leucemiilor la carnivorele
Anastasiu Alexandra
Crisan Alexandra
Grupa 3301
Slide 001
Slide 002
Figure 7. Bone marrow aspirate, cat, AML with myelodysplasiarelated changes (same cat as Fig. 6). The top cell is an
unclassifiable blast cell but likely erythroid given the richly
basophilic cytoplasm; the central cell is an atypical neutrophil
with cytoplasmic basophilia, atypical nuclear segmentation, and
frothy vacuolization; the bottom cell is an early erythroid
precursor, which would be counted as a blast cell if the myeloid
to erythroid ratio is <1.0. Blast cells with erythroid features
predominated in this marrow, suggesting an interpretation of
acute erythroleukemia, but a high frequency of dysplastic
morphologies shifted the diagnosis to AML with myelodysplasiarelated changes, which has a poor prognosis regardless of
morphologic phenotype. Wright-Giemsa stain