Case Report n0 31
Case Report n0 31
Case Report n0 31
: Mrs. A
Age : 26 years old
MR No. : 91 05 25
Date : april 16th, 2015
Address : Raden Saleh, Padang
A 26 years old patient was admitted to the
Emergency Room of Dr. M. Djamil Central
General Hospital on april 16th, 2015 at 03.51
am with chief complain pain from waist
region which referred to the groin was felt
since 8 hours ago
Fetal movement was felt since 4 months ago
No complain of nausea, vomiting, or vaginal
bleeding neither during early nor late pregnancy
Prenatal care to midwife, 2 times (2 and 8
months of pregnancy) , said the pregnancy was
Menstrual history : menarche at 11 years old,
irregular cycle with the amount of 2-3 times pad
change/day without any menstrual pain.
pregnancy/abortion/delivery: 1/0/0
Present pregnancy
History of Employment: Housewife
History of Habitual : smoking (-),
alcohol (-), drug abuse
Physical Examination
: Mdt
Cons : CMC
BP: 120/80
HR : 86
RR : 20
T : 37
BW : 43 kg
BH : 143 cm
BMI : 21,03
UAC : 25,8 cm
Obstetric Record
Obstetric Record
L2: hard and resistance structure was
palpated on the right side. Numerous
small, irregular structure were palpated
on the left side
L3 : A hard and round mass was palpated,
L4 : not performed
UFH: 32 cm; EBW: 2945 gr;
Uterine contraction : 2-3x/30 / Moderate
Osborn test : (+)
Percussion : Tympani
Auscultation : FHR: 140-145 bps
Obstetric Record
Inspection : V/U within normal
Internal examination
2-3 cm
Amniotic sac was (+)
Head palpated, floating
Pelvic Inlet:
Promontory was reachable (CD:9
Outlet Pelvic :
Inter tuberous distance couldnt be passed
through by normal adult fist (< 10,5 cm)
Impression: contracted pelvic primary cs
Laboratory Evaluation
Haemoglobin : 12,0 gr%
: 20.200/mm3
: 38 %
Thrombocyte : 227,000/mm3
04.50 pm
TPPCS was performed
A male baby was born with TPPCS with Birth
Diagnosis :
P1A0L1 post TPPCS on indication contracted
pelvic primary CS
Mother & child were in care
Management :
Post surgery observation
Thank you
Post op laboratory
Haemoglobin : 11,7 gr%
: 23.500/mm3
: 36 %
Thrombocyte : 238,000/mm3