Lect - 5 Examples Steady Conduction in Slabs, Cylinders and Spheres - Critical Thickness of Insulation With Solution
Lect - 5 Examples Steady Conduction in Slabs, Cylinders and Spheres - Critical Thickness of Insulation With Solution
Lect - 5 Examples Steady Conduction in Slabs, Cylinders and Spheres - Critical Thickness of Insulation With Solution
Multilayer Conduction
Example 2-1 (J. P. Holman)
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10 cm
Rock Wool
3.75 cm
RB= oC / W , RP= oC / W
= RB + RP= 0.221 oC / W
= = 1.105 oC / W
Resistance by rock wool = RR = 1.105 0.221 = 0.884 oC / W
= 0.884 * 0.065 = 0.0575 m = 5.75 cm
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RR =
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Solution of 2.2 :
Ksteel = KS = 19 W/m o C Kasbestos = KA = 0.2 W/m o C
T1= 600 oC
Ta = ?
r 1 = 1 cm , r2= 2 cm , r3= 5 cm
The heat flow is given by = =
3 cm
2 cm
= 680 W/m
Since there is no accumulation of heat in the material, by
heat balance we get ,
= 680 W/m =
The Interface temp. =Ta= 595.8 oC
Since KA << Ks , So major drop in temp. occurs in Asbestos.
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T2= 100 oC
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Solution 2.4:
From Table 2.2 , the overall heat transfer coefficients are
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Solution 2.5:
0.08 cm
Kwall = 16 W/m C ,
2.5 cm
hi = 3500 W/m2C
ho = 7.6 W/m2 C
q= =
The outside convection
resistance is the largest and is
the controlling resistance for the
total heat transfer.
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T = 20C
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Solution 2.6:
ro = = =0.0567 m = 5.67 cm
The inside radius of the insulation is =2.5 cm, so the heat transfer is calculated from Equation
= 105.7 W/m
Without insulation the convection from the outer surface of the pipe is
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So, the addition of 3.17 cm (5.672.5) of insulation actually increases the heat transfer by 25
As an alternative, fiberglass having a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/m C might be employed
as the insulation material. Then, the critical radius would be
ro = =0.0133 m = 1.33 cm
Now, the value of the critical radius is less than the outside radius of the pipe (2.5 cm), so
addition of any fiberglass insulation would cause a decrease in the heat transfer. In a practical
pipe insulation problem, the total heat loss will also be influenced by radiation as well as
convection from the outer surface of the insulation.
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Solution 2-7
All the power generated in the wire must be dissipated by convection to the liquid:
R = *
where is the resistivity of the wire. The surface area of the wire is dL, so from Equation
(200)2(0.099)=4000(3103)(1)(Tw 110)=3960 W
And Tw =215C [419F]
The heat generated per unit volume q is calculated from
P = qV = qr2L
so that
=560.2 MW/m3 [5.41107 Btu/h.ft3]
Finally, the center temperature of the wire is calculated from Equation
=+215= 231.6C [449F]
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Solution 2-9
We may use the approximate method of solution by extending the fin a fictitious length
t/2 and then computing the heat transfer from a fin with insulated tip as given by
Lc = L+t/2=7.5+0.15=7.65 cm [3.01 in]
when the fin depth z>>t. So,
For a 1 m depth
A=(1)(3103)=310-3m 2 [4.65 in2]
q = (5.774)(200)(310-3)(30050) tanh [(5.774)(0.0765)]
= 359 W/m [373.5 Btu/h ft]
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Solution 2-12
The overall heat flow is subject to three thermal resistances, one conduction resistance for
bar, and the contact resistance. For the bars
= =8.679C/W
contact resistance is
= =0.747C/W
The total thermal resistance is therefore
Rth =(2)(8.679)+0.747=18.105
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