Fuzzy Set Theory 2015

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Introduction to Fuzzy

Logic, Classical Sets &

Fuzzy Sets
Nirmala Shinde

Classical sets
Operation on Classical set
Properties of Classical Set
Fuzzy set
Operation on Fuzzy set
Properties of Fuzzy set

The word fuzzy means vagueness (ambiguity).
Fuzziness occurs when the boundary of a piece of
information is not clear-cut.
Fuzzy system was first proposed by an American
professor, Lotfi A. Zadeh, in 1965 when he
presented his seminal paper on "fuzzy sets."[1]
American professor introduced the fuzzy logic theory, it
was first implemented in the control of cement kilns
in Denmark in 1977.[2]The Japanese were successful
in applying fuzzy logic in commercial goods like
automobiles and washing machine.

Some typical examples where fuzzy logic has been
implemented are

Railway (Sendai Railways in Japan)

Automobile industries (transmission and braking)
Heating and cooling systems
Copy machines
Washing machines

Classical Sets
Classical set theory allows the membership of the elements in the set in binary
Fuzzy set theory permits membership function valued in the interval [0,1].
Words like young, tall, good or high are fuzzy.

There is no single quantitative value which defines the term young.

For some people, age 25 is young, and for others, age 35 is young.
The concept young has no clean boundary.
Age 35 has some possibility of being young and usually depends on the context in which it
is being considered.

Fuzzy set theory is an extension of classical set theory where elements have
degree of membership.

In real world, there exist much fuzzy knowledge (i.e. vague, uncertain
inexact etc).
Human thinking and reasoning
(analysis, logic, interpretation)
frequently involved fuzzy information.
Human can give satisfactory answers, which are probably true.
Our systems are unable to answer many question because the systems
are designed based upon classical set theory (Unreliable and
We want, our system should be able to cope with unreliable and
incomplete information.
Fuzzy system have been provide solution.

Is water Colorless?
Yes! (1)
Is water

No! (0)
Extremely Honest

Is Ram Honest?

Is Ram Honest?

Very Honest

Honest at time
Extremely dishonest

Classical Vs Fuzzy Set Theory

Classical set theory

Fuzzy set theory

Classes of objects with Classes of objects with

sharp boundaries.
un-sharp boundaries.
A classical set is defined A fuzzy set is defined by
crisp(exact) its
boundaries, i.e., there is boundaries, i.e., there
no uncertainty about the exists uncertainty about
set the location of the set
Widely used in digital Used in fuzzy controllers.
system design

Classical Sets (Crisp Set)

A Set is any well defined collection of objects.
An object in a set is called an element or member of that set.
Sets are defined by a simple statement.
Describing whether a particular element having a certain property
belongs to that particular set.
A = {a1,a2,a3,,an}
If the elements ai (i = 1,2,3,.,n) of a set A are subset of universal
set X, then set A can be represented for all elements x X by its
characteristics function
A (x) = 1 if x X otherwise 0

For crisp sets A and B consisting of collections of some
elements in X, the following notation is defined:
For sets A and B on X, we also have

Classical Sets
All possible sets of X constitute a special set called the power set,
Example: We have a universe comprised of three elements, X={a,
b, c}, so the cardinal number is n x = 3.
The power set is
P(X) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a,c}, {b,c}, {a,b,c}}
The cardinality of the power set, denoted n p(x) is found as
np(x) = 2nx
= 23=8

Operations on Classical Sets

Union: the union of two sets A and B is given as
A U B = { x | x A or x B } i.e. x is present in A or B
The union between the two sets, denoted A B,
represents all those elements in the universe that reside
in (or belong to) the set A, the set B, or both sets A and
This operation is also called the logical OR

Union of sets A and B (logical or) in terms of Venn diagrams

Intersection: the intersection of two sets A and B is
given as
A B = { x | x A and x B } i.e. x is present in A and B
The intersection of the two sets, denoted A B,
represents all those elements in the universe X that
simultaneously reside in (or belong to) both sets A and
This operation is also called the logical AND

Intersection of sets A and B.

Complement: It is denoted by and is defined as
= { x | x does not belongs A and x X } i.e. All
elements except A
The complement of a set A,is defined as the collection
of all elements in the universe that do not reside in the
set A.

