03 Failure Theories in Composites
03 Failure Theories in Composites
03 Failure Theories in Composites
Vignesh Shunmugam
Here, it is to be noted that when the applied normal stress is compressive then the appropriate allowable
compressive stress must be used. Further, there is no interaction between the failure modes; that is why all the
inequalities should be satisfied simultaneously to avoid failure.
While solving problem, the applied stresses (i.e. x , y etc) are to be resolved into the stresses along the
principal material directions using stress transformation law. If an orthotropic lamina is subjected to a stress
x making an angle with the longitudinal direction, the stresses in the principal material direction are (using
the stress transformation)
At small values of , the longitudinal tensile failure will occur.
At high values of , the transverse tensile failure will occur.
At intermediate values of , the in-plane shear failure will occur.
As already stated in the maximum stress theory, when the normal strain due to the applied load is
compressive (shortening) then the appropriate allowable compressive strain must be used. Again, as in the
case of previous theory here also there is no interaction between the failure modes, that is why all the
inequalities should be satisfied simultaneously to avoid failure.
If the material is linearly elastic up to the ultimate failure, the allowable strains can be replaced by the
corresponding strength values, as given below:
If an orthotropic lamina, with fiber orientation angle of with the longitudinal direction, is subjected only to
stress x, the strains in the principal material directions are
As the material is assumed to be elastically linear up to the ultimate failure, both the maximum-stress theory
and the maximum-strain theory will lead to almost an identical result, but due to the Poisson ratio involved in
the latter theory, there may be a slight difference. When the material is not linearly elastic up to failure, both
the theories will predict differently.
The material properties are, E1= 147 GPa, E2= 15 GPa, G12= 12 GPa and = 0.3 . For the lamina with
orientation [45o], find the lamina stresses due to the load of = 100 kN/m. Verify for failure through the different
failure criteria, if the strength values are
"Mechanics of Composite Structural Elements", H Altenbach, J Altenbach and W Kissing, Springer
B D Agarwal, L J Broughtman and K Chandrashekhara, "Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites",
John Wiley and Sons, Inc