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Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1

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Dosen : Dr. Stefano Munir, M.E.



Mineral (Ore)
and Coal are mined in two ways
underground mines and surface mines.
Today, underground mines are highly mechanized, with
machines doing the digging, loading and hauling in
nearly all the mines.
Mining Equipment : Drilling = Development,
Production, Support ; Hauling = Track (locs. + cars) ;

Most underground mines have two access

passages from the surface to the coal bed. One
is used as an entrance and exit, while the other
is used to haul out the coal. Both are used
for circulation of air.
The main types of underground mines are shaft
mines, drift mines or slope mines. The
deepest of these three are the shaft mine.
Passages are dug straight down into the earth to
the coal deposits. An elevator called a hoist is
located in each shaft. A slope mine is similar to a
shaft mine except that the coal is nearer to the
surface and passage to the coal is accessed by a
tunnel that is dug on slant. A drift mine goes
straight into the mountainside to the coal. The

Types of Underground Coal Mines

This drawing depicts the three types of underground mines--shaft mines,
slope mines and drift mines. The decision of what type of mine to construct
depends on the depth of the coal seam and the surrounding terrain.
a. Drift mines have horizontal entries into the coal seam from a hillside.
b. Slope mines, which usually are not very deep, are inclined from the surface
to the coal seam.
c. Shaft mines, generally the deepest mines, have vertical access to the coal
seam via elevators that carry workers and equipment into the mine.
Almost all underground mines are less than 1,000 feet deep, but some mines
reach depths of about 2,000 feet.
Drift mining is a method of subsurface mining or underground mining that
involves cutting an opening horizontally into the side of a mountain or hillside
to access a mineral seam. The result is the creation of a drift, a tunnel dug
and driven directly along a horizontal path to the seam.

The diagram depicts a cross section of three different kinds

of mines, along with structural elements of the underground
shaft and slope mines. The shaft mine has compartments for
a skip hoist, elevators called cages, and service facilities such
as ventilation ducts. In a slope mine, the miners also work at

Material (rock or ore and coal) fragmented with or without aid of

explosives from a working face (which may be a tunnel, large
underground chamber, open cut excavation at any working site or
mines) is known as muck. The process of loading this muck into a
this muck
is discharged away
to an from
for transportation
the face
known as
moving the mucking equipment, and simply by swinging it,
the process is known as casting.
Excavation is the process of digging ground from its bank face (insitu) and elevating by an excavator to discharge it either to a
haulage unit, or an adjacent area.

At any mine, tunnel, or civil construction site once the

rock has been dislodged from its original place, it need
to be removed immediately to its final destination at
the surface which could be a waste rock muck pile or
ores stock pile to feed to the processing plant, or
final dispatch destination point which is the users.
From the working face of the excavation site; it is
loaded with the use of any of the mucking units as
described in chapter 6 into a conveyance which
carries it through horizontal, inclined, vertical, or
combination of both horizontal and vertical routes, to the
discharge point.
Movement of the muck through a horizontal or
inclined path is known as haulage, and through the
steeply inclined to vertical path (up or down) as

This can be described under two headings track and trackless. Track
haulage includes rope and locomotive haulage, which run on rail or track.
Trackless system includes automobile, conveyors and transportation through


These trackless units operate on roads and are tyre wheel mounted. Mainly
units are available for their use in surface and underground mines:
1. LHD when used as transporting unit, the hauling distance should not
exceed 150m
2. Shuttle cars the limiting distance for these units are in the range of 1
3. Low Profile Trucks/Dumpers for their use in u/g mines.
a). LHD : Full description of LHDs has been given before.
b) SHUTTLE CAR : This vehicle was brought into mines in early 1950s and
still finds its application in coal and non-coal mines. A chain and flight
conveyor fitted in the center of its body transfers the muck from its rear
end towards the front one at the time of its loading and it discharges its
muck on to a grizzly, conveyor or minecar, when unloading it. This vehicle
shuttles between the loading face and its discharge end, hence, the name
shuttle car, and
it is not required to turn around. Battery, cable reeled electric power or
diesel could operate
it. The battery version could not find its application, hence, in non-coal
mines diesel operated and in coal mines electrically run shuttle cars are
used. In later type movement
of car is restricted to a distance below 250 m (max. length of cable).
However, for better

Ore Pass with Grizzly

Load Haul Dump (LHD)

Multiple purpose diesel machine used for material removal and lifting and
carrying supplies around the mine.

