Synopsis PH.D Pratibha
Synopsis PH.D Pratibha
Synopsis PH.D Pratibha
In India thousands of species are known to have medicinal value and the use of
different parts of several medicinal plants to cure specific ailments has been in
vogue since ancient times. Medicinal plants are a source of great economic value
in the Indian subcontinent.
Medicinal plants provide an important source of new chemical
substances with potential therapeutic effects. These have been
used in traditional medicine for the treatment of several
The present research work will mainly focus on Comparative
Phytochemical Investigation, Structural Characterization and
Pharmacological Screening of Some Selected Calotropis Species
such as Calotropis Procera and Calotropis Gigantea.
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentianales
Family : Apocynaceae
Genus : Calotropis
Species : Calotropis procera
Flower: Flowers consist of 5 small triangular dirty white sepals, 5 thick ovate
petals (1cm x 1cm) which are white at the base and purple at the tips and 5
purple tipped stamens, which surround a white 5 lobed stigma.
Fruit: Fruits consist of green, spongy ovoid fruits (follicles), up to 15 cm long
by 10 cm wide. They split open to release plumed, papery light brown seeds with
a pappus of white filaments up to 6 cm long on one side.
Root: The root occurs in the entire condition. The bark is separated from the
wood 0.5-2.0 cm. in diameter bearing rootlets with diameter varying from 0.2 to
0.5 cm. externally whitish grey in colour, wrinkled in the fresh condition, plenty
of whitish latex exudes from cuts or wounds in the bark. Fracture is incomplete.
Leaf: Simple, opposite, sub-sessile, slightly thick, fleshy, coriacious, 10-15 cm.
long and 4.5 to 6.5 cm. broad, broadly cuneate, obovate or obovate oblong,
slightly cordate and auricled at base with tuff of short simple hairs on the upper
side near place of the attachment to the petiole
The leaves and stalk contain calotropin, and calotropagenin
The flower contains calotropenyl acetate, and multiflavenol and the latex
contains uzarigenin, and terpenol ester.
The root bark has also been found to possess -amyrin, -amyrin , lupeol,
-sitosterol and flavanols like quercetin-3-rutinoside.
The plant also has been investigated for the presence of cardenolides and
The pharmacological activities include anticancer, antifungal and
insecticidal activity of C. procera.
The flowers of the plant exhibit hepatoprotective activity, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects and
larvicidal activity.
The latex of the plant is reported to possess analgesic and wound
healing activity, as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
The roots are reported to have anti-fertility and anti-ulcer effects.
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentianales
Family : Apocynaceae
Genus : Calotropis
Species : C. gigantean
Large shrub or small tree up to 4-10m tall, much-branched at base, stems erect, up to 20 cm in
diameter; bark pale grey, longitudinally cracked; young shoots woolly hairy; latex in all parts.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, decussate, simple and entire, sessile; stipules absent; blade broadly
ovate to oblon g-obovate, 9.520 cm 612.5 cm, base cordate with semi-amplexicaul lobes,
apex almost acute, short-hairy beneath. Inflorescence an axillary, umbellate to almost corymbose
cyme up to 12.5 cm in diameter, peduncle 612 cm long, stout, secondary branches up to 2 cm
Flowers: Flowers bisexual, regular, 5-merous, white, cream, lilac or purple; pedicel 2.54 cm
long, densely woolly hairy; calyx lobes broadly ovate, 46 mm 23 mm; corolla 2.54 cm in
diameter, lobes broadly triangular, 1015 mm 58 mm; corona with 5 narrow, fleshy scales,
laterally compressed, 611 mm long, adnate to and shorter than the staminal column, forming an
upturned horn with 2 rounded auricles on either side, cream or lilac to purple, with a dense
longitudinal dorsal row of short white hairs; ovary superior, 2-celled, gynostegium up to 1 cm
long, stigma head star - shaped.
Fruit: Fruit contain a pair of follicles, each follicle ovoid and boat-shaped, inflated, 6.510 cm
35 cm, many-seeded. Seeds are attached with abundant white coma and seeds are ovoid, 56
mm long, with 23 cm long coma at one end
Root bark considered emetic, used as substitute for ipecac.
Latex is considered bitter, heating, purgative, caustic, acrid, expectorant, depilatory,
The latex calotropin, gigantin and uscharin have digitalis-like action on the heart.
Latex used to induce abortion and infanticide. Flowers are considered digestive,
stomachic, tonic.
Bark in small doses, dried and powdered, used as alterative and tonic; in larger doses,
an emetic.
The leaves are useful in the treatment of paralysis, arthralegia, swellings, and
intermittent fevers.
The powdered root used in asthama, bronchitis, and dyspepsia. Root-bark reported to
promote secretions and used for skin diseases, enlargement of the abdominal viscera,
intestinal worms, coughs, ascites, anasarca.
1. The extensive review of literature on Calotropis Procera and Calotropis Gigantea.
2. Collection of plant/preparation of herbarium sheet of the plants Calotropis Procera
and Calotropis Gigantea.
3. Extraction of the roots of Calotropis Procera and Calotropis Gigantea by using
suitable solvents.
In the present study, an attempt will be made for Comparative Phytochemical
Investigation, Structural Characterization and Pharmacological Screening of Some
Selected Calotropis Species such as Calotropis Procera and Calotropis Gigantea.
The roots of Calatropis gigantea and Calatropis Procera will be compared to find
out the similarities and differences in their phytoconstituents by chemical studies
involving qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytochemical constituents.
Structural characterization will be done by modern analytical technique such as
NMR, Mass, IR and UV Spectroscopy.
Further studies will involve pharmacological evaluation (anti-diabetic and antioxidant activities) of roots of different calatropis species.
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