No.13 CollReg

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We welcome you on board our Oil tanker/
Chemical tanker / and Gas tanker.

Vessel encounter frequents fog and many

fishing vessel in china coastal water.
You are required to be very conversant of
COLREG including their application.

as provide instruction as follow,
1. Observances of collision regulation.

2. Navigational equipments.
3. Extract from navigation and watch
keeping procedure.

Collision Regulations
The following instruction and guidance
do not override the regulation for
preventing collision at sea.
Known as COLREG additional
guidance as follow,

Rule 5 Lookout
LOOKOUT the means pay attention for
everything keep lookout by all means
* By eyes, look around the vessel, use
binoculars from bridge wing.
* By hearing, keep wheelhouse open and
outside very often to have fresh air and
fresh lookout of collision.

* Use AIS for your assistance.
* Remember, OOW himself is the best lookout
than AB.
* Always make a habit how can see the target
* By RADAR, we aware of clutter small target
and ranges we use.

* By RADIO TRANSPONDER, keep an ear
on what is going on around the vessel
* Post lookout when poor visibility, too
many ships, near coastal water at night

Rule 6 Safe Speed

* Rule 6 to allows you to make yours own
judgment as to the most appropriate
speed at any time.

* Safe speed allow you to stop or turn

* If you give more times think and to take
action in a developing situation.

Safe Speed
* Remember the RADAR or ARPA may miss
same target or it may shown some target as
well echoes.

* In poor visibility put engine to stand by and

inform engine room and Master.
* Reduce ship speed it you are concerned of
close quarter situation.


In edition to keep a proper lookout, all OOW
must use all the information and equipments
available to Determine Risk Of Collision.
* Take compass bearing from the bridge wing,
note down the piper with the time X bearing the
Company not like you use the inside

* Check compass bearing again say about
2-3 minutes, does the bearing changes?.
* If the compass bearing unchanged, Risk
of Collision exists and you MUST
have to MONITOR the TARGET till it is
past and clear.


* If compass bearing changes appreciably, Risk
of Collision does not exists.
* When target is very close, even of compass
bearing changes still Risk of Collison axists.
* If you are not fitted with the ARPA, you are
must make the RADAR PLOT.

* Do not relay on ARPA to give accurate
CPA, if CPA shown half a mile consider
risk of collision exists.
* Check AIS for any approaching target, if you
see of target byAIS, may be fishing vessel and
coaster without the RADAR and in fog,
you have to to give WIDE BERTH .

Rule 8 Action To Avoid

Remember a positive action make very early
is better than a large panic action at last
The closer you are to other vessel, the more
you will have to do to avoid collision.

Action to Avoid Collision.

* Do not judge a Positive and ample action
just by the amount of alteration confirm
it by the change CPA. Keep checking till the
Risk of Collision past and clear.
* Use the ENGINE if you are not able to alter

Action to Avoid Collision.

* Use trail maneuver on ARPA if available.
* Think about what you are doing action
taken to Avoid Collision should follow the
observance of good seaman ship.
* If you are stand on vessel, provide worming
to approaching vessel. If no action by other
vessel and close quarter situation take easly
and large action.

* Pay particular attention while overtaking any
vessel, Rule 13 very clearly states. Any
vessel overtaking the other vessel shall keep
out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.
* When a vessel is any doubt as to the weather
she is overtaking another, she shall assume
that this is the case and keep clear of the
vessel overtaken.

* Remain vigilant remember, you remain an
overtaking vessel until you are finally past and

* If you are vessel overtaking (stand on vessel)

by another vessel, keep proper lookout and
take action necessary when it is apparent that
collision can not be avoided by the action of
the OVERTAKING vessel .

* Beware of interaction if you are forced
to pass you close, be careful that
interaction does not occur.
* Avoid crossing a head, if you are not in
parallel courses and passing clear, cross
astern than a head.

* In a narrow channel, overtaking shall only
take place If the vessel to be overtaken has
taken action to permit safe passing.

* Do not pass too close overtaking takes time,

make sure have a safe distance between you
and other vessel.
Where possible, this should be at least greater
than you hard over turning circle.

Rule 14 Head on Situation

* If you are in doubt, a assume a head on
situation and take appropriate action of large
starboard alteration.
* Alter early do not wait for other vessel
to act, the closer you get before taking action
the greater the slips you subsequently have to
to avoid collision.

Rule 15 Crossing Situation

* Give way early if you are the give way vessel,
take early action so that other vessel
known yours intention.
* Avoid crossing ahead go to starboard astern
of the vessel it at all possible.
Do not alter course to PORT in crossing
situation for a vessel in yours port side.
* If you are in doubt call the MASTER.

