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Online Transaction


Topic of the system

Online Transaction processing (OTP) will help

the target users to freely identify, judge,

search and competition of their information
according to different demand of individual
user, company, business organizations or
institute, and submit corresponding functions
and services. The OTP fully automated and
integrated into the entire supply chain
including sales, customer service, accounting,
inventory, point of sell and fulfillment.

Target Audience
Small Office / Home office Users (SOHO)
Large and Small business organization

Objective of the system

provide an online catalog of products
Deliver better quality of service to the users
provides a safe and secure payment method

through PayPal
ensure security in the exchange of sensitive
information between the customer, organization
and the payment service i.e. PayPal.
Increase profits by avoiding losses caused by
undetected system failures

Core Functionality
Registration and Activation
Product Management
Inventory management
Advertisement Management
Basic Reports
Basic Configuration
Online Catalog
PayPal Integration

Enhanced Functionalities
Multiple Currency Support
Integration of websites
Supply chain management

Special Functionalities
Account Security
Content Management System
Client Application Tool
Basic Reports
Ajax Tool

Tangible Benefits
Load quickly and have simple navigation systems

allowing the customer to find what they want quickly and

The first and most important benefit of the system is that
it will allow business organization or small retailer to sell
or purchase the goods and product by simple click.
The system is stylishly designed and function in a
consistent manner increasing confidence of the customer
and persuading them to complete a purchase.
Integrated E- Commerce System provides multiple
facilities like B2B commerce, B2C commerce and C2C

Intangible Benefits
The OTP would ensure enhanced security support by using

SSL and offer more reliability.

Reduce inventory, employees, purchasing costs, order
processing costs associated with faxing, phone calls, and
data entry, and even eliminate physical stores.
As more and more such e-commerce system are present in
the, the customers faith in online payment and purchasing
will improve if security standards are well maintained in
the system.
The system would be more search engine friendly by
implementing SEO tool (Search Engine Optimization).
OTP provides E-mail confirmation facilities after booking
of order.

Problem Description
Cost Effectiveness:
Content Management

Literature Review
The depth and breadth of the literature review

would emphasize the credibility of the writer

in his research zone. It will provide solid
background for a research paper's
investigation. That is why this section will act
as a baseline to further research and
investigation in this field.


Payment Gatewaysare server-based

transaction processing system which enables

businesses to authorize, process, and manage
credit card transactions securely in a realtime, online environment from any computer
with an Internet connection and a Web

Proposed system (OTP) will be based on

client/server architecture. IT made the user work

easier. Now a person can do multitasking.
Client/Server architecture is basically used in the
proposed system because of central
management, improved security, server level
administration and scalable network (adding and
removing of clients without affecting the network
operation). In this architecture server provide
services to client. All the information about client
will be send back to system server only.


Research is an organized and systematic way

of finding specific answers to specific

questions. The developer began Research to
perform a systematic study in order to find the
solution of a problem or to answer a specific
question. The main goal of research is to find
a definitive answer for e-commerce and its
benefits. The Research is conducted in a
systematic way and a series of steps as well
as a standard protocol is applied.

Definition: - An information gathering interview is a

directed conversation with a specific purpose that uses a

question and answer format
Justification for selection- A personal interview has
been chosen as one of the data gathering methods for
conducting primary research. Here, in depth answers are
possible. Here the detailed information about the
participants experiences and impressions about the
system can be collected. Qualitative data can be
obtained from small sample. As project requires detailed
analysis of functionalities so Interview is selected

DefinitionQuestionnaires are an information gathering

technique that allows system analyst to study

attitudes, beliefs, behavior and characteristics
of several key people in the organization who
may be affected by the proposed system.

Focus Groups
Definition- Open ended interview with a

group of similar respondents who engage in

discussion about a specific topic under the
direction of an interviewer.
Personal Observation
It is conducted by the developer itself. He/she
gathers data by involving into the system.



Web Engineering


Modeling and

System Analysis
and Design

Development of Web-based systems has been ad hoc, lacking

systematic approach, quality control and assurance procedures.

Hence, there is now valid and growing concern about the manner in
which Web-based systems are developed and their quality and
integrity. Web Engineering, an emerging new discipline, advocates a
process and a systematic approach to development of high quality
Web-based systems. It promotes the establishment and use of
sound scientific, engineering and management principles, and
disciplined and systematic approaches to development, deployment
and maintenance of Web based systems. An e-Commerce system is
a case where we can apply the Web Engineering discipline. ECommerce systems are mainly Web-based systems, thus the
processed and the systematic approaches described within the Web
Engineering framework can be applied in the development of a
Web-based e-Commerce system.

Why ASP.Net
Website CartonLogic-Integrated E-

commerce which is going to be developed

equipped with so many features and to
develop all these features in a very short span
of time a fast development tool is required.
ASP.NET offers several important advantages
over the traditional Web development models
which suites to the project. The important
features of ASP.NET

Why C#
C# is a more high-level approach than C++. It

is usually faster to develop . It comes with a

large framework of pre-developed
components, which makes it particularly
useful for server-side programming. It is full of
features that make development faster and
easier, usually at the cost of flexibility and/or
runtime performance.

SQl Inection
SQL injection is an attack in which malicious

code is inserted into strings that are later

passed to an instance of SQL Server for
parsing and execution. Any procedure that
constructs SQL statements should be
reviewed for injection vulnerabilities because
SQL Server will execute all syntactically valid
queries that it receives. Even parameterized
data can be manipulated by a skilled and
determined attacker.

