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Information Literacy: A Guide To Avoiding Plagiarism and Referencing

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Information Literacy

A guide to avoiding plagiarism and

What is plagiarism?
 “A specific form of cheating and is
generally defined as presenting
someone else’s work or ideas as
your own. These work or ideas may
be in printed or electronic
format...” Cite them right (Pears, 2008,
Examples of plagiarism
 Copying words directly from books,
periodicals or the internet
 Changing the sentence structure to make it
appear that it is your own work
 Any attempt to present somebody else’s work
or ideas as your own
You can use other people’s ideas to support
your own arguments. It shows that you have
read about your topic – but you must always
reference other people’s ideas.

What is referencing ?
 Referencing
 The process of acknowledging sources
consulted in preparing your own work
 Use to avoid plagiarism
 Harvard referencing
Information to note about the
sources you use
 Author
 Date of publication
 Title (name) of book, journal or website
 Title of journal article and page number
 Place of publication (books, journals)
 Name of Publisher (books, journals)
 URL (websites)
 Date you visited the website
What is citation?

 “In-text reference which gives brief

details ... of the source that you are
quoting from or referring to.” Cite them
right (Pears, 2008, p.92)

 Direct quotation:
 This is also demonstrated by Goman (1989,
p.65) who states that, “It is a legal
requirement in the UK to absorb overheads
associated with bringing the product to its
current condition and location”.

 Indirect quotation
 Goman (1989) is one of a number of
commentators who refer to the legal need to
cover overhead costs of production in this
What is a bibliography?
 “A list of all the sources that you
consulted for your work...” Cite them
right (Pears, 2008, p.92)

 A reference list is like a

bibliography but includes only
sources that you have cited in your
 Book:
 Zeldman, J. (2003) Designing with web
standards. Berkeley: New Riders.

 Chapter in a book:
 Menzies, R. (1993) Information systems
security. In: Peppard, J. ed. IT strategy for
business. London: Pitman Publishing. pp.
70 – 80.

Author’s surname and Place of publication

initial (s) In capital letters (town or city)

Zeldman,J.(2003)Designing with web standards. Berkeley:New Riders

Date of publication Title of book in italics or Publisher


 Website:
 Anglia Ruskin University Library (2008)
University library guide to the Harvard style
of referencing. Anglia Ruskin University. Pdf
available at:
d.htm (Accessed: 17 October 2009).
 Journal article
 Lovett, G. (2008) Built on shaky
foundations. Design week, 23 (42) October,

 Whitehorn, M. (2007) Get back on the road.

Computer active. Issue 250, 20th
September - 3rd October, pp.56-58
 Alphabetical order by author
 Several authors with same surname
 order by surname, then forename
 Items by same author
 date order, earliest first
 label a, b, c if several from same year
Exercise answers

 Mott, J. & Rendell, I. (2008) Advanced spreadsheet
project in Excel. 3rd ed. London: Hodder education.
Exercise answers

 Journal
Cassels, J. (2009) Network your home:
Joe Cassels explains how to get the
most from your connected devices
without breaking into a sweat, PC
Answers. Issue 199, June, p.41.
Exercise answers
Online article
Neate, R. (2010) Mobiles to replace wallets and tickets,
Telegraph, 02 February Available at:

s-to-replace-wallets-and-tickets.html. (Accessed: 02
Feb 2010).

Pears,R. (2008) Cite them right: the

essential referencing guide. Newcastle
upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.
 BBC (2008) Persaud hit with
suspension. Available at:
(Accessed: 05 November 2009).
Online quiz

 Go to Blackboard
 Click on the Learning Centres tab
 Click on the Internet Detective link
 Click on Keep the right side of the law
 Click on Quiz
 Complete the quiz by clicking in the tick
boxes then check your answers

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