IABSE-JSCE Bridge Conference August 2015 Bridge Collapses - Final
IABSE-JSCE Bridge Conference August 2015 Bridge Collapses - Final
IABSE-JSCE Bridge Conference August 2015 Bridge Collapses - Final
Prof. J. R. Choudhury
Vice Chancellor, University of Asia Pacific
Ariful Hasnat
Senior Lecturer, University of Asia Pacific
Outline of Presentation
Major causes of bridge collapse
Natural Phenomena : hazards
Manmade factors
Over the last 3,000 years, many ways
of building bridges have been devised
by builders/engineers
New materials, forms, bridge types and
techniques of construction have led to
longer lengths and spans
Many of these bridges around the
world have collapsed
Manmade Factors
imperfect design and construction method,
collision, vehicle overloading, fire, attacks by
enemy forces or terrorists, lack of inspection and
hydrodynamic forces
moving slope-forming materials, when hitting the
bridge, may lead to severe damage or even
collapse of the bridge.
Causes of Collapse
Failure of iron piers :the fall of the bridge
was occasioned by the insufficiency of the
cross bracing and its fastenings to sustain
the force of the gale Court of Inquiry
Wind forces were underestimated
Construction defects
Recent Collapses in
Bailey bridge
Poor Maintenance
Concluding Remarks
Design errors have led to some major disasters
Collapse of bridges in Bangladesh occurring
due to natural hazards, poor construction and
lack of maintenance
Lessons learnt from collapses should help
bridge engineers to improve design
Thank you