Overall Plot Plan Layout (Design Considerations)

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Overall Plot Plan Layout

( Design Considerations)

Considerations for positioning the

equipment during the development of
the plant layout
Safety: fire, explosion, spillage, escape routes for personnel, and access for
Process flow requirements that result in an efficient plant.
Segregation of areas for hazardous and nonhazardous materials.
Operability and maintainability.
Available plot area, geographical limitations.
Relationship to adjacent units or other facilities within the plant.
Future expandability.
Security: control of access by unauthorized personnel.
Meteorological information: climate, prevailing and significant wind
Seismic data.

Input from the various disciplines

in development of Plant layout
HSE (health, safety, and environment).
Mechanical (rotating and vessels).
Civil and structural.

Locate pumps close to the equipment from which they take suction.
This is an important consideration.
Consideration should be made to locate pumps under structures or
with their motor ends under a pipe rack, allowing an access aisle for
mobile handling equipment.
Pump suction lines generally are larger than discharge lines, to
avoid problems arising from a low net positive suction head (NPSH).
End suction with top discharge is the preferable option for pumps,
when taking suction directly from tanks or vessels located at grade.
Pumps should be arranged in rows with the center line of discharge
on a common line.
Clearances between pump and pump piping generally are a
minimum of 900mm

It is important to locate reciprocating compressors, anchors, and restraints for
pipes belonging to the compressor system on foundations that are independent
of any building, structure, or pipe track or rack. This independence gives the
associated piping stability and minimizes unnecessary fatigue and possible
Spacing between compressors and other equipment varies with the type of
machine and its duty.
Particular attention must be paid to withdrawal of engine and compressor
pistons, cam shaft, crank shaft, and lube oil cooler bundle; cylinder valve
maintenance clearance with the least possible obstruction from piping supports.
Compressors generally are provided a degree of shelter, that is, a sheets
building. Keep the sides up to 8 feet above grade and open and vent the ridge
to allow for escape of flammable gas, which might leak from the machines.
Certain types of compressors, owing to the height of the mass foundation above
grade level, require a mezzanine floor of a grid construction to avoid trapping
any gas and for operation and maintenance,

Tubular exchangers usually have standard length tubes of 2.5,4, 5, and 6 m.
Whenever possible locate exchangers at grade to facilitate maintenance and
tube withdrawal.
Two or more shells forming one unit can be stacked or otherwise arranged as
indicated on the exchanger specification sheet, which is delineated by the
Exchangers with dissimilar service can be stacked, but rarely more than three
high, except for fin-tube-type units.
Horizontal clearance of at least 900 mm should be left between exchangers or
between exchangers and piping.
Where space is limited, clearance may be reduced between alternate
exchangers, providing sufficient space is left for maintenance and inspection
Tube bundle removal distance should be a minimum of a tube length plus
900mm.Minimum removal distance plus 600mm should be left behind the rear
shell cover of floating head exchangers

Where a rear shell cover is provided with a davit, allow clearance for the full
swing of the head. Set overhead vapor exchangers or condensers at such
elevation that the exchanger is self-draining.
Arrange outlets to a liquid hold pot or trap, so that the underside of the exchanger
tubes is above the liquid level in the trap.
Arrange exchangers so that the fixed end is at the channel end.
Vertical exchangers should be set td allow lifting or lowering of the tube bundle.
Consult the Vessel Department as to the feasibility of supporting vertical
exchangers from associated towers.
Space should be left free for tube or bundle withdrawal, with the exchanger
channels preferably pointing toward an access area or road.
If an exchanger is situated well within the plot, leave a free area and approach for
mobile lifting equipment.
Air fin exchangers, preferably, should be located in a separate row outside the
main equipment row, remote from the central pipe way.
Consider locating air fin exchangers over the central pipe way if plot space if very

Fired Heaters
Fired heaters should be located at least 15 m away from other
equipment that could be a source of liquid spillage or gas leakage.
To avoid accumulation of flammable liquids, no pits or trenches should
be permitted to extend under furnaces or any fired equipment, and if
possible, they are to be avoided in furnace areas.
Ensure ample room at the firing front of the fired heater for operation
and removal of the burners and for the burner control panel, if required.
Bottom-floor fired furnaces require adequate headroom underneath the
furnace. Wall fired furnaces require an adequate platform width with
escape routes at each end of the furnace.
Apart from an adequate platform and access to the firing front, other
structural and platforms around furnaces should be kept to a minimum.
Peepholes should be provided only where absolutely necessary. Access
by means of a stepladder is sufficient.

