CS 497C - Introduction To UNIX: Lecture 1: Getting Started

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CS 497C Introduction to UNIX

Lecture 1: Getting Started

Chin-Chih Chang
[email protected]

Objective and Preface

This course is to learn the fundamentals
of UNIX. This course introduces the
concept of UNIX operating system and
the essential commands of UNIX .
UNIX was never designed for the world.
There is a method to this madness.
Many Internet applications are powered
by UNIX.

The Operating System

An operating system (sometimes
abbreviated as OS) is a program that
functions as a virtual machine (layer of
software on top of bare hardware) and a
resource manager (software that controls
access to computer).
It interacts with two agencies: applications
and a command language interpreter.
DOS, Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX are
examples of the operating system.

The UNIX Operating System

UNIX (sometimes spelled Unix) is an
operating system that originated at Bell Labs
in 1969. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
are considered the inventors of UNIX.
UNIX has evolved as a kind of large
freeware product, with many extensions and
new ideas provided in a variety of versions
of UNIX by different companies,
universities, and individuals.

Knowing Your Machine

Unlike Windows, UNIX can be used by
several users concurrently.
You can access to such a multiuser system
through a terminal or a workstation.
A terminal consists of a monitor and a
A workstation has its own CPU, memory,
and hard disk.

Knowing Your Keyboard

Every key on your computer has a function
in UNIX.
Each character has its ASCII value.
[Enter] / [Return] is used to terminate a
[Backspace] corrects typing mistakes.
[Ctrl] is used in combination with other
keys to produce control characters.
[Alt] combinations are used in emacs.

The System Administrator

A system administrator is in charge of
administration of the system.
The system administrator is responsible for:

the entire setup,

user accounts allocation,
file systems maintenance,
disk space management,
other assignments.

The administrator has a special user

account; it is called root.

Logging In and Out

Logging In
login: remeo [Enter]
Last login: Mon Aug 20 22:11:17 on tty2
The shell produces the prompt and accepts all
your input from the keyboard.
Logging Out
$ [Ctrl-d]

Trying Out Some Commands

passwd: changing your own password

who: who are the users?
who am i
tty: know your terminal name
echo $SHELL: know your shell
echo $TERM: know your terminal type
set: know your envirnoment

Two Important Observations

UNIX commands are in lowercase
The [Enter] key

When Things Go Wrong

Backspacing doesnt work [Ctrl-h], [Del]
A command has to be interrupted [Ctrl-d],
[Ctrl-c] [Delete]
Killing a line [Ctrl-u]
Other Problems
Suspend a job [Ctrl-z], resume a job fg
Stop scrolling [Ctrl-s], resume scrolling - [Ctrlq]
Restore a terminal stty sane
[Enter] [Ctrl-j] or [Ctrl-m]
Close the program - q, quit, exit, or [Ctrl-d]

Whats Next

More commands
How It All Clicked
Linux and GNU
Inside UNIX
Read Chapter 1.

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