Basic PHC

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Primary Health Care

Levels of Care
Primary health care
Secondary health care
Tertiary health care

Primary health care

The first level of contact between the individual and the health system.
Essential health care (PHC) is provided.
A majority of prevailing health problems can be satisfactorily managed.
The closest to the people.
Provided by the primary health centers.

Tingkat kontak pertama antara individu dan sistem kesehatan.

disediakan Pelayanan kesehatan esensial (PHC) disediakan.
Mayoritas masalah kesehatan yang berlaku dapat memuaskan dikelola.
Yang paling dekat dengan rakyat.
Disediakan oleh pusat-pusat kesehatan primer.

Secondary health care

More complex problems are dealt with.

Comprises curative services
Provided by the district hospitals
The 1st referral level
Tertiary health care

Offers super-specialist care

Provided by regional/central level
Provide training programs

What is Primary Health

PHC is essential health care that is a socially
appropriate, universally accessible, scientifically sound
first level care provided by a suitably trained workforce
supported by integrated referral systems and in a way
that gives priority to those most in need, maximises
community and individual self-reliance and
participation and involves collaboration with other
sectors. It includes the following:
health promotion
illness prevention
care of the sick
community development

PHC adalah pelayanan kesehatan esensial yang merupakan

sesuai sosial, diakses secara universal, suara ilmiah perawatan
tingkat pertama yang diberikan oleh tenaga kerja yang terlatih
didukung oleh sistem rujukan terpadu dan dengan cara yang
memberikan prioritas kepada mereka yang paling membutuhkan,
memaksimalkan kemandirian masyarakat dan individu dan
partisipasi dan melibatkan kolaborasi dengan sektor-sektor
lainnya. Ini meliputi:
- promosi kesehatan
- pencegahan penyakit
- perawatan sakit
pengembangan masyarakat

Primary Health Care (PHC)

PHC is:
Essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable
methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in
the community through their full participation and at a cost that community and the
country can afford (Alma-Ata, 1978)

Pelayanan kesehatan esensial berdasarkan metode dan teknologi
praktis, suara ilmiah dan diterima secara sosial membuat diakses
secara universal untuk individu dan keluarga di masyarakat melalui
partisipasi penuh mereka dan dengan biaya yang masyarakat dan
negara mampu

Primary Health Care

PHC is the first level of contact with individuals, family &
community with national health system bringing healthcare as
close as possible to where people live & work, it constitute the
first element of continuing health process.

PHC adalah tingkat pertama kontak dengan

individu, keluarga & masyarakat dengan sistem
kesehatan nasional membawa kesehatan
sedekat mungkin ke mana orang hidup &
bekerja, itu merupakan elemen pertama dari
proses yang berkelanjutan kesehatan.

Primary Health Care

PHC conceded to be the most peripheral level of the
health system, this include such institutes as health
centers, clinics, sub centers, general practitioners offices
& poly clinics, the name varying from one country to

PHC kebobolan menjadi tingkat yang paling

perifer dari sistem kesehatan, termasuk
lembaga ini seperti puskesmas, klinik, sub
pusat, kantor dokter umum & klinik poli, nama
bervariasi dari satu negara ke negara lain.

PHC - Alma- Ata


In 1978, ministries from 134 countries met at the Alma- Ata

conference in the former USSR to declare a common mission
for governments, international organizations & health workers
worldwide (health for all by the end of year 2000), they
thus declare the strategy of PHC as the key to realize this

PHC - Alma- Ata

They called for urgent & effective local, global efforts to develop
& implement PHC through out the world particularly in
developing countries.
Primary health care (PHC) became a core policy for the WHO
with the Alma-Ata Declaration in 1978 and the Health-for-All by
the Year 2000 Program.

The commitment to global improvements in health,

especially for the most disadvantaged populations,
was renewed in 1998 by the World Health Assembly.
This led to the Health-for-All for the twenty-first
Century policy and program, within which the
commitment to PHC development is restated.

Philosophy of PHC:
1-Health is fundamental related to availability &
distribution of resources (not just health resources
such as doctors, nurses, medicines) but also by other
socioeconomic resources such as education, water
supply, & food supply.

Philosophy of PHC:

2-PHC is concerned with equity to ensure that the

available health & social resources are distributed wisely
with due consideration for those whose needs are

Philosophy of PHC:
3- Health is an integral part of the overall development,
thus factors which influence health care are social,
cultural, economic as well as biological & environmental.

