The Enlightenment: God Reason
The Enlightenment: God Reason
The Enlightenment: God Reason
God Reason
Catalysts for the
Social Factors
Catalysts for the
Newton showed that the motions of objects
on Earth and of celestial bodies are
governed by the same set of natural laws by
demonstrating the consistency between
Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his
theory of gravitation, thus removing the last
doubts about heliocentrism and advancing
the scientific revolution.
Francis Bacon 1561-1626
H is w o rks e sta b lish e d
a n d p o p u la rize d a n
in d u ctive m e th o d o lo g y
fo r scie n tific in q u iry ,
o fte n ca lle d th e Baconian
method or simply, the
scientific method. His
demand for a planned
procedure of
investigating all things
natural marked a new turn
in the rhetorical and
theoretical framework for
science, much of which
still surrounds
conceptions of proper
methodology today.
John Locke
John Locke
widely known as the Father of Liberalism,
was an English philosopher and physician
regarded as one of the most influential of
Enlightenment thinkers.
Considered the first of the British
empiricists, he is equally important to
social contract theory.
John Locke
His work had a great impact upon the
development of epistemology and political
His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau,
many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well
as the American revolutionaries.
His contributions to classical republicanism and
liberal theory are reflected in the American
Declaration of Independence.
Locke's theory of mind is often cited as the
origin of modern conceptions of identity and
the self, figuring prominently in the work of
later philosophers such as Hume, Rousseau
and Kant.
John Locke
Locke was the first to define the self through
a continuity of consciousness.
He postulated that the mind was a blank
slate or tabula rasa.
Contrary to pre-existing Cartesian
philosophy, he maintained that we are
born without innate ideas, and that
knowledge is instead determined only by
experience derived from sense perception.
Its all about the EVIDENCE
18th Century becomes all about the
At the centre is the SCIENTIST. Educated,
largley male, wealthy, curious, white, with
lots of leisure time.
Instrumentation becomes key to revealing
the world
Knowledge can be expanded
God wants us to explore
Royal Society
Impact on the study of history
What impact would this have had on the
way historians thought about or studied
history? DISCUSS
Gibbon’s work
Royal Society