Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit
Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit
Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit
plak eritem, batas tegas, bentuk
bervariasi, multipel, dengan skuama
putih lebar.
siku: plak eritem batas tegas dg skuama putih tebal.
Acne In this case of papulopustular acne the eruption was more acute and therefore the
lesions are more monomorphous.
Almost all lesions are pustular and on the left cheek are transforming into cystic lesions.
Wajah : komedo, papul eritem, pustul, multipel, diskret.
Bullous impetigo: S. aureus Scattered, discrete, intact thin-walled blisters on the thigh of
a child; lesions in the groin have ruptured, resulting in vesikel dan bula dengan dasar
eritem, sebgain tampak erosi, multipel, diskret.
Erysipelas of leg: S. aureus The lower leg is red, hot, tender, and edematous.
Erythematous plaque is well defined. The infection is recurrent with interdigital
tinea pedis
as the portal of entry.
Tungkai kiri: (patch) eritem batas tegas, nyeri tekan, perabaan hangat.
Leprosy: borderline-type Annular tan-pink plaque on the neck with similar lesion
on the adjacent cheek. Peripheral sensory nerves were palpable on the neck.
(Courtesy of
Atul Taneja, MD.)
plak eritem bentuk anular,