Arrange fired heaters on a common center line, wherever
Provide unobstructed space for withdrawal.
Operation and maintenance platforms should be wide
enough to permit a l-m clear walkway.
Escape ladders should be provided on large heaters.
Vertical heaters usually are supplied with stub supporting
feet; ensure drawings show adequate supports elevated to
the required height.
Headroom elevation from the floor level to the underside of
heater should be 2.3 m, to provide good firing control

Columns usually are self-supporting with no external structures.
Circular or segmental platforms with ladders are supported from
the shell.
The maximum allowable straight run of a ladder before a break
platform should not exceed 9 m.
The factors influencing column elevation are the provision of a
gravity flow system and installation of thermo syphon re-boilers.
Depending on the plant arrangement, columns may have to be
elevated to a height in excess of the normal requirements to
allow for headroom clearance from lower-level piping off-takes.
The skirt height of all columns or vessels providing suction to
pumps, particularly if handling hot or boiling liquids, should be
adequate for the pump NPSH requirements.

Access platforms should be provided on columns for all valves 3" and above,
instrument controllers and transmitters, relief valves, manholes and
blinds or spades, and other components that require periodic attention.
For access to valves 2" and smaller and the like , a ladder is acceptable
Platforms for access to level gauges and controllers should not be
provided if underside of supporting steelwork is less than normal headroom
clearance from grade.
Adjacent columns should be checked, so that platforms do not overlap. For
layout, 2.0-2.5 m between shells, depending on insulation, should suffice.
Allow a 900 mm minimum clearance between column foundation and the
adjacent plinth.
Provide clearance for the removal of internal parts and attachments and for
davits at top of columns, if relevant.
The center line of manholes should be 900 mm above any platform.

Horizontal vessels should be located at grade, with the longitudinal
axis at a right angle to the pipe way, if possible.
Consider saving plot space by changing vessels from the horizontal to
the vertical, if possible, and combining vessels together with an
internal head (subject to project or process approval).
The size and number of access platforms on horizontal vessels should
be kept to a minimum and are not to be provided on horizontal vessels
or drums when the top of the vessel is 2.5 m or less from the grade.
The channel end of vessels provided with internal tubular heaters
should face toward an open space. The withdrawal area must be
indicated on studies, general arrangements (GAs), and plot plans.
Internal agitators or mixers are to be provided with adequate clearance
for removal. Removal area must be indicated on studies, GAs, and
plot plans

The layout of tanks, as distinct from their spacing, should
always take into consideration the accessibility needed for
firefighting and the potential value of a storage tank farm
in providing a buffer area between process plant and, for
example, public roads and houses, for safety and
environmental reasons.
The location of tankage relative to process units must be
such as to ensure maximum safety from possible accidents.

Pipe Racks and Pipe Ways

Ideally, all piping within a process area should be run above grade;
however, for many reasons this is not possible. Trenched or buried
piping should be avoided but, sometimes, is unavoidable. Pipe racks
at higher elevations, using supports, are preferred.
Pipe racks may contain one, two, or more layers of pipework;
however, triple-layer pipe racks should be limited to very short runs.
Run piping external to the process area at grade on sleepers
generally 300 mm high. Pipe ways at grade are cheaper but more
liable to interfere with access.
Locate the largest bore and the heaviest piping as close to
stanchions as possible.
Lines requiring a constant fall (relief headers) can be run on
cantilevers from pipe-rack stanchions or on vertical extensions to
pipe-track stanchions.

Run the hot line requiring expansion loops on the outside edge of
pipe way to permit loops to have greatest width over the pipe
way and facilitate nesting.
Takeoff elevations from pipe ways should be at a constant
elevation, consistent with the range of pipe sizes involved.
Change elevation whenever banks of pipes, either on pipe ways
at grade or at higher elevations on pipe racks, change direction.
Elevations to the underside of pipe racks should be the minimum
for operation and mobile maintenance equipment and consistent
with allowable clearances.
Open pipe trenches may be used between plants where there is
no risk of flammable vapors collecting.
It sometimes is convenient to run open trenches alongside
roadways. (Soil from the trench can be used to build up the road.)

Where a pipe way or road changes from a parallel direction, the pipe
generally is run beneath the road.
Occasionally, it is permissible to run pipes in trenches to overcome a
difficult piping problem. Such trenches should be of concrete, drained, and
Although trenched piping is to be avoided, due to the expense and hazard
associated with open trenches, piping buried underground is acceptable,
provided the pipe is adequately protected and below the frost line.
The sizing and arrangement of underground piping should be fixed early
to ensure that installation is simultaneous with foundation work. (Many
drains, sewers, and cableways, which do not require attention, are run
underground below the frost line.)
Leave space for draw boxes on cableways, anchors on underground
cooling water pipes, and manholes on sewers. Fire mains should be located
between the perimeter road and the plant.

Guidelines for Laying out the Plant

Access Clearances
Valve Access
Maintenance Facilities

Hazardous and Toxic Areas
Location of Control Rooms
Location of Buildings

Constructability, Access and

Relief Valve System


Guidelines for Laying out the Plant


Instruments to Assist Initial Layout

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