Physical Fitness Test
Physical Fitness Test
Physical Fitness Test
Physical Fitness
Fitness Test
Jignesh Dhamelia
• Introduction
• Components
• Tests
• Benefits…
• Summary
Fitness incorporates physical & mental health as well as
emotional satisfaction & self-awareness.
Health related
Skill related
Skill Related Components:
Those aspects of fitness which form the basis for successful
sports participation.
Types of contraction:
Static or isometric
Dynamic or isotonic
How to test muscular strength…?
• Weight lifting
• Vertical jump test
• Isometric test
• Computer assisted electromechanical testing.
• Standing long jump test.
• Callisthenic-type strength test.
Muscular Endurance: This is the quality that enables a person to
sustain localized muscle group activities for the extended period
of time.
The more lean muscle tissue you have on your body, the
more calories you burn while at rest. This is because
muscle mass is more metabolically active (uses up more
calories) that stored body fat. People with a higher
muscle-to-fat ratio (lower body fat percentage) tend
to have more efficient systems and a higher fitness
How to Test Your Body Composition (Fat)?
The definition of
You don't have to build
physical fitness
muscles to this point
might vary by
to be physically fit.
individual but most
Physical fitness is
experts agree that
much more than
there are five basic
muscle building and
components of
involves everything
physical fitness
from cardio
which involve your
respiratory fitness
heart, lungs,
to being more
strength, endurance,
and agility or
Short term benefits from regular
• Physical activity has a relaxation effect and can
improve sleep as well as reduce mental stress and
raze energy levels.
• Depending on the selection and variety of physical
activity and sports, it can provide daily variety, fun,
develop the sense of competitiveness as well as open
up to a new social environment.
• Actually tackling physical activity will give a sense of
achievement and self satisfaction of taking person
health into your own hands.
• Will develop short term satisfaction and motivation
to achieve longer term health goals. As well, the
first results of an exercise plan and aerobic or
stretching routine can be felt very early on.
Long term benefits from
regular exercise
• Lower the Risk of Heart Disease and heart attack.
• Significantly decrease the risk of high blood pressure.
though high blood pressure also is regulated by nutrient and
food intake.
• Low level s of bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of
clogged arteries.
• Will raise the levels of endorphin in the body that promotes
a healthy sex life.
• Decreases Risk of certain types of cancers such as colon
• Will reduce the risks of joint pains and arthritis.
• Reduce decalcification of the bones.
• Improve your metabolism and strengthen the immune