Physical Properties of Dental Materials
Physical Properties of Dental Materials
Physical Properties of Dental Materials
Properties of
:Mass-related properties- 1
:Thermal properties- 2
Thermal conductivityCoefficient of thermal expansion and contractionHeat of fusion & latent heat of fusion- Melting and freezing temperature
- Specific heat
Optical properties- 4
Clinical importance in
.Retention of the upper denture -1
.Weight of complete or partial denture -2
.During casting -3
Thermal Properties:
:1- Thermal Conductivity
Clinical importance in
.Metallic filling materials -1
L final- L original
L original x (C final- C original)
Clinical importance in
Close matching of the coefficient of thermal
ii. Discoloration
iv. Hypersensitivity
Heat of fusion- 3
Heat of fusion (L) is the amount of heat in calories or
joules required to convert l gm of a material from the
.solid to the liquid state at the melting temperature
:It is calculated as follows
Where L: is the heat of fusion
.L = ---------------Q: is the total heat absorbed
m: mass of the substance melted
:Importance in dentistry
During casting, the metal must be heated 100 C
more than its melting temperature for proper
Heat of fusion
Dental significance
During casting metal must be
heated 100C above its melting
5-Specific heat
It is the quantity of heat needed to raise
the temperature of one gram of the
substance 1C
Metals have low specific heat,
while non metals have high specific heat
Importance in dentistry:
Because of the low specific heat of dental gold alloys, prolonged heating is
unnecessary, during casting
1- Acrylic resin denture base materials have the
tendency for water sorption.
2- Hydrocolloid impression materials will imbibe
water if immersed in it leading to dimensional
Optical Properties
The perception of the Color of an object is
the result of a physiological response to a
physical stimulus (light).
is a property of the material, which allows the passage of some light and scatters or reflects
the rest . In such manner, the object cannot be clearly seen through them
.Translucency decreases with increasing the scattering centers
.e.g. tooth enamel, porcelain, composite and pigmented acrylic resin
1- Reflection:
A- Smooth surface: Reflections on a smooth
surface give a glossy appearance to the
surface Specular Reflection
Smooth surface: angle of incidence = angle
of reflection
The restoration should have a highly smooth
and polished surface to simulate the tooth
structure and match it.
B- Rough surface: Reflections of light on a rough surface are
diffused (i.e: in all directions). Diffuse Reflection
The surface appears to have little gloss (i.e dull)
2- Refraction:
It is the change of the direction of a beam of light on entering
second medium.
Refraction results from the difference in refractive indices of the
two media.
transparent solid
while ** large differences result in opaque materials.
Example: Control of refractive index of the filler and
matrix phases in composite resins and porcelain.
If light rays passing through a medium are obstructed by any different
inclusions it will be redirected in another direction and is attenuated.
i.e The original beam is weakened
by scattering in a
direction away from the observer eye
Importance in dentistry:
1- Opacifiers & pigments added to composite resins act as scattering centers that
give rise to opaque shades of the material.
2- Incorporated air bubbles
in a restoration act as
scattering centers.
:Transmission. 4
Color parameters:
A- Hue: It is the dominant wave length. It represents
the color of the material,
i.e yellow, green, red and blue.
C- Value:
It represents the lightness or darkness of color
(the amount of grayness).
1- Source:
Different sources have different color
content. i.e Incandesnt light has a color
content different from that of fluorescent
2- Surrounding:
Colors of wall, lips or clothes of the patient
modify the type of light reaching the object.
3- Object:
A- Translucency:
It controls lightness or darkness of color.
High translucency gives a lighter color
appearance (higher value) i.e more vital tooth
D- Fluorescene:
It makes the teeth bright and vital, as it
increases the brightness.
E- Thickness:
The thickness of a restoration can affect its
Increase in thickness, increase opacity, and
lower the value.
F- Metamerism
4- Observer:
A- Color response:
Eye responds differently among individuals.
B- Color Vision:
Some individuals may have color blindness
and inability to distinguish certain colors.
C- Color Fatigue:
Constant stimulus of one color decreases the
response to that color.
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
The principle of laser production is simply that an element
or compound (medium) can be excited by high energy to
produce a special type of light called laser
Characteristics of laser
:a- Monochromatic
Clinical applications of
a- Surgery for removal of soft
b- Removal of initial carious
c- Curing of composite resin.
Primary colors:
Blue, green and red are primary colors.
Combining suitable proportions of wave lengths of the three
primary colors results in white.