Practice’ (400 mp attic ).
“A balance of Open and close surfaces.
1988-2011 - Pejabat kedua di Los Angeles, California.
- Ahli di ‘European Academy of Science and Art.
Nama /Name: Wolf Dieter Prix
Lahir /Birth: 1942
Pendidikan/Education : Technical University di Vienna.
: Southern California Institute of
Architecture (SCI-Arc)
: Architectural Association di London.

1984 - Professor di Architectural Association di
1990 - Professor di Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Masterclass of Architecture di
University of Applied Art di Vienna
- Southern California Institute of
Architecture di Los Angeles.
Arteplage Biel

Arteplage Biel
BMW Welt, Munich Germany

BMW Welt
Figurasi Open House Malibu

Figurasi Open House Malibu

Rooftop Remodeling Falkestrass

Rooftop Remodeling

Nama /Name: Bernard Tschumi
Lahir /Birth: 25 Januari 1944 (Lausanne, Switzerland)
kacukan French dan Swiss
Pendidikan/Education : Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule di Zurich.
memperolehi degree dalam architecture pada 1969
: Architectural Association School
Architecture di London
: the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies
di New York,
: Columbia University .
: Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and
Preservation from 1988 to 2003.
: Phd di Advanced Architectural Design
Lain-lain /others : Juara pertandingan Parc de la Villette , Paris.
: pencetus idea "architectonic notation“.
: pencetus idea "form follows fiction“.
Antara Rekaanya

Antara Rekaanya
The Paul Cejas School of Architecture New acropolis museum
Building at Florida International University
in Miami, Florida.

Alfred Lerner Hall

Projek akan datang
Antara Rekaanya

Limoges concert hall

Nama /Name: Frank Owen Gehry
Lahir /Birth: 28 February 1929 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)-
Pendidikan/Education : Los Angeles City College
: University of Southern California's School of
Architecture 1954.
: Harvard Graduate School of Design
Lain-lain /others : Pereka piala hoki “World Cup of Hockey”.
Anugerah /award : National Medal of Arts
: Order of Canada
: Pritzker Architecture Prize, LA.
Antara Rekaanya

Antara Rekaanya
Guggenheim Museum Fisher di Bard College
di Bilbao, Spain

Santa Monica

Walt Disney Concert Hall Weisman Art Museum

Antara Rekaanya

Prague Dancing House

Experience Music

Akron Art Museum

Akron Art Museum

Akron Art Museum

Art Museum
Akron Art Museum
Nama /Name: Daniel Libeskind
Lahir /Birth: 12 May 1946 di (Poland)
Pendidikan/Education : Los Angeles City College
: University of Southern California's School of
Architecture 1954.
: Harvard Graduate School of Design
Lain-lain /others : Pereka piala hoki “World Cup of Hockey”.
Anugerah /award : National Medal of Arts
: Order of Canada
: Pritzker Architecture Prize, LA.
Antara Rekaanya

Bern, Switzerland

Antara Rekaanya
Jewish Museum di Berlin Glass Building The Light from Within

the spiral extension to the victoria

& albert museum, london. facade.
Imperial War Museum North, Facade for Hyundai Development
Manchester Corporation Headquarters
Antara Rekaanya

Mallorca, Spain extension to the Denver art museum

Zlota 44 project for the new world trade center, 2002.

Nama /Name: Rem Koolhaas
Lahir /Birth: 17 November 1944 (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Pendidikan/Education : Graduate School of Design
di Harvard University
: Architectural Association School of

Architecture in London
: Cornell University in New York
: Institute for Architecture and Urban
Studies in New York
Antara Rekaanya

Antara Rekaanya
Prada, Beverly Hills

Seattle Central Library Netherlands Embassy in Berlin,


Casa da Música,
Porto, Portugal
Green Line train
Nama /Name: Peter Eisenman
Lahir /Birth: 11 August 1932 (Newark, New Jersey)
Pendidikan/Education : Cornell University
: Bachelor of Architecture
Degree, Cornell.
: Master of Architecture Degree
from Columbia University's
: University of Cambridge
: Syracuse University School of Architecture
Antara Rekaanya

Antara Rekaanya six-building City of Culture

of Galicia in Santiago de
Compostable, Spain.

London, Yale University

Nama /Name: Zaha Hadid
Lahir /Birth: 31 Oktober 1950 (Baghdad, Iraq)
Pendidikan/Education : Universiti Amerika Beirut.
: Architectural Association School
Architecture di London
: Graduate School Design.
Pensyarah /lecturer : Architectural Association.
: Sekolah Siswazah Design.
: Universiti Harvard.
: University of Illinois School
Architecture di Chicago.
: Hamburg, Knolton School Architecture.
: University, Masters Studio di Columbia University.
: Architectural Design di Yale University, New Haven
Anugerah /award : The Peak Club di Hong Kong (1983).
: Cardiff Bay house Opera Di Wales (1994).
: Pritzker Architecture Prize.
: Hadiah Nobel.
: Guggenheim Museum di New York.
Antara Rekaanya
Antara Rekaanya

Antara Rekaanya
Middle east centre oxford Vitra fire station, Weil am Rhein, Germany

the civil courts of justice in Madrid Nordpark cable railway

Antara Rekaanya

Abu Dhabi arts

Museum transport

opera house

Directed By
En. Ramu A/L Vellusamy

Story By
Muhammad Lutfi B. Yahya

TAMAT Design Animations By

Muhammad Syawal Bin AB. Malik

Music By
Norhissham B. Mohd Arshad

Edited By
Faliq Razin Bin Alias

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