Econ 202: Chapter 11
Econ 202: Chapter 11
Econ 202: Chapter 11
Chapter 11:
Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
The Keynesian theory of macro
instability practically mandates
government intervention.
If AD is too little, unemployment arises.
If AD is too much, inflation arises.
Fiscal Policy
In this chapter we examine fiscal policy
Core issues are
Can government spending and tax policies
ensure full employment?
What policy actions will help fight inflation?
What are the risks of government intervention?
Learning Objectives
11-01. Know what the real GDP gap and the
AD shortfall measure.
11-02. Know the desired scope and tools of
fiscal stimulus.
11-03. Know what AD excess measures and
the desired scope and tools of fiscal
11-04. Know how the multiplier affects fiscal
Fiscal Policy
These tax and spending powers can
greatly influence AD.
Government can alter AD by
Purchasing more or fewer goods and
Raising or lowering taxes.
Changing the level of income transfers.
Fiscal Stimulus
If a recessionary
GDP gap exists, a
fiscal stimulus could
be used to deliver
the economy to fullemployment GDP.
Fiscal stimulus: tax
cuts or spending
hikes intended to
increase AD that
is, shift AD right.
The AD Shortfall
AS slopes upward, so an
AD shift right will induce
price level increases.
The fiscal stimulus needed
to close the GDP gap must
be larger than the gap.
AD shortfall: the amount
of additional AD needed to
achieve full employment
after allowing for price
level changes.
It is represented by the
distance between point a
and point e.
It becomes the fiscal
Tax Cuts
The fiscal stimulus can come from
inducing increased consumption or
investment spending.
Government can do this by lowering
Individual income tax cut: disposable income
would increase, causing increased
consumption spending.
Corporate tax cut: profits would increase,
spurring increased investment spending.
Tax Cuts
A tax cut adds no more dollars to the
economy. It allows earners to keep more
of their current pretax income. How
much additional consumer spending is
controlled by the size of MPC.
Tax Cuts
Since there is no initial new input of
spending, a tax cut contains less
fiscal stimulus than a government
spending increase of the same size.
The initial spending injection can be less
than the size of the tax cut.
Increased Transfers
Increasing transfer payments raises
recipients disposable income, and
spending increases.
The effect is much like a tax cut
since the recipients will save some of
the payment.
Fiscal Restraint
If an inflationary
GDP gap exists, a
fiscal restraint could
be used to return
the economy to fullemployment GDP.
Fiscal restraint: tax
hikes or spending
cuts intended to
decrease AD that
is, shift AD left.
The AD Excess
AS slopes upward, so an
AD shift left will induce
price level decreases.
The fiscal restraint needed
to close the GDP gap must
be larger than the gap.
AD excess: the amount by
which AD must be reduced
to achieve full
employment after allowing
for price level changes.
It is represented by the
distance between point
Q1 and point Q2.
It becomes the fiscal
Budget Cuts
Decreased government spending is a
form of fiscal restraint.
Reduced government spending will
have a multiplied impact on AD.
The multiplier effect will generate
additional negative rounds of decreased
consumer spending.
Budget Cuts
Cut government expenditures to
initiate a multiplier process to achieve
the desired fiscal restraint.
For example, decreased military spending
would cause layoffs at defense plants.
Incomes would decrease and consumer
spending would also decrease, triggering
the negative multiplier rounds.
Tax Hikes
The direct effect of a tax hike is
reduced disposable income.
People must reduce consumption and
saving to pay the added taxes.
This will trigger the negative
multiplier effect.
AD will shift to the left.
Reduced Transfers
If transfer payments decrease,
recipients disposable income falls
and spending decreases.
The effect is much like a tax hike.
This option is politically unpopular.
Fiscal Guidelines
The goal of fiscal policy is to
eliminate GDP gaps by shifting AD.
How much to shift is indicated by the
AD shortfall or the AD excess.
The size of the fiscal initiative is less
than the desired shift.
What remains is to decide which
policy tool to use.
Crowding Out
Crowding out: a reduction in private
sector borrowing (and spending) caused
by increased government borrowing.
A fiscal stimulus would most likely be
financed by government borrowing.
Less credit becomes available to the private
sector, which must reduce its borrowing and
This private sector spending reduction offsets
the government spending, reducing the
impact of the fiscal stimulus.