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Lita3 Love Through The Ages: How To Write The Essay (This Method Is Tried and Tested With 99.9% Effectiveness. I Think.)

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Love through the ages:

how to write the essay
(this method is tried and tested with 99.9% effectiveness. I

Disclaimer: there is a 0.1% chance you do use this and somehow

manage to fail the exam. I'm not to blame.

You will be tested on the 4 Aos :

AO1- Ability to write a clear coherent manner. You can just chuck in a few fancy words to gain extra marks.
AO2 - Form/Structure/Language analyze it properly. Make sure you have understood the text. Reread the text if
you dont.
AO3 - Compare/contrast- the reason why there are TWO extracts! Oh, and dont forget all that wider reading. All
those books your teachers shoved at you (ahem!) and forced you to read. It comes in use here...
AO4 Context- and finally, historical and social context to show off your brilliant understanding of love through
the ages.
The 4 Cs:
communicate - tell the examiner you know what you are doing (or at least pretend you do) and use good literary
critical a really close analysis of the texts
compare - use wider reading. It has to be relevant though otherwise its useless.
context - put in something about attitudes of that time, how it might be received now, critical reception etc
when analysing an extract think about...
1. subject or theme: what kind of love is it talking about?
2. Speaker/situation: is it 1st person narrative? Omnipresent narrative?
3. Form: what is the overall structure of the extract? Is the layout in a specific way? Eg. Sonnets are sometimes two
stanzas with one posing a problem and the other proposes a solution.
4. Ideas and messages about love: below the surface or between the lines.
5. Tone and atmosphere: what is it about the writing that creates effect? Long sentences: lots of thoughts, calm
and collected. Short sentences: frenzied thinking pattern, breathlessness etc.
6. Imagery (particularly in poetry): what kinds of visual imagery does the author use? Similies, metaphors, pathetic
fallacy personification etc.
7.Vocabulary: individual words and their connotations. E.g: flat could mean a smooth surface and the connotation
is that it could be boring, uninteresting etc.
8. Rhyme, rhythm and sound effects: rhyme scheme. Flowing or jerky etc.
9. Conclusion: sum up effects and details of style.

1. analysis
8. Bring in wider
7. Evaluate both
texts. add historical
and social context.
different contextual
receptions of each
text. Ttie in Feminist,
Psychoanalytical and
other relevant views

2.come up with topic

sentences. e.g: both
extracts use similar
structure of an
argument to proclaim
the 'carpe diem'
attitude towards love.

Successful essay
You can use your own
structure but make sure
these things are
6. extract 2:
Topic sentence

3. come up with
ideas: e.g. women
had no choice but to
submit to mens will.

5. extract 1:

And finally....

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