Introduction To The Odyssey
Introduction To The Odyssey
Introduction To The Odyssey
Classroom Objectives:
Given the iPad and colored pencils:
Students will analyze the epic, The
Odyssey; identify its author; create
a picture board of the books of The
Odyssey; and complete a quiz on
the epic with 80% accuracy.
The Odyssey
Assignment 2: KWL
Create a KWL chart
describing what you
know about Greek
Mythology. You will only
fill out the first two
columns. The last
column will be used
later (Learn).
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1. What is an epic?
2. What is an odyssey?
3. Who wrote the epic, The Odyssey?
4. How would you describe the author? Name three.
5. What was the setting for the Iliad and The
Words to Know:
Epic and Odyssey
Homer was the writer.
He was also:
a poet
thought to be blind, but describes events
as a seeing person
lived around 1200 B.C.E
Wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey
- stories about the war between
the Trojans and the Greeks
which had happened between
900 and 700 B.C.E.
Story of the last year of the
Trojan War
War had lasted 10 years.
Troy was defeated when
Odysseus and his men were
able to get inside the walls of
Troy concealed within the body
of the Trojan horse.
The Odyssey:
Summary of the Epic
Assignment 3: Map
Using the next several slides, you are going to create a
map/story board of thirteen adventures of Odysseus.
You are going to draw a picture for each scene (the
next 13 slides) on the blank story map provided for
you. All scenes must be your own drawings. Each
block for each scene must be filled with color. You will
need to have:
1. blank story map;
2. Colored pencils; and
3. Power point slides (13 slides).
A model is on the next page.
(3) In Sparta,
Telemachos learns from Menelaos that
Odysseus is alive andwell, being held captive
on Kalypsos island. Menelaos also tells
Telemachos about how his brother, King
Agamemnon, was killed upon his return home
from Troy by his unfaithful wife, Klytaimestra,
and her lover, Aigisthos. Agamemnon was
avenged by his son Orestes, who killed the
murderers in return for their treachery..
Meanwhile, back in Ithaka, Penelope's suitors
plot to ambush and kill Telemachos when he
returns home. Oh, the tension!
(6) Next,
Odysseus and his men came to the land of the Cyclopses
giant one-eyed monsters. Odysseus and his men
stumbled into a cave, which, unfortunately, belonged to
one of these man-eating creatures. The Cyclops sealed
the entrance to the cave with a huge boulder and ate a few
of the Ithakans. Odysseus kept his cool, though, and told
the monster his name was Nobody. Then he got the
Cyclops drunk on wine and stabbed it in the eye with a
sharpened log. When the creature whose name turns
out to be Polyphemos cried out that Nobody is killing
me, the other Cyclopses were like, Then pipe down,
already! Odysseus is one clever dude.
(11) Poseidon:
So, thats it for Odysseuss story to the Phaiakians. They are so
moved by his suffering that they load him up with treasure and
ferry him back to Ithaka. (Unfortunately, in return for their
trouble, the god Poseidon turns them and their ship into stone.)
Once Odysseus gets home, Athene disguises him as a beggar
so he can scope out the situation. Odysseus then recruits the
assistance of the swineherd, Eumaios, who puts him up for the
night while Athene flies to Sparta to retrieve Telemachos. When
Telemachos gets back, Odysseus reveals himself to his son.
Then Odysseus heads to the palace, still disguised as a beggar.
Without revealing his true identity, he talks to Penelope and tries
to convince her that Odysseus is on his way home. She doesnt
believe him. Odysseus uses this opportunity to see which of his
servants are still loyal to the household and which have joined
the suitors.
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