Ra Oa
Ra Oa
Ra Oa
Morning stiffness
Arthritis of 3 or more
Arthritis of hand joints
Symmetric arthritis
Rheumatoid nodules
Serum rheumatoid factor
Radiographic changes
Morning stiffness*
Arthritis of 3 joint areas*
Arthritis of hands*
Symmetric arthritis*
Sero +ve
Radiological changes
* for greater than 6 weeks
Complications include:
Carpal tunnel syndrome, Bakers
cyst, vasculitis, subcutaneous
nodules, Sjgrens syndrome,
peripheral neuropathy, cardiac and
pulmonary involvement, Feltys
syndrome, and anemia
NSAIDS - Usually, only one such NSAID should
Symptom relief
Some slowing of radiological progression
Prednisolone > 10mg/d is rarely indicated
Avoid using without a DMARD
Use to bridge effective DMARD therapy
Minimise duration and dose
Always consider osteoporosis prophylaxis
Least toxic
Is an anti-malarial
Yearly optician review retinal toxicity
Often used in combo with other DMARDs
Check U+E prior to starting
Avoid in eye related maculopathy, diabetes or
other significant eye disease
Consider stopping after 5 years
Yearly bloods
Withhold as above
Is an immunosuppressant
2.5mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses. ^ after 4/52
by 25mg to max 4mg/kg/d
Avoid in renal impairment or uncontrolled BP
Numerous drug interactions -> BNF
Need to dose of diclofenac
Avoid colchine & nifedipine
Use k-sparing diuretics with care
Avoid grapefruit juice & live vaccines
Surgery: video
Removal of inflamed
Physical therapy
Cause is unclear
Considered to be a wear and tear arthritis
and is thought to occur as a consequence of
some earlier damage or overuse of the joint
Obesity is frequently associated with it
Genetic factors play a role in the development
that is sex-influenced and dominant in females,
resulting in an incidence 10 times greater than
in men
The final outcome is full-thickness loss of
cartilage down to bone
Early PT/exercises
Heat/cold therapy
Joint protection
Osteoarthritis is a slowly progressive disease
The eventual outcome is complete destruction
of the joint, and ultimately surgical
intervention is required