Design and Implementation of A Decision Support System For Environmental Effects Monitoring
Design and Implementation of A Decision Support System For Environmental Effects Monitoring
Design and Implementation of A Decision Support System For Environmental Effects Monitoring
ISESS 2005
Sesimbra Portugal
May 26, 2005
In Canada, pulp and paper and mining industries are currently required
to conduct EEM under the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations
(PPER) and Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER). Each
monitoring cycle of EEM requires submission of data and reports by
pulp and paper mills and mines across Canada
In order to provide consistent data analysis and reporting by the
various industry members, a semi-automated analysis tool called the
EEM Statistical Analysis Decision Support System was
conceptualized and developed for initial testing as a demonstration
project under the Environment Canada Northern Rivers Ecosystem
Initiative for pulp and paper mills situated along the Athabasca River
in the province of Alberta.
An effect, as defined within the EEM program is a statistically
significant difference in fish usability, or benthic invertebrate
community endpoints measured between an area exposed to effluent
and a reference area or a statistically significant gradient in these
endpoints from the exposure to reference area.
The decision support system helps the user to screen data, select the
appropriate statistical procedures and to help make decisions about the
significance of the overall effects at each site.
System Design
It has been developed based upon the RAISON Decision Support
System framework with interfaces constructed using Visual Basic 6.0.
The overall design of the system is based upon the EEM procedures
developed through the National EEM office of Environment Canada
Fish Community Analyses
Fish monitoring for the EEM program involves both sexes of two
sentinel species at reference and exposure areas to determine if there
are differences in the growth, reproduction, survival or condition of
fish populations.
Effect endpoints include weight at age, size at age, relative gonad size,
liver weight, and condition factor for fish and taxon richness.
Fish Community Analyses
A summary of the EEM-SAT fish analysis procedures is as follows:
Isolate data: Data is selected on the basis of Study ID, species and
Log10 transform dependent and independent variables (if
necessary): One of the criteria of the ANOVA and ANCOVA
procedures is that the data should be normal. This includes body
weight, total length, fork length, standard length, age, gonad weight
and liver weight.
Checking for Outliers: When a scatterplot illustrates outliers, the
user is given an opportunity to identify, modify, and/or delete data.
When the studentized residual exceeds 4, this indicates that the
observation may be unusual and the observation should be removed
and the analysis should be re-run. Professional judgment is also
used to determine whether the data with high leverage should be
excluded. A common approach is that if they grossly skew the
expected relationship, then exclusion should be considered.
Analyses of Variance (ANOVA)
An ANOVA analysis test is carried out for differences
between areas, and calculates means and standard
deviations for each key variable for all areas (reference,
near field, exposure and far field). Once the groups are
identified to be significantly different, the user needs to
determine which pairs differ. This is done using Tukey’s
HSD Post Hoc test. Assumptions for ANOVA are that the
data for reference and exposure populations are normally
distributed; the variances are equal between the reference
and exposure populations and the error terms are
independently distributed.
EEM SAT Decision Support Applications
Fish Size-at-Age (Effect Endpoint)
In this example of the decision
support process, the rates of growth
are described by the relationship of
size (as weight or length) to age for
sample site PP1129
There is a significant difference
between the Reference and the
Exposed data about the mean of the
effect endpoint “Age” using the
ANOVA analysis. The mean age of
the Reference and the “Exposed”
sites are 4.575 and 5.294,
respectively. The magnitude
difference is 15.7%. The test p-
value of the ANOVA test is 0.004
which is less than α, 0.05.
Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVA) and
The test is composed of two parts. It is carried out first to
determine whether the slopes are approximately parallel. If
the slopes are parallel, it then requires determining if the
elevations of the regressions are significantly different.
ANCOVA combines the features of ANOVA and
regression, and can be used to compare regressions among
treatments (i.e. reference vs. effect areas). Assumptions of
ANCOVA are that the residuals are normally and
independently distributed with zero mean and a common
variance; the independent variable (covariate) is fixed and
measured without error; the relationship has the form
specified (linear regression) and the slopes of regression
lines among areas are equal.
EEM SAT Decision Support Applications
Fish Size-at-Age (Effect Endpoint)
The EEM SAT DSS follows the two-
step (slopes, then intercept) method. If
slopes are not significantly different at
the alpha value specified by the user,
then the test for intercepts (least squared
means) proceeds automatically. If slopes
are significantly different, the software
will not test for differences in intercepts
In this example, the effect endpoint
“size at age” is examined. Using
ANCOVA testing the slope difference
between the “Reference” and “Effects”
data shows that test p-value is 0.071 and
is smaller than the α, (0.05), therefore,
there is no significant difference.
However, testing difference of the
means indicates that the test p is almost
zero and is statistically significant
against α, 0.05.
Benthic Community Analyses
For the purposes of the EEM program an “effect on the
benthic invertebrate community” means a statistical
difference between benthic invertebrate community
measurements taken in an exposure area and a reference
area (e.g., control/impact design) or a statistical difference
between measurements taken at sampling areas in the
exposure area that indicate gradually decreasing effluent
concentrations (e.g., a gradient design).
Benthic Community Analyses
Users of the EEM DSS select the
mill site and then choose to analyze
the descriptive statistics or the
effect analyses (ANOVA) for the
benthic invertebrate effect endpoint
of interest. The effect endpoints
for benthic invertebrate analyses
are abundance, mean # of taxa,
Bray-Curtis index, evenness and
Simpson’s Diversity Index. These
descriptors are largely summary
metrics selected to encompass the
range of effects, which may be a
result of mine or pulp and paper
EEM SAT Decision Support Applications
Benthic Endpoints
All benthic endpoints are analyzed
by ANOVA and have two
components in the EEM Statistical
Assessment Tool: 1) Descriptive
Statistical Analyses and 2) Effect
An example of an effects analysis
of a site is shown for benthic
abundance. In this example, the test
p-value is 0.562, which is
substantially greater than α (0.05).
This indicates that there is no
significant difference between the
“Reference” and the “Near-Field”
The EEM-SAT DSS has been tested by the EEM National office as
well as by external users and has proven to substantially improve the
ability of the user to generate consistent analyses that are required
under the Canadian EEM program for pulp and paper industries.
A significant proportion of the time spent on developing the EEM-
SAT DSS involved the data entry design and data analysis results
management. This included the bookkeeping of all stages of data
analysis so that the user was able to change any of the analysis options
as well as keep track of removed outliers.
The design is generic enough to allow the system to work for the other
sector data analyses.