Features of Narrative Writing
Features of Narrative Writing
Features of Narrative Writing
Narrative Writing
J Munro 2007
Unit Sequence
1. Voice
2. Point of View
3. Structure of a Narrative
4. Good Beginnings
Opening Paragraphs
Examples of Story Beginnings
The Opening Sentence
Active Beginnings
Plot Development
Improve your Plot
Plot Development
6. Good Endings
7. Good Character Description
Character Profile
Character Wheel
Planning a Setting
Create a Setting
9. Sentence Structure
Add Phrases
Join Short Sentences
Vary sentence length
Smooth Transitions
Using Conjunctions
Create Similes
Create Metaphors
Make every Word Count
Create Word Pictures
Focus on the Facts
Replace Overworked Words
Strong Verbs
Dont Say
You and your friends were playing a ball game outside on the top quad. You
know that you are not allowed to kick balls on the quad. When the ball was
passed to you, you kicked it back. The ball didnt go where you wanted it and
you broke Mrs. Jones office window.
Point of View
When a writer begins a new story he must decide:"Who will tell my story?"
An author can tell a story from the first-person point of view.
The author can use the third-person point of view
I ride the bus to each every day. I like to sit with my friends.
Joey likes to go swimming. Sometimes he asks his friend Sam to go with him.
He brings his ball to play with.
Frosty the snowman had a hat on his head. He also had a pipe and a carrot
nose. He held a shovel in his hand.
Point of View
The role of the narrator is vital as her or his bias can affect the way the story
Retell Little Red Riding Hood from two of these points of view:
the wolf
Use the first person I when you write your two or three paragraphs.
Narrative Writing
In a good narrative, the reader relates closely to the story,
feels involved with the plot and often identifies with the
characters. A good story is hard to put down and the reader
feels a sense of loss when it ends. The features of a
narrative are:
the plot
the setting