UNDERGROUND TRUCKS : Use of these units (fig. 7.4(a)) began somewhat in

early 1970s in underground mines. Both two wheel drives and four-wheel
drive trucks are in use. A two wheel drive truck finds its application on the
level to 12% up gradient mine roadways. The road should be with hard
surface. It should not be very slippery and soft. Four-wheel drive trucks can
used for rough, slippery and even at the steeper gradients than 12%. Trucks
can be classified
into three types: Tip dumpers, Telescopic dumpers and Push-plate dumpers

Mine Trucks

TRACK : While adapting track mine system properly laid track and suitable
types of mine cars are
mandatory to achieve smooth and trouble free transportation of ore, rocks
and material
in the mine. Selection of a track depends upon the weight of locomotive or
weight on a wheel in case of rope haulage system. In figure/table 7.14(c)

A mine railway (or mine railroad, U.S.), sometimes pit railway, is a

railway constructed to carry materials and workers in and out of a mine.[1]
Materials transported typically include ore, coal and overburden (also called
variously spoils, waste, slack, culm,[2] and tilings; all meaning waste rock). It
is little remembered, but the mix of heavy and bulky materials which had to
be hauled into and out of mines gave rise to the first several generations of
railways, at first made of wood rails, but eventually adding protective iron,
steam locomotion by fixed engines and the earliest commercial
steam locomotives, all in and around the works around mines.

Mine cars, bundies or tubs are the different names given to mine cars, which
are made
of steel body; and are available up to four axles and with carrying capacity up
to 100
tons.9 Mine cars up to 15 tons. capacity are very common. In coalmines mine
cars of
small size (1, 1, 2, 3, tons.) are used where as in metal mines big size mine
cars (3,
5, 7, 10 or more) are common. These cars available in various designs
particularly as per
their mode of discharging muck they hold, and prominent amongst them are:
side discharge
(fig. 7.15(a)), end discharge (fig. 7.15(b)), bottom discharge (fig. 7.15(c)),
discharge Granby cars, and automatic bottom discharge cars. Bottom
discharge cars
have the advantage of getting rid of muck sticking at their bottoms and also
less height of workings during muck discharge operation. Figure 7.15(d)
illustrates the
process of muck discharge from the bottom discharged cars as per Swedish

The mine shafts are the lifeline to underground mines, and miners
depend on safe uninterrupted and efficient flow of material. The
shafts and hoisting systems provide access to network of openings
used to recover the underground resource, carry out vertical
transportation of miners and materials required for the mining
operations, and serve as an escape way in case of emergency. In
addition the shafts assist in mine ventilation and supply of
Most underground mines have 3 shafts (rock shaft, service shaft and the
engineering services underground (power, compressed air, water,
ventilation one) and if something ever happens to any shaft the production can
cooling conduit etc.).
be severely disrupted and consequently the mine may suffer serious financial
losses. Mining shaft generally is a very complex engineering object but from a
geometrical and topological point of view it can be described it as a cylinder
with a diameter of 5-20 metres and the depth of 100-3000 metres in a single
go. Inside a single shaft there are many different objects: pipes of various
diameters, cables, vertical guides (rails for the conveyances), horizontal steel
beams (buntons), fixing brackets and other attachments. Shaft lining is
normally constructed from reinforced concrete or cast-iron tubbing rings.
Besides that each shaft has one or few stations intersections with mining
levels (horizontal mining workings). In any point of time all of the shaft
constructive elements must be kept in good working conditions for the
uninterrupted and safe mining operations. For instance, all guides must be
perfectly aligned as the vertical speed of conveyances e.g. 50-t skip can reach

Elevators are devices that move people and goods vertically within a
dedicated shaft that connects the floors of a building.
Skip and cage hoisting systems for vertical and inclined shafts
*Koepe, drum and blair winders with conventional and integrated
**Hoisting towers and head frames
***Head and deflection sheaves
****Mobile winders for service and emergency use
*****Skips and cages, rope attachments for winding, balance and
guide ropes, rope load measuring devices
******Loading and unloading stations




Rail cars




SIEMAG TECBERG - Hoisting Technology, Shaft and

Slope Hoisting

Slope hoisting systems are designed for hoisting heavy trucks or

skips in the fastest and most economical manner using the shortest
distance from mine bottom to the surface. Open-pit hoisting
systems : SIEMAG TECBERG offers unique systems for handling
the challenges associated with high capacity open pit mines. These
include large payload capability (300 t plus), energy efficient and cost
effective skip hoisting and TruckLift Systems. The TruckLift System by
SIEMAG TECBERG hoists loaded dump trucks straight up the pit wall
from the pit bottom to surface. The benefits include:
* Reduced truck fleet investment, **Operating and maintenance costs