Philosophy of PHC:
4- To achieve better health, requires much more
development by people themselves as individuals &
families, communities in taking action on their own
behalf adapting health behavior & ensuring healthy

Principles for PHC

PHC based on the following principles :

Social equity
Nation-wide coverage
Inter-sectoral coordination
Peoples involvement in the planning and
implementation of health programs

of ofPHC
The 1978 Declaration
Alma-Ata proposed a

set of PRINCIPLES for primary health care. PHC


1.Reflect and evolve from the economic conditions and

socio-cultural and political characteristics of the country
and its communities, and be based on the application of
the relevant results of social, biomedical and health
services research and public health experience
2. Address the main health problems in the community,
providing promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative services accordingly

3. Involve, in addition to the health sector,

all related sectors and aspects of national
and community development, in particular
agriculture, animal husbandry, food,
industry, education, housing, public works,
4. Promote maximum community and
individual self-reliance and participation in
the planning, organization, operation and
control of primary health care, making
fullest use of local, national and other
available resources; and to this end develop
through appropriate education the ability of
communities to participate

5. Be sustained by integrated, functional and

mutually-supportive referral systems, leading to
the progressive improvement of comprehensive
health care for all, and giving priority to those
most in need
6. Rely, at local and referral levels, on health
workers, including physicians, nurses, midwives,
auxiliaries and community workers as
applicable, as well as traditional practitioners as
needed, suitably trained socially and technically
to work as a health team and to respond to the
expressed health needs of the community.

Core Activities for PHC

There is a set of CORE ACTIVITIES,
which were normally defined nationally
or locally. According to the 1978
Declaration of Alma-Ata proposed that
these activities should include:

1. Education concerning prevailing health problems and

the methods of preventing and controlling them

2. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition

3. An adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation

4. Maternal and child health care, including family


5. Immunization against the major infectious diseases

6. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases

7. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries

8. Basic laboratory services and provision of essential


9. Training of health guides, health workers and health


10. Referral services

Mental health
Physical handicaps
Health and social care of the elderly


WHO Strategies of PHC

Reducing excess mortality of poor marginalized

PHC must ensure access to health services for the
most disadvantaged populations, and focus on
interventions which will directly impact on the major
causes of mortality, morbidity and disability for
those populations.

2. Reducing the leading risk factors to human health:

PHC, through its preventative and health
promotion roles, must address those known risk
factors, which are the major determinants of health
outcomes for local populations.

3. Developing Sustainable Health Systems:

PHC as a component of health systems must develop in
ways, which are financially sustainable, supported by
political leaders, and supported by the populations served.
4, Developing an enabling policy and institutional
PHC policy must be integrated with other policy domains,
and play its part in the pursuit of wider social, economic,
environmental and development

Effectiveness of PHC
Effectiveness of PHC services need two
components :
1- Efficient PHC services : quality , resources , health
2- Satisfactory utilization of the public for services.

Requirement of Efficient
PHC services:
efficient PHC services must
be :

Efficient administrative, professional and
technical procedures.
Community participation

Requirement of Efficient
PHC services:

Provided PHC services must be :

1. Accessible :
suitable site,
roads and transport for consumers
to reach the centers and units .
2. Acceptable : to the public , when
convinced with given care .
3. Affordable :
On the national and community levels
: services are planned within
available resources , including financing .
To the public who can pay for utilization
of services when necessary .

Requirement of Efficient
PHC services:

4. Efficient administrative,
professional and technical
procedures which include:
Convenient hours and flow of
Satisfactory resources including
health team.
Organized referral, feedback and
follow up system.
Precise registration, filing and
statstical procedures.

Requirement of
Efficient PHC services:
5.Community participation :
Primary heath care requires Peoples

involvement in the planning and

implementation of health programs

Primary health care involve in

addition to the health sectors , all
related sectors and aspects of
national and community development
in particular , agriculture , food
industry , education, housing ,
communications and other sectors
and need coordination of all these

The Basic Requirements for

Sound PHC (the 8 As and
the 3 Cs)











Whether the service is needed at all in relation to
essential human needs, priorities and policies.
The service has to be properly selected and carried
out by trained personnel in the proper way.

The service proportionate to requirement.
Sufficient volume of care to meet the need and demand
of a community

The cost should be within the means and resources
of the individual and the country.

Reachable, convenient services
Geographic, economic, cultural accessibility

Acceptability of care depends on a variety of factors,
including satisfactory communication between health
care providers and the patients, whether the patients
trust this care, and whether the patients believe in the
confidentiality and privacy of information shared with the

Availability of medical care means that care can be
obtained whenever people need it.

Assessebility means that medical care can be readily

Accountability implies the feasibility of regular review of
financial records by certified public accountants.

Completeness of care requires adequate attention to all
aspects of a medical problem, including prevention, early
detection, diagnosis, treatment, follow up measures, and

Comprehensiveness of care means that care is provided
for all types of health problems.

Continuity of care requires that the management of a
patients care over time be coordinated among providers.

To Summarize
Primary care is an approach that:
Focuses on the person not the disease, considers all
determinants of health
Integrates care when there is more than one problem
Uses resources to narrow differences

Forms the basis for other levels of health systems

Addresses most important problems in the community by
providing preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services
Organizes deployment of resources aiming at promoting
and maintaining health.


Who . Org.
^Jump up to:abcWorld Health Organization.The
determinants of health.Geneva. Accessed 12 May 2011.
Jump up^Public Health Agency of Canada.What
Determines Health?Ottawa. Accessed 12 May 2011.
^Jump up to:abcLalonde, Marc."A New Perspective on
the Health of Canadians."Ottawa: Minister of Supply and
Services; 1974.

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