Geo Thermal Update of Ecuador 2005-2010: Karwan Saeed

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Geo thermal update of Ecuador

Karwan Saeed

Geographical location of Ecuador

Ecuador is a democratic republic, located on the
equatorial edge of western South America .
it has 13 986 906 inhabitants living in a territory
of 256 370 km2 (INEC2001);
the official language is Spanish.
Ecuador is located on the active convergent plate
margin of South America, which is characterized
by a broad continental volcanic arc with
abundant active volcanoes and intense seismicity.

Production from renewable energy sources

in Ecuador, mainly solar and wind, is still
negligible (2.42 MWe), but is planned to
increase in the future, including geothermal
Energy market (as for Dec 2008). is
dominated by
Hydro (51.7 %) and
Fossil Fuel (44.0 %),
total installed capacity of 4557 Mwe, gross
electricity production of 18609 GWh/yr

Energy Generation 2009

Total Energy consumption 2008

Geothermal Historical
Earlier geothermal exploration, carried out from
the mid 1970s to the earlier 1990s by
government institutions with the aid of foreign
technical assistance programs.
The report(INECEL/OLADE 1980) produced by
INECEL (Institute Ecuatoriano de Electrificacin,
now defunct) and OLADE (Organizacin Latino
Americana de Energa),together with AQUATER
(Italy) and BRGM (France). summarized the areas
of interest in two main groups.

In 1985, INE (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Energa, now

defunct), carried out prefeasibility studies for lowmid temperature resources at Ilal and Cuenca
prospects. but funding for drilling failed because
potential industrial and direct uses showed up to be
non economic for the time.
INECELS Geothermal Project was shut down in1993
and since than and until 2008, no further
government run geothermal exploration has been
done in Ecuador.

Since the approval of the new Constitution in

2008, the government has started towards a
stronger participation of the state I exploration
and development of the countrys energy and
mineral resources.
The first geothermal gradient exploration hole
already has completed on May 2009 ,, in
Ecuador, on the Tufio prospect, to a depth of
554 m and final diameter NQ (76 mm).

Ecuadors Geological setting

Geographically and geomorphologically,
mainland Ecuador consists of three regions:
1. the coastal plains or COSTA,
2. The Andes mountain chain or SIERRA
3. and the Amazon basin or ORIENTE.
A fourth region comprises the Galapagos
Islands, located about 1000 km to the W of
mainland Ecuador, in the Pacific Ocean

1-The Andes formed by multiple accretion since Jurassic

times and consists of two parallel NNE striking mountain
chains: Cordillera real(CR)
Cordillera Occidental(CO)
Between the two Cordilleras is the (IAV)
2-The Oriente is an extensive sedimentary basin,
3-The Costa is the flat region W of the Andes.
No active volcanism is present in this region.



Geothermal Resources
As per the explorations and researches, Two main
Groups are summarized.
Group A(High Temp.) Tufio, Chachimbiro and Chalupas
Group B(low Temp.) Ilal, Chimborazo and Cuenca
In 1985 INE carried out prefeasibility studies for
(low-mid Temp.) resources. Ilal and Cuenca prospect

Geothermal Prospects in Ecuador

1-Tufio Chiles geothermal prospect
This prospect is located in the (CO or Western- Cordillera).The
development area lies across the Ecuador -Colombia border.
Volcano chiles:
a moderate size, andesitic to dacitic,stratocone active in late
Negro de Mayasqueran active dacitic volcano a dyascent to the
W of volcano Chiles.
Acid Hot Spring:
up to 55C (shown in table below), occur 2 3 km to the East of
Volcano Chiles, along E-W faulting, with a strong H2S smell.

Bicarbonate springs are common several km to the East,

close to the villages of Tufio and Chiles.
Fossil silica sinter terraces, about 1 km East of the acid
Resistivity data(Schlumberger and MT soundings) confirm the
existence of a geothermal reservoir under volcan Chiles
In 2009, 1 MUSD of state funds was allocated to the Tufino
prospect to carry out 4 shallow (500 m), small diameter
(NQor 76 mm) gradient bore holes, which is the very first
geothermal hole to be drilled in Ecuador, reached a total
depth of 554 m in May 09.


2-Chachimbiro geothermal prospect

-This prospect is located on the E slopes of the CO, at about 20 km W
of the city of Ibarra in the province of Imbabura.
-The heat source is the Quaternary Chachimbiro volcanic complex,
-Near neutral chloride bicarbonate hot springs are present to
the East of the system, with temperatures ranging 40 to 55 C (see
table 1A) . Possible deep-temperatures are225 - 235C.
-Geochemical data (Aguilera et al., 2005) support the existence at
depth of a high enthalpy geothermal system.