Crossing Situation
* Stand on vessel If a vessel crossing yours
course from yours port side, Yours vessel in
STAND ON and other vessel is GIVE WAY.
Monitor other vessel by compass bearing, if the
bearing do not change Risk of Collision exist.
Make warning sign by use the ALDIS lamp
given on day light use Horn 5 or more short
and rapid blast/flashes as warning.
If not action and close quarter situation still
exist take starboard alteration to pass astern of
other vessel.

Rule 16 Action By Give Way

* DO NOT HASITATE alter early and
adequately enough to show the other vessel
clearly what you are doing. Your easily shown
you are good seaman and you respect your job
as per low.

* Confirm your alternation, make sure that your

action has made the desired effect by the
checking the increase of CPA on the Radar.

Keep Every Body Happy

Follow rule 16, this make life for all vessel.
If the watch keeping the other vessel to happy
with your action, it is likely that he will do
anything unexpectedly.

treat other vessel as you would like to be

treated yourself.
Apply some curettes for seamanship.


Rule 17 Action by Stand on Vessel.

* Apparent action of other vessel as
soon as becomes apparent that give way
vessel is not taking appropriate action
take your own action to avoid collision.
* Stand on Vessel for a crossing
situation, if circumstance permits, do not
alter course to PORT for a vessel on your
port side.

Action by Stand on Vessel

* Close quarter situation when collision
can not be avoided by the GIVE WAY
vessel alone, take best action to avoid


Rule 19 Restricted Visibility

When Restricted Visibility occurs take action,
* Switch on fog signals and Navigation lights.

* Put telegraph on standby and record to bell

* Inform Master and Engine room of poor

Restricted Visibility
* Call lookout and post him outside at bridge
* Priced of save speed evaluate the situation
and adjusted your speed.
* Keep bridge door wide open.
* Switch on Radar and monitor the target around

Restricted Visibility
* If concentration of ship, start hand steering.

* Make entries in log of each watch.

* When practicable, take action to pass other
vessel at least 5 cables in congested water
and 1 cable at sea.
* Try not to alter to PORT for vessel at forward or
a beam of you

Restricted Visibility
* In fog, your fog signals may be heared about 2
mile off. Do not aspect a vessel of 3 miles will
hear your fog signal.

* Try to make best use of Bridge Team.

* Do not allow the OOW on telegraph function
only, let him to plot positioning/radar plot while
the Master and Pilot on bridge too.

Duty of OOW
The OOW is the Master representative and
primarily responsible at all time for the safe of
navigation the ship and complying with

* As the Master representative, the OOW is

in change on bridge and therefore in change
of the bridge team for watch until properly

Duty of OOW
* The OOW shall ensure that bridge watch manning
level are at all time safe for the prevailing
circumstances and conditions.
* The OOW shall observe the Company and Master
standing orders and the night orders relating to the
navigational to vessel.

* The OOW shall execute the passage plan safety and

monitor the progress of the ship again the plan,

Duty of OOW
* The OOW shall maintain a proper lookout and
general surveillance of the ship, collision
avoidance in compliance with the COLREG.
Record bridge activities and make periodic
checks all navigational equipments in use,
* The OOW shall be familiar with bridge
equipments, their characteristic and limitation if
any. The OOW shall not hesitate engine or
sound signal at any time.

Duty of OOW
* The OOW shall not leave the bridge
unmentioned however, in ship with
separate chart room the OOW may visit
for short period to carry out navigational
duties after first ensuring , what it is to do
* The OOW shall call the Master

Calling the Master

The officer on the watch shall notify the Master
immediately in the following circumstances,
* If restricted visibility is encountered or
* If the traffic condition or the movement of other
ship are coursing the expected time.


Calling the Master

* If difficulty is experienced in maintaining
the required course.
* If the vessel meets any hazard to
navigating such as ICE or DERELICT.
* If the movement of the vessel due to
wind or sea is giving any cause for

Call the Master

* If a reduction in Engine speed if make for any
* On failure to sight land or navigation marks is
sighted or change in sounding occurs.
* On the breakdown of engine, steering gear or
any essentials navigational equipments.


Why collision take place at sea

1. Failure to keep a proper look out
2. Not proceeding with safe speed
3. Unable to determine Risk of collision
4. Not taking Appropriate Action
5. Not taking Early & Positive action
6. Failure to practice Good seamanship
7. Keeping watch under influence of Alcohol
8. Falling a Sleep on watch
9. Failure to inform the Master in time
10.Relying too much / too little on Radar

Continued .Why collision take place at sea

11.Lack of knowledge of Rules of the Road

12.Poor Judgment by the officer on watch/Master
13.Commercial Pressure
14.Background Lights in port
15.Tired officer & Crew Fatigue
16.Not carrying up to date Chart
17.Bad weather / Poor visibility
18.Navigating in Wrong Lane
19.Poor communication between Ships / Shore
20.New officer / Crew ( Not familiar)


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