Monitoring The Traditional & The New Anticoagulants
Monitoring The Traditional & The New Anticoagulants
Monitoring The Traditional & The New Anticoagulants
New Anticoagulants
Warfarin is contraindicated
Low Molecular Weight
Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Made by enzymatic or chemical
Lower molecular weight 4,000 – 5,000
Loss of most anti IIa activity but retain anti Xa
Predicable anticoagulant activity
Administration and Monitoring Low
Molecular Weight Heparins
Given subcutaneously
Peak level at 4 hours post injection
Half life of 4.5 hours with significant activity
at 12 hours
Laboratory Monitoring Low
Molecular Weight Heparin
Usually not required
Assayed by inhibition of Xa using a
chromogenic substrate
Same assay as unfractionated heparin but
different calibrator
APTT not reliable but may be slightly
Conditions Requiring Monitoring of
Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Patients with renal insufficiency
Exceptionally large or small patients
Newborn and children
Low Molecular Weight Heparins in
Common Use
Enoxaparin (Lovenox®)
Daltaparin (Fragmin®)
Both calibrated against the same standard
Action of Warfarin
Inhibits vitamin K epoxide reductase
Prevents attachment of glutamic acid residues
to factors II, VII, IX, X, protein C, and protein
Glutamic acid residues necessary for factor to
bind to catalytic phospholipid surfaces
Methods of Monitoring
Accepted method is one stage prothrombin
Assay of factor X with chromogenic substrate
for special conditions
Traditional clotting assay of factor X
Half-Lives of Vitamin K Dependent
II 60 Hours
VII 4 – 6 Hours
IX 20 – 24 Hours
X 48 – 72 Hours
Protein C 8 Hours
Protein S 30 Hours
Monitoring Warfarin with
Prothrombin Time
Reported as International Normalized Ration
Reporting as clotting time in seconds only is
not acceptable
Calculated by the formala
Test Plasma Time (sec)
Mean Normal Plasma Time
Therapeutic Range
INR 2.0 – 3.0 for most conditions
INR 2.5 – 3.5 for patients with mechanical
heart valves
Use of the Chromogenic Factor X
Patients with the lupus anticoagulant
Patients with abnormal fibrinogen and
problem in detection of fibrin endpoint
Therapeutic range 43% to 17% correspondes
to INR 2.0 – 3.5
The Assay of Factor X with a
Chromogenic Substrate
Factor X is activated by Russell’s Viper
Venom and Ca++
Factor Xa hydrolyses substrate (S2765)
liberating paranitroanaline
Optical density read at 405 nm-directly related
to factor X concentration
Effect of Lupus Anticoagulant on
Prothrombin Time
May bind phospholipid in test reagent
May also bind prothrombin
Case History of Patient with
Abnormal Fibrinogen
65 year old female with atrial fibrillation on
warfarin for several years with good control
Had INR performed at a different lab with a
value of > 11.0
Warfarin stopped
Warfarin restarted with INRs at original lab
INR performed at different lab with > 11.0
Case History cont . . .
Duplicate specimens drawn
Original lab INR 1.3
Other lab INR > 11.0
Chromogenic X 79% (Normal 65 – 165%)
Thrombin time 21.6 sec (16.4 – 20.7 sec)
Fibrinogen 642 mg/dl (174-442 mg/dl)
Fibrinogen antigen 750 mg/dl (180 – 310 mg/dl)
Reptilase time 16.1 sec (15.5 – 19.0 sec)
Similar to Fibrinogen Longmont
Adverse Affects of Warfarin
Bleeding, anticoagulation reversal by vitamin
Tissue necrosis
Occurs in patients with underlying protein C or S
deficiency prevented by giving small loading dose
of 2 – 5 mg/day starting warfarin while patient is
on heparin
Effect of Unfractionated Heparin on
Heparin can prolong the prothrombin time
(increase INR)
Most reagents now contain a heparin
antagonist protamine sulfate or polybrene
Most reagents will neutralize up to 1.0
Chemistry and Action of
A pentasaccharide with a molecular weight of
1,728 daltons
Anticoagulates by accelerating the binding of
antithrombin to Xa
Has no effect on thrombin binding
Therapeutic Levels for
Administered by subcutaneous injections
Peak level at 3 hour post injection
Half life 14 – 20 hours, once per day dosing
Fondaparinux Used for Prophylaxis
2.5 mg daily
Peak level 0.39 – 0.50 mg/L
Fondaparinux Used for Treatment
of Deep Venous Thrombosis or
Pulmonary Embolism