Stored Procedure
A stored procedure is nothing more than

prepared SQL code that you save so you can

reuse the code over and over again. So if you
think about a query that you write over and
over again, instead of having to write that
query each time you would save it as a stored
procedure and then just call the stored
procedure to execute the SQL code that you
saved as part of the stored procedure.

Features of C# that forces developers to use it

Web-based Applications: With C# we can create Web

applications using the shared Web Forms Designer and

the familiar "drag and drop"feature. One can doubleclick and write code to respond to events. We can also
use IntelliSense technology and tag completion, or
choose the WYSIWYG editor for visual authoring of
interactive Web applications.
Easy Deployment: With C# we can build applications
more rapidly and deploy and maintain them with
efficiency. It supports the Side-by-side versioning
enables multiple versions of the same component to live
safely on the same machine so that applications can use
a specific version of a component.

Improved Coding Style: one can code faster and

more effectively. A multitude of enhancements to the

code editor, including enhanced IntelliSense, smart
listing of code for greater readability and a background
compiler for real-time notification of syntax errors
transforms into a rapid application development (RAD)
coding machine
Object-Oriented feature: one can create reusable,
enterprise-class code using full object-oriented
constructs. Language features include full
implementation inheritance, encapsulation, and
polymorphism. Structured exception handling provides a
global error handler and eliminates spaghetti code.


Primary research is conducted in the form of

questionnaire and interview. Analysis of both

data gathering techniques is as follows



There are many different ways to design the system using

different modeling diagrams. Requirements modeling and

analysis is one of the most important activities of the
software development life cycle. However, it was found
out that proper requirement analysis and modeling could
be done indicating the use-case, explaining scenarios, and
finally providing necessary sub-use-cases and activity
diagrams for better visualization of the model. Apart from
this, everywhere timing sequence is important, developer
included sequence diagrams. In addition, it was felt that
there is no need for intensive focus on data flow of the
system. Therefore, activity diagram is prepared with data
store to show the data flow to some extent.

Use Case Design

Developer designed class diagram to describe the

structure of the Integrated E-commerce system by

showing the system classes. Classs
interrelationships are shown including inheritance,
aggregation and association. The operations and
attributes are also shown to make it clearer and
easier to understand. Class diagrams are
important for detailed design modeling. Developer
showed static structure of the proposed system
using class diagram. Requirements are analyzed in
the form of a conceptual/analysis model.

Activity Diagram

At first, developer needs to start with the user registration process. As

proposed system is having three types of users one is admin, one is

merchants and other is a normal user. So developer should first
create a form to register them along with their privileges type.
After user registration developer should go for the creation of login
Now developer needs to develop different privileges screen one for user
and other for admin.
Admin Control is the main module of the proposed system so developer
needs to start on developing the admin control module now as this is
one of the primary requirements of the proposed system. Some of the
functions created in this module will work as an input to other module.
After completing above stated module, developer can start the making
of normal user pages like view catalog, search the product, give
feedback etc.

Technical Manual
How to run the system

Testing is required to evaluate software qualities such

as reliability, usability, maintainability and level of

performance. Although software testing is an
expensive activity, yet launching of software without
testing may lead to cost potentially much higher than
that of testing.
Testing is done to determine the success of the
developed system. Normally it helps to
Free system from bug and errors
Meet user requirements in correct manner
Improve consistency and efficiency of the developed

Testing Types
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Regression Testing
GUI Testing
Compatibility Testing
Usability Testing
Security Testing
User Acceptance Testing
Alfa/Beta Testing

Control Flow Diagram for


Although most real-world project is carried out by teams, this

project has given the developer a chance to learn the systematic

ways of software development. Any IT project requires significant
level of research, analysis and design .For the developer,
throughout the development lifecycle has been a learning
experience. Upon the system completion developer has become
confident to undertake the challenging similar projects.
Most importantly the project helped the developer to build up a
broader perception of how projects are developed in an industrial
environment. Meeting the deadlines, conducting interviews,
analyzing observation and other skills learnt during the system
development were successfully applied by the developer for
system development. This project has undoubtedly added value
to the developers professional and academic proficiency and

It has been very challenging to study about features and module of the

topic OTP. Online Transaction Processing helps in automating the supply

chain management business processes. Supply chain management (SCM) is
the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of
the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as
efficiently as possible. The proposed system provides a suite of products
designed to provide end-to-end SCM functionality. With configurable
features and deployment, OTP meets the demands of today's competitive
market. The proposed system e-commerce will contain the features of all
thee mention domain like e-commerce, ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning)and SCM .The proposed system is an incorporated solution for all
e-commerce actions like B2B(Business-to-business),B2C(Business-toconsumer) and C2C(Consumer-to-consumer). As we all knows the rapid
adoption of E-Commerce is shaping the future of global business. So, this
proposed system is very advantageous for the current era. Proposed
System will help small businesses to save time and sell more. Proposed
system is accessible entirely via the web anywhere and at any time.

After the completion of the project, the

developer realized that it was an

indispensable experience before entering into
the corporate environment. However, it is the
developers perception, that experience
gained from the final year project would be a
good start for work in corporate world.

Qustion/Answer Session

Thank You

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