Created By, Berkan, Naomi and Created By, Berkan, Naomi and Fatima Fatima

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Created by, Berkan, Naomi and

We will be recording the first 2 minutes of
a film. The genre of the film is µTeen
Drama¶. We will be editing this film to make
it look professional and up to standard.
Title of the film can be
mirl walks down corridor
Flashback of her getting attacked
Opens toilet door goes back in time
Shows full scene on how she got raped
Bell brings her back to reality
Camera zooms into pregnancy test.
Enigmas - The title, what she is going
to do.
| ot list
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This is a list
of all of the
main shots
we will be









°ere is a list of  




the script. 





















nique |elling Point
Our Unique Selling Point (USP) is the
intriguing storyline which draws the
audience in from the very beginning
of the film. This might relate to many
young teenagers in many ways as it
will show real life situations and
attract the targeted audiences
through the use of enigma codes.

" |ammy = " |ara = |ara

 young guy w o Not so ard
wants to get working but lever
revenge from a girl s ool girl, w o
w o rejeted im in mostly appens to
front of all of is be in t e wrong
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the
image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the
file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it
plae at t e wrong
times. The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the
image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still
appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


e ostumes we ave  osen is smart dress for our girl

 arater ³|ara . We  ose t is beause it s ows t at
s e is a smart s ool girl, and s e was just in t e wrong
plae at t e wrong time.

e boy  arater ³|ammy will be wearing dark jeans and

a ooded jaket w i will represent t at is a ³Bad kid
w o does not are about onsequenes.

e main props will be using will be a Mp3 and Pregnany

" °ere are some images of t e loations we will be reording at.

arget udiene
Simed at teenagers, as the can both
relate to the film and get inspired by
their life struggles.

e results of our questionnaire s ows us t at many teenagers t at took

t e questionnaire gave very similar answers. Most of t e films t ey
enjoyed inluded ³Kidult ood and ³
wilig t. udiene are similar.

°elped us know w at type of films t ey wat ed and liked.

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" Oiageti - tors an ear.
" Non - Oiageti - tors an¶t ear only audiene.
" We ave  osen to use Oiageti sound w en t e girl
 arater is listening to musi wit er eadp ones in
er ear.
" Non Oiageti sound w en t e boy  arater is reeping
up to |ara from t e bak to over er mout .
type of musi will be one from a typial orror movie
w i will ause tension to t e audiene.
" Effet ,
e mood.

e |toryboard
Below are some pictures of the story board we created.
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you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

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ñ Style and inspiration - In Blog.
ñ Talk about kidulthood , juno
ñ Copy and paste blog then talk
Prodution | edule
Task Start Date End Date
Deliver Pitch 5/2/10

Film Character 12/2/10 12/2/10

Walking Down
Film Characters 24/2/10 25/2/10
Editing Process 26/2/10 12/3/10
Blog Entry 3 - 7 5/2/10 31/3/10
Sudience 17/3/10 17/3/10
Final Edit 17/3/10 19/3/10
Evaluation and 19/3/10 31/3/10
lloated Roles
In our group we have allocated roles.
Naomi - Editing
Berkan - Camera Man
Fatima - Director
We will all be choosing what sound we will be going to use.

°owever these roles might change when we start filming.

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