ME 257 Composite Materials

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ME 257 Composite Materials

Prof. James C Iatridis

Spring 2006
Terril 222 – 12:20-1:10pm
Composite materials –
Definition: a material composed of 2 or
more constituents
 Reinforcement phase (e.g., Fibers)
 Binder phase (e.g., compliant matrix)

 High strength and stiffness
 Low weight ratio
 Material can be designed in addition to the
 Can manufacture structures and eliminate
 Straw in clay construction by
 Aerospace industry
 Sporting goods
 Automotive
 Construction
Types of Composites
Matrix Metal Ceramic Polymer
ement Phase
Metal Powder metallurgy Cermets (ceramic- Brake pads
parts – combining metal composite)
immiscible metals

Ceramic Cermets, TiC, TiCN SiC reinforced Fiberglass

Cemented carbides – Al2O3
used in tools
Tool materials

Polymer Kevlar fibers in an

epoxy matrix

Elemental Fiber reinforced Rubber with

(Carbon, metals carbon (tires)
Auto parts Boron, Carbon
Boron, etc.)
aerospace reinforced plastics


Metal Matrix Composites Ceramic Matrix Comp’s. Polymer Matrix Comp’s
Costs of composite manufacture
Material costs -- higher for composites
 Constituent materials (e.g., fibers and resin)
 Processing costs -- embedding fibers in matrix
 not required for metals Carbon fibers order of
magnitude higher than aluminum
Design costs -- lower for composites
 Can reduce the number of parts in a complex
assembly by designing the material in
combination with the structure
Increased performance must justify higher
material costs
Forms of Reinforcement Phase
 cross-section can be circular, square or hexagonal
 Diameters --> 0.0001” - 0.005 “
 Lengths --> L/D ratio
 100 -- for chopped fiber
 much longer for continuous fiber
 small particles that impede dislication movement (in
metal composites) and strengthens the matrix
 For sizes > 1 µ m, strength of particle is involves in load
sharing with matrix
 flat platelet form
Fibers - Glass
Most widely used fiber
Uses: piping, tanks, boats, sporting goods
 low cost
 Corrosion resistance
 Low cost relative to other composites:
 Relatively low strength
 High elongation
 Moderate strength and weight
 E-Glass - electrical, cheaper
 S-Glass - high strength
Fibers - Aramid (kevlar, Twaron)

 high performance replacement for
glass fiber
 Armor, protective clothing, industrial,
sporting goods
 higher strength and lighter than glass
 More ductile than carbon
Fibers - Carbon
2nd most widely used fiber
 aerospace, sporting goods
 high stiffness and strength
 Low density
 Intermediate cost
 Properties:
 Standard modulus: 207-240 Gpa
 Intermediate modulus: 240-340 GPa
 High modulus: 340-960 GPa
 Diameter: 5-8 microns, smaller than human hair
 Fibers grouped into tows or yarns of 2-12k fibers
Fibers -- Carbon (2)
Types of carbon fiber
 vary in strength with processing
 Trade-off between strength and modulus
Intermediate modulus
 PAN (Polyacrylonitrile)
 fiber precursor heated and stretched to align structure and
remove non-carbon material
High modulus
 made from petroleum pitch precursor at lower cost
 much lower strength
Fibers - Others

 High stiffness, very high cost
 Large diameter - 200 microns
 Good compressive strength
Polyethylene - trade name: Spectra fiber
 Textile industry
 High strength
 Extremely light weight
 Low range of temperature usage
Fibers -- Others (2)

Ceramic Fibers (and matrices)

 Very high temperature applications
(e.g. engine components)
 Silicon carbide fiber - in whisker form.
 Ceramic matrix so temperature
resistance is not compromised
 Infrequent use
Fiber Material Properties

Steel: density (Fe) = 7.87 g/cc; TS=0.380 GPa; Modulus=207 GPa

Al: density=2.71 g/cc; TS=0.035 GPa; Modulus=69 GPa
Fiber Strength
Matrix Materials
Functions of the matrix
 Transmit force between fibers
 arrest cracks from spreading between fibers
 do not carry most of the load
 hold fibers in proper oreintation
 protect fibers from environment
 mechanical forces can cause cracks that allow environment to
affect fibers
Demands on matrix
 Interlaminar shear strength
 Toughness
 Moisture/environmental resistance
 Temperature properties
 Cost
Matrices - Polymeric

 cure by chemical reaction
 Irreversible
 Examples
 Polyester, vinylester
 Most common, lower cost, solvent resistance
 Epoxy resins
 Superior performance, relatively costly
Matrices - Thermoplastics
Formed by heating to elevated temperature at
which softening occurs
 Reversible reaction
 Can be reformed and/or repaired - not common
 Limited in temperature range to 150C
 Polypropylene
 with nylon or glass
 can be injected-- inexpensive
 Soften layers of combined fiber and resin and place
in a mold -- higher costs
Matrices - Others
Metal Matrix Composites - higher
 e.g., Aluminum with boron or carbon
Ceramic matrix materials - very high
 Fiber is used to add toughness, not
necessarily higher in strength and
Important Note

Composite properties are less

than that of the fiber because
of dilution by the matrix and
the need to orient fibers in
different directions.
Material Forms and

Objectives of material production

 assemble fibers
 impregnate resin
 shape product
 cure resin
Sheet Molding Compound (SMC)
 Chopped glass fiber added to
polyester resin mixture

•Question: Is SMC isotropic or anisotropic?

Manufacturing - Filament

Highly automated
 low manufacturing
costs if high
 e.g., Glass fiber
pipe, sailboard

Prepreg and prepreg layup

 “prepreg” - partially cured mixture of
fiber and resin
 Unidirectional prepreg tape with paper
 wound on spools
 Cut and stacked
 Curing conditions
 Typical temperature and pressure in
autoclave is 120-200C, 100 psi
Manufacturing - Layups


vacuum bagging
Material Forms

Textile forms
 Braiding or weaving
 Tubular braided form
 can be flattened and cut for non-
tubular products
Fabric effects on material
Resin transfer molding (RTM)

Dry-fiber preform placed in a

closed mold, resin injected into
mold, then cured
Material Forms

 Fiber and matrix are pulled
through a die, like extrusion of
metals -- assembles fibers,
impregnates the resin, shapes the
product, and cures the resin in one
 Example. Fishing rods

Tube rolling - tubular products

 Examples
 fishing rods
 golf clubs
 oars
 Prepreg tape typically used wrapped
in 2 directions or spiral wrapped

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