Shaft sinking ppt..underground mines

Shaft sinking, excavation from the surface of an opening in the earth. Shafts,
which are generally vertical, are usually distinguished from tunnels, which are
horizontal. Little difficulty is experienced in shaft sinking through solid rock,
which contains little water. Shafts sunk in loose water-bearing soils and lined
with cast iron or with concrete masonry 1 to 2 ft (30-61 cm) thick, built in
sections as the work advances. Shaft sinking through rock is generally
accomplished by blasting. Diameter and depth depends upon the type of the
shaft Shafts are usually circular or rectangular.
These are; 1. Down-the-hole Shaft sinking Methods 2. Remote Shaft sinking
Methods 3. Raiseboring Method
1. Down-the-hole-Shaft sinking method 1. Rock bolting & meshing 2. cast-inplace lining 3. pre-cast lining 1. Drilling & blasting 2. shaft-boring mucking
3. V-mole with pilot hole
a. Drilling & blasting: A shaft is constructed by drilling holes and filling them
with explosives. Using this method, drilling and blasting can sink around 510 metres in one blast. This is very labour-intensive, unsafe and has high
running costs. The most viable alternative for shafts up to 100m in length.
b. Mucking: The operation of loading broken rock by hand or machine, usually
in shafts or tunnels. Note: Muck, any useless material produced in mining.
mucking out cuttings from the bottom of the shaft. Usually this would
require some skip-hoisting, bucket-hoisting or clam-shell-grab equipment.
c. Rock bolting and meshing A wire mesh is fastened to the walls with evenly
spaced rock bolts. Rock bolting is a commonly used, cheap method. The
rock-bolts increase normal stresses on joints so that shear failure along

. It is possible to cast concrete rings as the shaft sink progresses. This

method provides a smooth, watertight and permanent lining for the shaft.
The casing can be reinforced to cope with horizontal stresses (i.e. ringshaped reinforcement) making the casing elements more economical.
12. In sands, mudstone and sandstone, steel, pre-stressed concrete or
composite liners with a smaller diameter (i.e. up to the 4.5 dia: )than the
shaft are lowered after drilling out the hole. Concrete can then be poured
behind the walls to create the lining.
13. a) Wood/Steel Piling The first set of piles, forming a circle around the
shaft site is started at the surface. As the piles are driven down, the ground
is excavated, and a circular crib is put in every few feet. In this way the
shaft is sunk in a series of short wooden cylinders. b) Open Caisson In this
method the shaft is started by digging a shallow excavation and placing a
cutting shoe on the bottom of the pit. The ground inside and just under the
shoe is excavated and the lining is built up as the shoe sinks.
14. c) Cementation Process Cavities and fissures are filled with quicksetting cement under high pressure then allowed to set. Cement pumps are
designed for pressure as high as 5000 lb/sqin. d) Freezing Process This
method was first used in 1883. The wet round is artificially frozen and then
blasted and excavated as though it were solid rock. From 20 to 50 holes are
drilled on the circumference of a circle. Circulating pipes are placed in the
holes and a calcium or magnesium chloride solution is pumped through the
pipes to freeze the ground.
15. Shaft type Diameters (m) Depths (m) Mining ventilation 1-6 50-1500
Mining ore passes 3-7 50-1500 Mining access shafts 5-10 50-1500 Water

Schematic of headframe
1. hoist ; 2. cable ; 3. wheel ; 4.
sheer ; 5. false edge ; 6.
hoistroom ; 7. mineshaft

A steel Headframe (the vertical

distance 50 m high above the
collar) and winding drums

Mine hoisting systems :

A raise is a vertical or steeply-inclined opening that connects different
levels in the mine. It may serve as a ladderway access to stopes, as
an ore pass or as an airway in the mines ventilation system. Raising
is a difficult and dangerous, but necessary job. Raising methods vary
from simple manual drill and blast to mechanical rock excavation with
raise boring machines (RBMs)

RAISEBORING STAGES : Raiseboring can be divided into two categories : Raise

Drilling & Boxhole Drilling. Atlas Copco provides a good description of their
basics and the figures are shown

Boxhole drilling

Definitions: Raise: (1) A vertical or inclined opening in a mine driven upward

from a level to connect with the level above, or to explore the ground for a
limited distance above one level. After two levels are connected, the
connection may be a winze or a raise, depending upon which level is taken as
the point of reference. (2) A mine opening, like a shaft, driven upward from
the back of a level to a level above, or to the surface. (3) To take up the floor
or bottom rock in a room, gangway, or entry to increase the height for
Raise Borer: These machines are used to produce a circular excavation
either between two existing levels in an underground mine or between the
surface and an existing level in a mine. In raise boring, a pilothole is drilled
down to the lower level, the drillbit is removed and replaced by a reamer
shows awith
of as
a diameter
same dimension
of the
details like
this head
then is rotated
back up
the types(raise)
of work
used inand
an opening
is mined upward.

