Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth
Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth
Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth
The term women empowerment may be defined as a multi-dimensional social process that
helps women in gaining control over their own lives, their community and their society by acting on issues
that they deem important. It also includes decisions regarding education, participation, mobility, economic
independency, public speaking awareness and exercise of rights, political participation etc. There are five
The recognition
of self-importance
in women empowerment:
2. The right to have and determine choices
3. The right to have access to opportunities and resources.
4. Their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home and
5. The ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally
It refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities.
Inclusive growth
Inclusive growth is a comprehensive term that includes so many things. It can be studied from the point of
view of industry and agriculture, rich and poor, urban and rural , men and women. Here i have focused my attention on
the inclusive growth of women. It requires rapid reduction of poverty and allows the people to contribute to and
benefit from economic growth. It refers both to the pace and pattern of growth which are considered interlinked
and need to be addressed together. It is a long term perspective. Its attention is more on productive employment
then on redistribution of income. It is in line with the absolute definition of pro-poor growth. It also focuses on
reducing inequality. It also includes ex-ante analysis of source of, and constrains to sustained, high growth, and
not only on one group i.e. the poor.
Descriptive research is carried out with specific objectives and hence it results in definite
conclusions. Secondary data are used to find out the path ways for women empowerment and
inclusive growth.
Since secondary data are used for the study the results obtained may be more
c. Difficulties of working women to balance their domestic environment with professional life.
(iii) Balancing the tension between affirming womens realities and affirming discriminatory practices.