Due to the high mobility of the nodes, maintaining a
communication link between the UAVs is a challenging
The topology of these networks is more dynamic than
The existing routing protocols designed for MANETs
partly fail in tracking network topology changes.
Applications of FANET
Wildfire monitoring
Border surveillance
extending ad hoc networks on the ground
MANET- Protocols currently available for network topology
ETX estimation
ETX estimates the expected number of transmissions
(including re-transmissions) necessary to deliver a
packet from the source to its final destination.
If all the hops forming R are errorless () = () = 1
the ETX(R) is equal to the number of hops of R.
ETX estimation
The OLSR link-quality extension uses the control messages named Hello
messages as a link probe. is computed by means of an exponential
moving average
is an OLSR parameter, named link-quality aging that drives the tradeoff between the accuracy and responsiveness of the receiving ratio
a greater yielding a more stable and reliable estimation.
with a lower the system will react faster.
Implementation Details
Open-source implementation of OLSR called OLSRd is
used. In the modified version, the Hello messages are
augmented to contain position information. Thus, every
node knows its neighbors positions and can compute
the corresponding ETX.
Link-quality information in OLSR Topology Control (TC)
messages that are to be distributed to the whole
To implement P-OLSR, we have to share the
coordinates(i.e. longitude, latitude, and altitude) of each
Experiments -I
Link Performance Assessment
Experiment setup:
iperf, used to took one measurement of the link quality per second
Every second, the UAV sent 85 UDP datagrams (totaling 1 Mbit) to the node on
the ground.
All the datagrams received with a delay greater than 5 seconds is considered lost.
Every second, compute the datagram loss rate (DLR), which is the ratio between
the datagram lost and their total number
Conclusion on Experiment - I
The connection is good when the distance is shorter
than 250 meters.
DLR is always lower than 0.2.
Distance <250 meters 300 meters> - DLR -1
Distance >300 meters -DLR - close to 1.
The average DLR is 0.5 at 350 meters.
Experiment- II
Routing Performance Assessment
Compared the routing performance of OLSR with link-quality
extension and P-OLSR
Result Experiment II
Conclusion on Experiment-II
It takes several seconds to detect that a wireless direct-link is
broken. This translates into an interruption of the service.
Reacts promptly to topology changes.
It is able to predict a change in the topology and reacts before
the previous link breaks
Emulation Setup
Behavior of P-OLSR in larger networks and we analyzed
the role of various parameters, namely the Hello
interval (HI), the link-quality aging (), and the P-OLSR
specific parameters ( and ).
The network consisted of 19 moving UAVs. One UAV
(Node 2) scanned a rectangular area of 1200 square
Emulation Setup
Experiment Conducted
equal 0.2 and = 0.2 and we vary the speed aging
= 0.08 and we vary the value of .
HI and the link quality aging .
HI = 1 second, = 0:1, and the specific-P-OLSR parameters
= 0:08, = 0:2.
P-OLSR increases the average good put compared to OLSR
The gap is greater when the Hello message rate is lower (HI = 2
seconds) because OSLR is slower to reacts to topology changes.
P-OLSR is able to track the evolution of the network topology when
the Hello message rate is lower.
When the Hello message rate is low, the link-quality estimation is
slow in tracking the channel fluctuations, therefore it is convenient
to give more weight to the speed term than to the link-quality term.
P-OLSR outperforms OLSR in every configuration
1. Stefano Rosati (2015), Dynamic Routing for Flying Ad Hoc Networks, 2015 IEEE, pp. 112
2. Ilker Bekmezci, Ozgur Koray Sahingoz, Samil Temel (2015) Flying Ad-Hoc Networks
(FANETs): A survey, Ad Hoc Networks (In Press)
3. Samil TEMEL, lker BEKMEZC (2013) On the performance of Flying Ad Hoc Networks
(FANETs) Utilizing Near Space High Altitude Platforms (HAPs), IEEE, pp. 461-465
4. Ilker Bekmezci, Murat Ermis, Sezgin Kaplan (2014), Connected Multi UAV Task Planning
for Flying Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE International Block sea Conference on
Communication and Networking, pp.28-32.
5. Vishal Sharma and Rajesh Kumar, (2015)An Opportunistic Cross Layer Design for
Efficient Service Dissemination over Flying Ad Hoc Networks(FANETs), IEEE Sponsored
Second International Conference On Electronics And Communication Systems(ICECS
6. Michael Muller (2014) Flying Ad-Hoc Networks