Description/ Specification of Chain Conveyors Chain Conveyors are used for

material transportation in underground coal mines with varying capacities,
dependent on the application. Material is transported on twin outboard chains
with flights. These chains are driven by sprockets provided at the drive ends;
sprockets are also provided at the tail end to ensure the smooth running of
the chains. The drive unit consists of compact side-mounted gear boxes with
flanges for attaching the motor and the fluid coupling.
The Armoured Face Conveyor ("AFC") has pans made out of rolled Sigma
Sections which are robust in their construction and provide a strong base for
guiding the mining machine. Such rolled Sigma Sections are imported from
Germany, Spain and Poland.


Widely used amongst the conveyor system of haulage are

the belt conveyors having their applications both for
surface as well as underground mines.
Belt conveyor is basically an endless strap stretched
between two drums. The belt carries the material and
transmits the pull. A belt conveyor system essentially
consists of steel structure all along its length. To this
structure, carrying idlers (fig. 7.6(b)), which can be from
25, and return idlers are mounted. The spacing between
carrying idler varies from 1.2 to 2.1 m and from 2.4 to 6.1
m for return idlers. In order to achieve a trough shape to
accommodate more and more fragmented or loose
material, the carrying idlers mounted on the sides are
fixed at 2035 to the horizontal. A driving unit installed
at its one of ends having a motor, gears, driving drum
(fig. 7.6(c)) and other fittings to start, stop, or run the


Filling cross-section area A (A1+A2) is based on a usable belt width b of

0,9xB-50 for B up to 2000 mm and B-250 for wider than 2000 mm.
Theoretical conveying quantity in m/h:
Theoretical conveying quantity in t/h:

Example: Belt Conveyor Parameters : Coal, anthracite, sized

Capacity: 1000 tph
Length: 1000 m 3300 feet
Lift: 115 feet
Belt speed: 600 fpm

A belt 0.9 m wide conveys ore of bulk density 1.35 t/cum. at a speed of
1.75 m/sec.
Calculate its carrying capacity.

Mine discharging point (after

Gadysiewicz and Pelc, 1996)
1. hauler; 2. hydraulic hammer; 3.
discharge grate; 4. chute; 5. belt

Surge bunker at loading point for

mine rail cars (after Gadysiewicz and
Pelc, 1996)
1. belt conveyor; 2. hauler; 3. pit-hole
as a bunker; 4. mine car feeder; 5.
mine car

Description/ Specification of Chain Conveyors Chain Conveyors are used for

material transportation in underground coal mines with varying capacities,
dependent on the application. Material is transported on twin outboard chains
with flights. These chains are driven by sprockets provided at the drive ends;
sprockets are also provided at the tail end to ensure the smooth running of
the chains. The drive unit consists of compact side-mounted gear boxes with
flanges for attaching the motor and the fluid coupling.
The Armoured Face Conveyor ("AFC") has pans made out of rolled Sigma
Sections which are robust in their construction and provide a strong base for
guiding the mining machine. Such rolled Sigma Sections are imported from
Germany, Spain and Poland.

Nine miners missing after fire broke out at Harmony's Doornkop gold mine JOHANNESBURG
5, Feb 2014 | 10:04 AM (UTC) By : -SAPA(Picture:Gallo Images)

Nine miners missing after fire broke out at Harmony's Doornkop gold mine
: Nine miners were unaccounted for after a fire broke out at Harmony's
"Contact has been made with eight employees in a refuge bay; efforts continue to reach
these employees and to establish the whereabouts of a further nine employees who are
currently unaccounted for," spokesman James Duncan said in a statement.
"The fire was reported to have occurred in a stope adjacent to 192 level haulage (some
1733 metres underground) at around 6pm on Tuesday."
Duncan said rescue teams were immediately dispatched underground but access to the
affected area was hampered by smoke and a subsequent fall of ground.
Operations at the mine were suspended.

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