Can Rice Yield Gaps Be Closed? A Theoretical Framework To Explain Yield Gaps at Farm Level With A Case Study For Central Luzon, Philippines
Can Rice Yield Gaps Be Closed? A Theoretical Framework To Explain Yield Gaps at Farm Level With A Case Study For Central Luzon, Philippines
Can Rice Yield Gaps Be Closed? A Theoretical Framework To Explain Yield Gaps at Farm Level With A Case Study For Central Luzon, Philippines
Outline of
the presentation
Theoretical framework
A. Concepts of production ecology
B. Decomposing the yield gap
Rice yield gaps in Southeast Asia
Methodologies for Yg analysis
Yield gap analysis can be used to investigate the relative importance of
different growth factors and to explain actual production levels (van Ittersum
& Rabbinge, 1997)
Crop models have been widely used for yield gap analysis and especially
for assessing the theoretical maximum crop yields from a biophysical
perspective but... they do not take into account the effect of biotic factors
and cannot deal with socio-economic factors such as labour and cash.
Frontier analysis is a highly flexible, versatile and robust benchmarking
method widely applied to farm survey data by (agricultural) economists. The
outcomes tend to be input dependent which makes the comparison across of
studies rather difficult.
Why not combining both approaches in a novel theoretical framework to
take advantage of the opportunities offered by each of them?
Why focusing on the farm level?
Analysis at field level: too fine resolution and does not capture interactions between
different fields/production activities of the same farm which affect operational, tactical
and strategic decisions made by farmers.
Analysis at regional to global levels: too coarse and difficult to capture dynamics and
feedbacks occurring in each particular farming system. Useful for relative comparisons
and identify target regions but no meaningful explanations.
Neumann et al.
(2010) AgSys
Research objectives
The objective of this study is to apply and test a combination of
methods, i.e. frontier analysis and crop modelling, to explain rice yield
gaps in the period 1979 - 2012 in Central Luzon, the Philippines.
In this presentation, I will provide a (very) preliminary analysis for the
periods 1979-1980, 1990-1991 and 2003-2004.
Theoretical framework:
Concepts of production ecology
Theoretical framework:
Efficiency yield gap
For consistency, important
to control for:
yield gap
Weather conditions
Soil types
Rice varieties
Theoretical framework:
Resource yield gap
YBF = YOpt
yield gap
yield gap
Farmersobjectives given
a set of constraints:
Maximising profits
Minimising risks
HH food security
Maximising RUE
Theoretical framework:
Technology yield gap
Production level (y)
yield gap
It is explained by current
technologies not being able
to exploit the full climatic
Theoretical framework:
Methods and integration
Yield Gap
(1 )
Output variables
Rice yield for MV3 varieties (kg ha-1)
Input variables
N application rate (kg N ha-1)
P application rate (kg P ha-1)
K application rate (kg K ha-1)
Seed rate (kg ha-1)
Herbicide (kg a.i. ha-1)
Insecticide (kg a.i. ha-1)
*all fields are irrigated
Yield Gap
Production perspective:
YBF was quantified as the average of YA values above the 95th percentile.
Economic perspective:
Yopt which corresponds to the maximum revenues, minimum costs or maximum profits can be quantified
using cost production functions, i.e. estimating the production frontier with inputs and outputs expressed in
economic terms.
Environmental perspective:
Yopt which corresponds to the highest resource-use efficiency of a specific input can be quantified by means
of indicators such as (single/total) factor productivity or by taking the first order derivative of the production
frontier. Crop modelling may as well be an option.
Food security perspective:
Approaches such as the land gap (Hengsdijk et al. 2014) can be useful to assess whether or not individual
households match their food security needs by taking into account data on crop yield, farm size and number
of household members.
Risk perspective:
Yopt corresponding to the minimal risk can be quantified using optimisation models based on linear
programming. This needs further thought....
Yield Gap
Total Simulations:
Virtual Experiment:
500 N management strategies
500 random N
management strategies
1 production level (N limiting)
1 variety (IR72)
Number of splits
Input File Generator
= 500.000 simulations!
Preliminary results:
Descriptive statistics, inputs & outputs
Wet Season
Dry Season
Preliminary results:
Efficiency yield gap (1)
Preliminary results:
Efficiency yield gap (2)
2nd stage frontier analysis
(multiple regression)
Preliminary results:
Resource yield gap
Dry Season
Preliminary results:
Technology yield gap (1)
Preliminary results:
Technology yield gap (2)
Sowing Dates?
Dry Season
Closing rice yield gaps is about on-farm research to disentangle the complexFARM
interactions involved in crop management and to improve all-farmGAP
performance, including off-farm activities and income.
There are trade-offs at farm level which may not make it interesting for
individual farmers to increase their production and hence close the resource
yield gap. Apart from that, environmental concerns and regulations might
further hinder such yield increases.
Time to break free from the yield gap trap ?? (by: Stephanie Malyon , CIAT)
Yes, rice yield gaps can be closed!!
But at what cost and risk?!
Looking forward...
and further research!
Refine the estimates of YTEx and estimate resource yield gaps: take the advantage
of having a rich panel dataset and use more advanced methodologies (i.e. stochastic
frontier). Make the analysis per soil type.
Finalize the evaluation of ORYZAv3 and refine its application for Central Luzon by
integrating crop management information from the CLLS and the quantitative soil
data collected. Expand frontier to other inputs!
Think further how to truly integrate these two methodologies in order to have as
much explanatory power as possible.
Identify the main causes behind the efficiency, resource and technology yield gaps
either by means of quantitative (e.g. multiple regression) or qualitative approaches
(e.g. Bennedict Kerkvliet: Everyday Politics in a Central Luzon Village).
Test and extend the framework with data from other rice farming systems of SE Asia
(e.g. Mekong Delta, Vietnam)...?
Muito obrigado!
RMSE = 16.81
Yield Gap
RMSE = 21.42