Task 5: As Coursework Music Magazine

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Hip Hop/Rap

There is a niche market for this genre which means only a select audience who have an
interest in hip hop/rap. This is called the niche audience. By selecting this genre, means I can
satisfy this audiences needs for satisfaction as there are not many established hip hop/rap
magazines currently on the market. The audience for this genre would predominantly be males
aged between 16 and 25. This age group is good for me because I am able to ask students in
my college for inspiration as what they would like to see in a hip hop/rap music magazine.

Despite it being good targeting a niche audience, I would preferably be able to attract other
audiences into reading my magazine and try to interest them into a new genre. This will be
difficult as many people tend to look past this genre and view it is chavvy and meaningless.
There is a very strong dislike towards this genre from people outside the niche audience as
they believe it relates to violence, drugs, etc. This is due to the nature of the lyrics used and
people outside of the niche audience are unable to understand the deeper meanings of the
lyrics and make very rash assumptions.

Rock and Roll

There is a niche market for this genre which means only a select audience who have an
interest in rock and roll. This is called the niche audience. By selecting this genre, means I can
satisfy this audiences needs for satisfaction as there are not many established rock and roll
magazines currently on the market, the only one is Vintage Rock. I myself am also a huge fan
of this genre so it allows me to express my passion through the creation of the magazine. I
also have a huge understanding of the genre so the niche audience will be very satisfied with
the magazine and article contents.

The majority of the audience for this genre will be older males, aged 50+ due to the time era in
which rock and roll was most successful; the 1950s. This means I will have to go outside of
the college in order to gain inspiration as the majority of students in the college will not have a
great understanding of the genre. Also, the majority of this niche audience do not purchase
magazines, so sales figures will probably not that high.


Pop music is a very popular genre so by creating a music magazine of this genre will ensure I
will be attracting a large proportion of music fans. There are also a lot of artists associated
with this genre, so therefore also attracts a large amount of people due to the different styles
of the different artists. I will also be able to attract a wide range of ages as well because a lot
younger, females in particular, are very passionate for some of there pop artists whereas also
middle aged male and females also enjoy there fair share of pop artists.

There are already a large selection of pop music magazines on the market, so I will have to
make sure mine is very unique to the others, which can be difficult with so many alternatives
for the audience to choose from. I will find my magazine difficult to stand out as pop music is
a very mainstream genre and is the most broadcasted music genre on Radio and Television,
which means I will not be able to put my own twist on things due to the lack of new ideas able
to be thought up of. This is because it is broadcasted so much and so many people have
heard the same music, I will only be able to design my magazine based on this.

Genre Conclusion
I have decided to pick Rock and Roll as my chosen music sub-genre. This is because I feel
that the positives of making this massively outweigh the negatives and I will benefit fully from
this decision. The main reason for this is that there is a very limited selection of Rock and Roll
magazines in the music market for magazines and so if I am able to create an effective,
interesting and informative magazine, I will be able to succeed in satisfying the niche audience
of Rock and Roll. I believe I will be able succeed in this because I have a great understanding
of this genre due to myself being a massive fan of this music. I listen to many different artists
and so am able to provide an interesting and informative magazine to fans based on my own
knowledge which can range well across the different artists. This means the audience will be
able to gain information and satisfaction from reading my magazine as it will be able to feature
all of the biggest artists but also up and coming artists in the genre to add a modern twist to
the theme.

Article Ideas


Rock and Roll





Colour Scheme

These purple colours denote warmth, royalty and

femininity. It is associated with nobility and mystery
which means I most likely will not be using this as part
of my main colour scheme, as it does not reflect the
rock and roll genre. However, it does denote royalty,
and Elvis is known as the King so I could use purple
when doing an Elvis profile.

Red is the colour of energy, passion and

energy. It is a warm and positive colour and
exudes a strong and powerful masculine
energy. Due to the colour being strong and
powerful, I may be using a splash of this on
my cover page in order to attract my target
audience. The denotation of passion will be
used to express my passion for the rock and
roll genre also.
Orange radiates warmth and happiness and offers
emotional strength during tough times. It is a very
optimistic colour and signifies hope and that better
days will be upon you. This can symbolise the artists in
my magazine, as for example, Chuck Berry served jail
time but kept up his work and made himself a fantastic
global hit by persevering.

Blue is the colour of trust and responsibility. It is sincere, reserved and

quiet and hates confrontation. You can rely on it to take control and
make the correct decisions in pressured times. The colour seeks peace
and tranquillity and relates to the expression of feelings through voice
communication. This is relevant to my genre because the artists have
experienced a lot through their lives and will be expressing these
through song.
Green is the colour of nature, fertility
and life. It symbolises self-respect and
well-being, as well as learning, growth
and harmony. Green should be used
when in need of: balance, change,
freedom and protection. Therefore I
may use the colour green sparingly in
order to portray the freedom that
artists have to express their emotion
through rock and roll.

The colour yellow is meant for happy people and also

cowardly people. This is because cowards are often
called yellow so in some circumstances this can have
negative meanings. Apart from this, yellow doesnt
have an real significance, although I believe it would
make quite a nice complimentary colour to be used
across my whole magazine.

Font Types
Serif vs Sans Serif
Serif fonts are recognised as a more old fashioned font due to the differences in
stroke width, which contrasts to Sans Serif fonts which have a constant stroke
width. Serif fonts also include, obviously, Serifs on the end of the letters whereas
Sans Serifs are plain. The plain letters makes the font recognised as a more modern
font and is used to attract a younger audience. Serif fonts attract an older audience
due to its old fashioned design.

Possible Mastheads




Masthead Fonts
Adobe Fan Heiti Std B

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