Pore and Diffusion Model

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Submitted to
Dr.Ummul Khair Fatema
Assistant Professor
Department of Wet processing Engineering

Presented by

Theory of Textile coloration using different

dyeing model (Pore model, free volume model

Summary of the presentation

What is Textile coloration
Theory of textile coloration
What is diffusion model
Subdivision of diffusion model(pore model ,free
volume model)

Dyeing is the alternative name of textile coloration.
Textile coloration is the process of adding color to textile
substrate like fibers, yarn and fabrics. Dyeing is normally
done in a solution state containing dyes and particular
chemical. After dyeing, dye molecule creates chemical
bond with fiber molecule. The temperature and time
controlling are two important parameter in dyeing.

Dyeing theory has many qualitative aspects that are-

The state of dyes in solution and in the fiber during and after
The rates of dyeing processes and how these are influenced by
mass-transfer of dye from the bath solution to the dyefiber
interface, and by diffusion of the dye from the interface into the fiber;
influences dyeing rates and equilibria.

The phenomena occurring at the dyefiber interface such as dye
molecule adsorption and the effects of surface potentials;
The nature of the interactions between dye and fiber molecules,
which are the origin of substantivity;
The treatment of dyeing as a thermodynamic equilibrium and its
description in terms of thermodynamic variables;
The theory of fiber structure and how this influences dyeing rates
and equilibria

What is Diffusion
Diffusion means penetration/movement of substance
owing the existence of conc. gradient i.e. movement of
particles between the two surfaces having different
density from higher to lower one.
This is very important because it affects the fastness
properties and the color yield.

Diffusion Model
Theories of dye kinetics arc concerned with the nature of
dye diffusion in solid polymers.
Essentially they are based on two important
fundamentally different models of dye diffusion in fibers
1) The pore diffusion model and
2) The free-volume or mobile segment model

Pore diffusion model

The pore model represents the fiber as a solid structure with a

network of interconnected channels or pores which are filled with
the dyeing liquid, which is normally water.
The dissolved dye diffuses through these pores, where it can be
simultaneously adsorbed on the walls of the pores. For quantitative
expressions of the rate of diffusion, the porosity p is of primary
importance as well as the adsorption equilibrium.

Pore diffusion model

P is the proportion of pores in relation to the total volume of the fibre

available under the conditions of dyeing.

In I966, Weisz developed a mathematical model for diffusion

processes which is overlaid by an adsorption/desorption equilibrium
of the dye liquor at the external and internal boundary layers of the
fiber. The pore model presupposes that the pores are connected to
each other as well as to the external dye bath and that their
diameter is sufficiently large for the dye molecules to find rooms in

Pore diffusion model

Model concepts for dye uptake on cellulosic fibres are
generally based on the pore model. According to this, a
network of pores swollen and filled with water is present
in the fibres within which dye diffusion and sorption takes
place followed, if applicable, by chemical reactions as in
the case of reactive dyes.
It was concluded that substantivity is largely based on the
fact that the dye molecules which have diffused into the
fibre form aggregates in the cellulose pores.

Free Volume Model

The free volume model describes the dyeing process as diffusion of the
dye through the less ordered ("amorphous") regions of the polymer
matrix .
The rate of diffusion is therefore determined by the mobility of the
polymer chain segments.
The temperature dependence of the rates of dyeing for a particular type
of fibre is less above a certain temperature.
The resistance of the solid structure of the fibre to the penetration of dye
is much lower above this temperature. This is
referred to as the glass transition temperature of the
fibre in question (Tg), or more precisely, the glass
transition temperature under dyeing conditions or the
dyeing transition point (Td), since the classical glass
transition temp. is a parameter which is measured in
the dry state.

Free Volume Model

Both parameters, Tg and Td, correspond to those temperatures at

which, from a microscopic perspective.
the less ordered component of the polymer is converted from a glasslike state into the viscose elastic state, or. at a molecular level, at
which the less ordered segments of the macromolecule move
against each other, i.e.. become, in effect, like "micro fluids".
The glass transition temperature plays an important role here. It
corresponds. At a molecular level, to the temperature at which the
amorphous regions of a polymer are converted from a glass- like
state to a gummy (i.e., viscose elastic) state.
Above this temperature, parts of the polymer chain (thread) molecule
become mobile

Free Volume Model

This segment change in the spatial arrangement of the chain

molecules mobility causes an uninterrupted in these regions.
"Holes are formed above Tg and disappear again or occur at
neighbouling sites of the polymer segment involved. In the viscose
elastic state. therefore. The polymer structure cannot be conceived
in static terms: the structure changes constantly.
The possibility for the diffusion of relatively small molecules through
such a structure is a problem of probability (or expressed in physical
terms, it is a question of entropy) as to whether "holes", "channels
and adsorption sites for small molecules are formed by segment

Comparison between pore and

free volume model
The controversies between the two models, as which one is more
correct, the question is incorrectly formulated as any model is a
simplification of reality and is therefore expected to fail in certain
cases. Thus it is impossible to improve one is superior to another.
In all dyeing processes on the major fibers used today both models are
probably effective simultaneously but in widely varying proportions.
This conclusion evolved independently and by different methods
and showed that the important factors affecting the diffusion
coefficient are:
the degree of swelling
II. Dye affinity
III. enthalpy change for the hole formation

Comparison between pore and

free volume model
The diffusion coefficients on the more porous fibers were found to be
below and above Td. Therefore both models exists every dyeing
process and to measure the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient
during dyeing depends on:
chemical structure of polymer
II. degree of crystallinity
III. percentages of stable pores in the polymer
IV. segmental mobility
V. The dimensions of the diffusant molecules or ions.


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