Complement of set A

Operations on Classical Sets

Difference: It is denoted by A | B and is defined as
A | B = { x | x A and x B }
The difference of a set A with respect to B, denoted A |
B, is defined as the collection of all elements in the
universe that reside in A and that do not reside in B

Difference operation A | B

Properties of Classical (Crisp)




A (B C) = (A B) C

A (B C) = (A B) C

A (B C) = (A B) (A C)

A (B C) = (A B) (A C) (2.7)




Transitivity If A B and B C, then A C

Mapping of Classical Sets to

Mapping is an important concept in relating settheoretic forms to function-theoretic representations of
In its most general form it can be used to map elements
or subsets on one universe of discourse to elements or
sets in another universe.
If an element x is contained in X and corresponds to an
element y contained in Y, it is generally termed a
mapping from X to Y,

The characteristic (indicator) function A is defined by

Membership function is a mapping for

crisp set A.

Example : a universe with three elements, X = {a, b, c}, we desire to
map the elements of the power set of X, i.e., P(X), to a universe, Y,
consisting of only two elements (the characteristic function), Y = {0, 1}
the elements of the power set?
P(X) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {b, c}, {a, c}, {a, b, c}}
the elements in the value set V(P(X))?
V{P(X)} = {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}, {0, 1,
1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1}}

The union of these two sets in terms of function-theoretic
terms is given as follows (the symbol is the maximum):
Union A B AB(x) = A(x) B(x) = max(A(x), B(x))
The intersection of these two sets in function-theoretic terms
is given by (the symbol is the minimum operator):
Intersection A B AB(x) = A(x) B(x) = min(A(x), B(x))
The complement of a single set on universe X, say A, is given by

Fuzzy Sets
Elements of a fuzzy set are mapped to a universe of
membership values using a function-theoretic form.
fuzzy sets are denoted by a set symbol with a tilde
under strike; A would be the fuzzy set A.
This function maps elements of a fuzzy set A to a real
numbered value on the interval 0 to 1.
If an element in the universe, say x, is a member of
fuzzy set A, then this mapping is given by

Fuzzy Sets

The boundaries of the fuzzy sets are vague and ambiguous. Hence,
membership of an element from the universe in this set is
measured by a function that attempts to describe vagueness and

Fuzzy Sets
Fuzzy set is defined as follows:
If X is an universe of discourse and x is a particular
element of X, then a fuzzy set A defined on X and can
be written as a collection of ordered pairs
A = {(x, (x)), x X }

Let X = {g1, g2, g3, g4, g5} be the reference set of
Let be the fuzzy set of smart students, where
smart is fuzzy term.
= {(g1,0.4)(g2,0.5)(g3,1)(g4,0.9)(g5,0.8)}
Here indicates that the smartness of g1 is 0.4 and so on

Fuzzy set operations

Three fuzzy sets A , B, and C on the universe X
For a given element x of the universe, the following
function-theoretic operations for the set-theoretic
operations of union, intersection, and complement are
defined for a A, B, and C on X.

Standard fuzzy

Fuzzy Set Operations

Union of fuzzy sets A

and B

Intersection of fuzzy sets A

and B

Complement of fuzzy sets A

and B

Membership Function
The membership function fully defines the fuzzy set
A membership function provides a measure of the degree of
similarity of an element to a fuzzy set
Membership functions can
either be chosen by the user arbitrarily, based on the users
experience (MF chosen by two users could be different
depending upon their experiences, perspectives, etc.)
Or be designed using machine learning methods (e.g.,
artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.)

A = {(x1,0.5),(x2,0.7),(x3,0)} B = {(x1,0.8),(x2,0.2),(x3,1)}
A U B = {(x1,0.8),(x2,0.7),(x3,1)}
A U B(x1) = max (A(x1), B(x1))
= max(0.5,0.8)
= 0.8
A U B(x2) = 0.7 and A U B(x3) = 1

A = {(x1,0.5),(x2,0.7),(x3,0)} B = {(x1,0.8),(x2,0.2),(x3,1)}
A B = {(x1,0.5),(x2,0.2),(x3,0)}
A B(x1) = min (A(x1), B(x1))
= min(0.5,0.8)
= 0.5
A B(x2) = 0.2 and A B(x3) = 0

A = {(x1,0.5),(x2,0.7),(x3,0)}
Ac = {(x1,0.5),(x2,0.3),(x3,1)}
A (x1) =1- A(x1)
= 1 0.5
= 0.5
A (x2) = 0.3 and A (x3) = 1

Properties of Fuzzy Sets


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