Anestesi Pada Pasien Gangguan Ginjal
Anestesi Pada Pasien Gangguan Ginjal
Anestesi Pada Pasien Gangguan Ginjal
stone (due to deposition of uric salts,
oxalate, or calcium) obstruction
ureteric duct
Stones can form in kidneys or pielum
Stones cant pass the bladder ureter
clog colic
- Kidney stones
- Congenital abnormalities
- Diverticula
1. Supersaturasi existence of stone-forming
2. The factors that led to the crystallization of
the substance
3. There is a substance that causes crystals
gathered into one.
Clinical Manifestations
Strong contraction and pain colic
Spread front of the abdomen, lower
abdomen, groin area, and up to the genetalia
Pain during urination or frequent urination
stones of distal ureter
<5mm can come out spontaneously
Diagnostic Tools
- BNO radio-opaque stones only
- IVP selected examination
- Laboratory:
urine sediment examination, urine culture
examination, renal physiology, electrolyte
1. Conservatives
2. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
3. Ureteroskopi (URS)
4. Open surgery
Retention Na >> extracellular fluid
easily got CHF and pulmonary edema
Autonomic neuropathy slowing gastric
emptying in CRF patients occurrence of
aspiration in perioperative
Renal function lab
Renal impairment
Dysfunction of glomerular, tubular function or
urinary tract obstruction
50mg/dl renal impairment
Serum creatinine
a product of muscle metabolism without enzyme
converted kekreatinin.
20-25 mg / kg in men and 15-20 mg / kg in
the most common test performed for the
evaluation of renal function.
pH, specific gravity (BJ), and glucose quantity
detection, protein, bilirubin, and microscopic
examination of the urine sediment
3. Ketamine
Changed slightly due to kidney disease.
Hypertension secondary to the effects of
ketamine could not desirable in patients with
renal hypertension
4. Benzodiazepines
Potential accumulation of the active metabolite
5. Opioids
-Accumulation of morphine (morphine-6glucuronide) and meperidine metabolites
prolong respiratory depression have been
reported in some patients with renal failure.
- Increased levels of normeperidine,
metabolitmeperidine, associated with seizures.
-frequently used opioid agonist-antagonists
(nalbuphine butorphanol and buprenorphine)
not affected by renal failure.
Anticholinergic Agents
In a premedication dose atropine and
glycopyrolate usually safe in renal impairment
Inhalation Agents
Volatile agents
Volatile anesthetic agents is almost ideal for
patients with dysfunction renal not
dependent on renal elimination
Many clinicians do not use or limit the use of
NO2 by 50% in patients with renal failure in
the goal to increase the use of O2artery on the
state of anemia.
Muscle Paralytic
Succinyl choline
SC can be used safely in renal failure
Cisatracurium, atracurium & Mivacurium
Mivacurium dependent on renal elimination is
minimal. Cisatracurium & atracurium elimination
degraded in plasma by enzymatic hydrolysis of
esters and nonenzymatik Hofman. These agents
may be the drug of choice for muscle paralysis in
patients with renal failure.
Preoperative Evaluation
- Evaluation of azotemia
- Physical
- Laboratory
- Signs of fluid overload or hypovolemia
- Blood gas analysis
- Thorax rontgen
- Echho
- Anemia transfusion
Muscle relaxants
Metocurine, Gallamine, Decamethonium, pancuronium,
Pipecurium, Doxacurium, Alcuronium
Atropine, Glycopyrrolate
H2reseptor antagonists
Cimetidine, ranitidine
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, aminoglycosides,
Tetracycline, Vancomycin
Carbamazepine, ethosuximide, primidone
- Stable and conscious patirnts reduction of
the dose opioid or benzodiazepines.
- Promethazin 12.5-25 mg intramuscular
sedation and anti emetic.
- aspiration prophylaxis H2 blocker
( indicated in patients nausea, vomiting or
gastrointestinal bleeding). Ex.Metoclopramide,
10 mg orally or slow IV drip
- should be continued anti-hypertension
- Monitoring
overall medical condition
danger of the occlusion blood pressure
indicated in patients with uncontrolled
Aggressive invasive monitoring diabetic
with severe renal disease who are undergoing
major surgery(high morbidity 10 x more in
diabetic patients without kidney disease)
- Induction
Patients with nausea, vomiting or gastrointestinal
bleeding should undergo irapid induction with cricoid
Thiopental 2-3 mg / kg or propofol 1-2 mg / kg ( often
used). Etomidate ,0,2-0, 4 mg / kg in patients with no
hemodynamic stabil.
Opioid, beta-blockers (esmolol), or lidocaine reduce
hypertension renponse from the intubation
Succinylcholine, 1.5 mg / kg, can be used to
intubasiendotrakeal if blood potassium levels less than 5
meq / L.
Rocuronium (0.6 mg / kg), cisatracurium (0.15 mg / kg),
atracurium (0.4 mg / kg) or mivacurium (0.15 mg / kg) can
be used for intubated patients with hyperkalemia.
Vecuronium, 0.1 mg / kg alternative, but its effects must
be considered.
- Maintenance
Control hypertension with minimal effects on
cardiac output, due to an increase in cardiac output is a
mechanism of compensation principle in anemia.
Volatile anesthetics, nitrous oxide, fentanyl,
sufentanil, alfentanil, and morphine satisfactory
maintenance agent.
Isoflurane and desflurane are volatile substances
choice because they have minimal effect on cardiac
Nitrous oxide : cautiously
Meperidine not a good choice
Morphine may be used
Ventilation controlled safest method in patients with
renal failure.
- Fluid Therapy
Superficial surgery require fluid
replacement with 5% dextrose in water.
RL should be avoided in patients with
hyperkalemia who require a lot of fluids,
because the content of potassium (4 meq / L)
Blood loss :PRC