Options, Futures, and Othe R Derivatives: Chapter 1 Introduction
Options, Futures, and Othe R Derivatives: Chapter 1 Introduction
Options, Futures, and Othe R Derivatives: Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Exchange-traded markets
Introduction of CBOE
Electronic markets
Traditionally derivatives exchanges have used what is kn
own as the open outcry system. This involves traders phy
sically meeting on the floor of the exchange, shouting, an
d using a complicated set of hand signals to indicate the tr
ades they would like to carry out. Exchanges are increasin
gly replacing the open outcry system by electronic tradin
g. This involves traders entering their desired trades at a k
ey board and a computer being used to match buyers and
sellers. The open outcry system has its advocates, but, as t
ime passes, it is becoming less and less common.
Over-the-counter markets
Market size
Over-the-counter markets
The over-the-counter market is an important alternative to
exchanges and measured in terms of the total volume of tr
ading, has become much larger than the exchange-traded
It is a telephone- and computer-linked network of dealers.
Trades are done over the phone and are usually between t
wo financial institutions or between a financial institution
and one of its clients.
Market size
Forward contracts
Forward contracts
Forward contracts
Forward contracts
Forward contracts
Futures contracts
Futures contracts
Futures contracts
Traded market
Types of option
Exercise price & expiration date
American & European options
Four types of participants in options markets
Options are traded both on exchanges and in the
over-the-counter market.
There are two types of option:
Call option gives the holder the right to buy the un
derlying asset by a certain date for a certain price.
Put option gives the holder the right to sell the und
erlying asset by a certain date for a certain price.
Types of traders
Types of traders
Types of traders
Types of traders