Paracetamol Poisoning
Paracetamol Poisoning
Paracetamol Poisoning
Paracetamol Normal
Metabolized in the liver by conjugation with
glucuronide & sulphate groups to form inactive
metabolites which are excreted in urine
A small portion of pcm is hydroxylated via the
cytochrome P450 enzymes to produce NAPQI ( Nacetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine )
NAPQI is a toxic metabolite
NAPQI reacts with sulphydryl group of
glutathione in the liver to produce a non-toxic
Paracetamol Metabolism In
In overdose normal conjugation pathways are saturated
Paracetamol Metabolism
Management Of Paracetamol
Primary Survey
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
Stomach Emptying
- induce vomiting
- gastric lavage
Activated Charcoal useful for removing unabsorbed drug up
to 4 hour after ingestion
- 1g/kg p.o. or via NG tube
- not useful in pcm syrup poisoning ( absorbed in 30 minutes )
Antidote N-acetylcysteine (NAC )- Parvolex
Methionine can be given orally as an alternative if NAC not
Dose : adult & child over 6 yr : 2.5g initially followed by 3 more
doses of 2.5g q4h. Below 6 yr : 1g (same regime)
Management Of Paracetamol
Poisoning- continue
Depends on :
Time of ingestion
Amount taken
Risk factors for liver enzyme induction
Blood level at 4 hour after ingestion
Blood level dictate use of antidote
Use the pcm graph
If in doubt or late presentation give treatment
N-acetylcysteine ( NAC )
Specific antidote for pcm poisoning
Most effective within 10 hours
Treatment should be initiated after 4 hours following
ingestion ,when blood level exceeds threshold for risk
NAC is usually given orally diluted with juice
If vomiting occurs within an hour, repeat the dose or use
NG tube
Can also be given by IV close monitoring of anaphylaxis
is needed for the 1st hour after IV loading dose
Consider starting NAC before pcm result if
- presenting > 10 hr & > 150mg/kg taken
- staggered overdose
Dose Of NAC
150mg/kg over
15 min
70mg/kg Q4H
17 doses
50mg/kg over 4
hr followed by
100mg/kg over
16 hr
72 hours
20 hours