-1 MUSD of state funds in 2009 for exploration activities, mainly

geophysics (MT survey) to be operated by ESPE (Escuela Politecnica
del Ejercito Politecnical University of the Army) as a research

3-Chalupas geothermal prospect

-This prospect is located 70 km SSE from Quito, at the crest of the CR

(Eastern Cordillera), in the province of Napo.

The Chalupas caldera is12 km in diameter and formed after the
explosive eruption of about 100 km3 of rhyolite pumitic ash
(INECEL, 1983; Beate, 1985;).
-The huge volume of erupted silicic magma as well as the persisting
volcanic activity through time, guarantees the presence of a heat
source in the area as pointed out by Bloomquist, 1995.
-Due to the formation of the caldera by collapse, high permeability
is expected at depth.
-this prospect may be suitable for a program of shallow
temperature-gradient wells (400 to 500 m deep) to confirm high
temperatures and sample deep fluids.
- Almeida (1990) estimates a potential of 283 Mwe for the Chalupas
prospect, from interpretation of surface data.

4-Chacana-Papallacta geothermal prospect

This prospect is located at 60 km to the E of Quito on the CR (Eastern
Cordillera), in the province of Napo.
The heat source are the younger volcanic of the Chacana caldera
complex, which has been persistently active through all the Quaternary
(the last 2-3 million years). Important rhyolitic eruptions occurred 240,
180 and 160 ky ago producing ash-flow deposits.
Hot springs, mainly located inside the caldera in the Papallacta area,
show temperatures between 40 and 67 C .The springs are near- neutral
alkaline chloride waters with anomalous high concentrations of boron
and arsenic


5-Chimborazo geothermal prospect

This prospect is located 35 km NW of Riobamba, at the crest of CO
(Western Cordillera), in the province of Chimborazo.
Last eruption produced small phrea to-magmatic surges, only 1.7 ka old.
The whole edifice rests on Tertiary vulcaniclastic sediments.
Only one hot spring exists in the area to the NNW foot of the volcano, with
a temperature of 47C and a dilute neutral chloride chemistry The fluids
show water rock equilibrium and indicate deep reservoir temperatures
between 120 and 150C.

No geophysical survey has been done yet.


6-Cuenca geothermal prospect:

The geothermal system lies some 20 km further SW at an
elevation of about 4000 masl, at the crest of the CO (Western
The hottest springs of this prospect are located 7 km SW of the
city of Cuenca (2700 masl) in the province of Azuay.

The heat source is the Late Miocene-Pliocene Quimsacocha

volcanic complex, located about 25 km SW of Cuenca. It produced
a cal-alcaline andesitic shield with lava flows and breccia.
the Baos hot springs(75C) are the hottest in mainland Ecuador
(see table 1A). The waters are of the alkali chloride bicarbonate
type. 75C
Future work sample, analyze and interpret thermal waters and
gases as well .carry out a Schlumberger resistivity survey.

Other geothermal areas


Today, utilization of geothermal resources in Ecuador
is restricted to direct uses only, that is for bathing
resorts, balneology and swimming pools.
Lately, the first use of space heating at private Term as
Papallacta Spa Resort Hotel has been commissioned, but
data are not available yet
Also several projects for direct use in fish hatchery await
funding for development. A summary of many, but not
all, hot and warm springs used for swimming pools is
shown in table below, giving a total installed capacity of
5.157 MWt and an annual energy output of 102.401
TJ/yr, which is the same as for 2005 update.




Since the government has taken the political decision to
fund, explore and develop clean, indigenous, renewable
energy resources, including geothermal energy, it is
foreseeable that in the near future, say the next 5 to
10 years, Ecuador will have its first geothermal power
plant. Direct uses will also be explored and developed,
most probably by the tourist, agribusiness and fishhatching sectors.
Due to higher oil prices and to locally and regionally
increasing energy demand, geothermal energy uses can
become cost-efficient in relation to conventional hydro, oil
and gas, and to other renewable energy forms. Public
investment plays now a key role in funding future
geothermal enterprises for both, electric and direct uses.

Several regions in the country remain un-explored

for geothermal resources, namely the sedimentary
basins in the Costa, the back-arc volcanic chain
with recently active alkalic volcanoes and the
sedimentary basins in the Oriente, as well as the
Galapagos Archipelago.

A good start will be to re-assess and update

geothermal data nationwide and to produce both, the
heat flow map and the geothermal map of Ecuador,
as well as to get the necessary funding (public
and private) to drill the most promising prospects
and tap geothermal power in Ecuador.


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