Rural Marketing
Rural Marketing
Rural Marketing
Rural Marketing : Relevance and Importance in
emerging scenario
Rural Market Environment and the Structure of
Indian Market
Problems in Rural Marketing
Rural Marketing
Markets are made and not found.
This is also true for the rural markets in India
Rural denotes an environment
The word rural is somewhat associated with
agriculture and farmers and thus is often confused with
agricultural marketing but is one component
Rural areas are large and isolated areas with low
population density
Rural marketing is promotion of a companys products
in the rural markets by using strategies which differ from
that of urban market.
The rural market more price sensitive but it has
preference quantity.
Dispersed Market
Rural areas are scattered and advertising is very
expensive in such a highly varied and widely spread
Low Per Capita Income
As estimated nearly 33-35% of GDP is generated in
the rural areas but it is shared by 74% of the
population. And hence per capita incomes and the
purchasing power
Low Levels of Literacy
This leads to problem of communication for promotion
purposes. Print medium becomes ineffective and to
an extent irrelevant because of poor literacy rate