3rd Quarter 2016 Lesson 1 Powerpoint Presentation With Tagalog Notes

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Adult Bible Study Guide

Jul Aug Sep 2016

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente


Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide

An Appeal

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This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who

may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for
personal use, some find it useful for teaching the
lesson in church.
There are those, however, who add illustrations,
change background, change fonts, etc. While their
intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1
says designed by claro ruiz vicente. For honest
Christians, it is not necessary for anothers
creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected.

The Role of the Church in the


George F
F Colon
Colon and
and May-Ellen
May-Ellen M.
M. Colon
Colon ,, Principal
Principal Contributors

The Role of the Church in the Community

The Whole Gospel

Research shows that approximately 30

percent of Seventh-day Adventists are
involved in meeting the needs of the
community outside the church.
What about the remaining 70 percent?
Jesus calls His entire end-time church
to proclaim and live the whole
everlasting gospel (Rev. 14:6).

The Role of the Church in the Community

The Whole Gospel

What is the whole gospel?

Jesus mission and ministry depicted in
Luke 4:1621 portray the whole gospel
as more than preaching the truth of
salvation by faith, however
foundational that is to all that we do.

The Role of the Church in the Community

The Whole Gospel

Jesus shows us that preaching the

gospel also means tangible
expressions of love and compassion
for the poor, hungry, sick,
brokenhearted, oppressed, outcast,
and imprisoned.

The Role of the Church in the Community

The Whole Gospel

Its about biblical justice and undoing

what the devil has done, at least to
whatever degree we now can as we
look forward to Jesus ultimate triumph
over evil at the end of the age.

The Role of the Church in the Community

Our Goal

We will explore the wholistic version

of the everlasting gospel
and will
examine the role of the church in
impacting communities with
this gospel.

The Role of the Church in the Community

1 The Restoration of All Things
2 Restoring Dominions
3 Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 1
4 Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 2
5 Jesus on Community Outreach
6 Jesus Mingled With People
7 Jesus Desired Their Good
8 Jesus Showed Sympathy
9 Jesus Ministered to Their Needs
10 Jesus Won Their Confidence
11 Jesust Bade Them Follow Me
12 Urban Ministry in the End Time
13 How Shall We Wait

The Role
Role of
of the
the Church
Church in
in the
the Community
Lesson 1,
1, July
July 22

The Restoration of All


The Restoration of All Things

Key Text

Genesis 1:27 NIV

So God created mankind in his

own image, in the image of God he

created them; male and female he
created them.

The Restoration of All Things

Initial Words

Look around. Something is terribly

wrong. Its called sin. The good news
is that its not permanent. Jesus came,
died for the sins of the world, and
promised to come again. When He
does, nothing of this world will remain. A
new, eternal kingdom, will begin.
He calls and empowers us so we can
work toward the restoration of others as

The Restoration of All Things

Quick Look

1. Created in Gods Image

(Genesis 1:26, 27)
2. Almost Obliterated Image
(Genesis 3:7)
3. Restored in Gods Image
(1 John 3:2)

The Restoration of All Things

1. Created in Gods Image

Genesis 1:26, 27 NKJV

Then God said, Let us make man

in our image, according to our
likeness.... So God created man in
His own image;

in the image of God He created him;

male and female He created them.

1. Created in Gods Image

Meaning of Image

Man and woman, alone, among all

the other creatures made during

that time, were in Gods image.
They were not evolved apes.
As human beings, they and we are
radically different from all of the other
life forms on earth.

1. Created in Gods Image

Meaning of Image

Both of them, male and female,

though different and distinct beings,
were still one. Together, in their fullness
and completeness, they represented
the image of God.
Gods image is wholistic: When Adam
came from the Creators hand, he bore,
in his physical, mental, and spiritual

1. Created in Gods Image

Meaning of Image

The word for image in Hebrew is

tselem; the word for likeness is
demuth. These words can connote
the physical (tselem) and the inward
(demuth), which includes the spiritual
and mental aspects of humanity.
Man was made in Gods image,
both in outward resemblance and in
character.Patriarchs and Prophets 45.

The Restoration of All Things

2. Almost Obliterated Image

Genesis 3:7 NKJV

Then the eyes of both

of them were opened,

and they knew that
they were naked; and
they sewed fig leaves
together and made
themselves coverings.

2. Almost Obliterated Image

The Fall and Its Aftermath

THE first mentioned result of Adam

and Eve eating of the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil was their
sudden realization of their nakedness.
They sought to cover themselves from
the presence of God. Their robes of
light now disappeared. Their intimacy
with God was disrupted.

2. Almost Obliterated Image

Enmity and Atonement

The word enmity in Hebrew shares its

root with the Hebrew word hate and
the word enemy.
By eating of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, the couple placed
themselves and all humanity at enmity
with God (see Rom. 5:10,
Col. 1:21, James 4:4).

2. Almost Obliterated Image

Enmity and Atonement

In the plan of salvation, the atonement,

Christs sacrificial death, relieves us
from the legal consequences of that
wrongdoing. Christ Himself paid the
penalty for us. The demands of justice
were met, but they were met in Jesus
instead of us.
This is the crucial and foundational
step in the restoration of all things.

The Restoration of All Things

3. Restored in Gods Image

1 John 3:2 NKJV

Beloved, now we are

children of God; and it
has not yet been
revealed what we
shall be, but we know
that when He is
revealed, we shall be
like Him, as He is.

3. Restored in Gods Image

Restoration in Jesus

Sin has marred and well-nigh obliterated the image of God in man.
It was to restore this that the plan of
salvation was devised, and a life of
probation was granted to man. To bring
him back to the perfection in which he
was first created is the great object of
lifethe object that underlies every
other.Patriarchs and Prophets 595.

3. Restored in Gods Image

Restoration in Jesus

In Hebrews 1:3 Christ Himself is

presented as the image of Godthe
express image of His person.
He desires to unite with us in order to
restore Gods image in us. The ultimate
experience will occur at Jesus second
coming. However, when Christ is in us,
and we in Christ, the process of being
restored in Gods image begins.

3. Restored in Gods Image

Restoring Role of the Church

Whats amazing is that God calls us,

His church, even now, to have a part to
play working toward this restoration.
The church is called to partner with
Christ in moving people toward being
restored in Gods imagephysically,
mentally, and spiritually.

The Restoration of All Things

Final Words

As they continue their quest for

restoration and an abundant life, many
will realize that they need spiritual and
moral restoration too. This is a key facet
of restoration to Gods image.
The church is uniquely positioned and
equipped to meet these spiritual needs,
better than any secular social or health

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