Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
17 - 3
Used for planning and decision making
Preparation of Direct labour budgets
Preparation of variable overheads budgets
Setting standard costs
Pricing decision
Transfer Pricing
Chapter 22
Transfer pricing :
It is the determination of an exchange price for a
product or service when different business units within
a firm exchange it.
The products can be final product or intermediate
Transfer Price the price one subunit (department or division)
charges for a product or service supplied to another subunit of the
same organization
Management control systems use transfer prices to coordinate the
actions of subunits and to evaluate their performance
The transfer price creates revenues for the selling subunit and purchase
costs for the buying subunit affecting each subunits operating income
Transfer of products and services between business units is most
common in firms with a high degree of vertical integration.
Vertically integrated firm engage in a number of different valuecreating activities in the value chain.
A computer manufacturer must determine transfer prices if it
manufacturers the chips, boards and other components and
assembles the computer itself.
To provide an appropriate incentive for managers to make
decisions consistent with the firms goals.
To provide a basis for fairly rewarding manager.
To minimize taxes locally and internationally.
By setting a high transfer price for goods shipped to a relatively high
taxed country, a firm can reduce its firm level tax liability. This would
increase cost and reduce the income of the purchasing unit in the
high tax country, thereby minimize taxes there and higher profits
shown by the selling unit would be taxed at lower rates in the sellers
home country
To develop strategic partnership.
A high transfer price may induce internal unit to purchase from
external suppliers. The external suppliers might get assistance from
the firm in its effort to supply quality materials to the firm. As a result,
newer or weaker unit becomes more healthy.
International Objective
Tax issues
Minimising custom charges,
Minimising currency restriction and
Minimising risk of expropriation by foreign
Expropriation occurs, when a government takes
ownership and control of assets a foreign
investor has invested in the country.
Custom Charges
If custom charges are significant on the parts and
components imported, relatively low transfer price on
these imports would be beneficial to reduce the custom
Currency Restriction
Repatriations of profits to the parent firm are restricted
in some countries. One way to deal in such
circumstances, is to set the transfer price in such a way
that the profits become low and repatriations are easy.
When risk of expropriation exists, transfer price may be
used as a devise to remove funds from the foreign
country as quickly as possible.
Therefore, Market Price Use if the selling unit has no excess capacity and perfect competition exists.
Here, the general transfer rule and the external market price are equal
The long-run average external market price should be used, because distressed
market prices can severely affect transfer pricing profitability.
May or may not bear any resemblance to cost or market
Prorating the difference between the maximum and minimum costbased transfer prices
Dual-Pricing using two separate transfer-pricing methods to price
each transfer from one subunit to another. Example: selling division
receives full cost pricing, and the buying division pays market pricing
Variable Cost
The biggest drawback with using variable cost is that when excess capacity
exists, the selling unit cant show contribution margin on the transferred goods.
This method sets the transfer price equal to the selling units variable cost
and used when objective is to satisfy the internal demand for the goods.
The relatively low price encourages buying internally.
This method is not suitable when selling unit is a profit unit.
Full Cost
The biggest drawback affects the buying units view of costs as fixed for the
company as a whole
This method sets the transfer price equal to variable costs plus
selling units allocated fixed cost. The advantage is that the price is
well understood and information is readily available in accounting
Disadvantage is that the price includes fixed costs, which are some
time erroneous, because of improper uses of allocation bases.
Trade intangibles are created out of Research & Development like know-how,
designs, etc.
There can be 3 types of such arrangements :
Market intangibles are trade names (brands including symbols, pictures, etc.)
This again can be owned by one enterprise or shared with others. Brand
valuation should be done taking into account all the variables like quality
control and R&D, availability, success of promotion expenses, value of the
market, etc.